[wordpress插件] dlb's Send-A-Linkdlb的发送链接

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-20 07:01 674 0 全屏看文



dlb’s Send-A-Link allows visitors to send someone an email containing a link to the post or page.

dlb的Send-A-Link 允许访问者向某人发送包含该帖子或页面链接的电子邮件。

Key features include:


    • Show visitors a link (icon and/or text) to send an email by adding a function call to your templates or a shortcode to your pages/posts.
    • 通过向模板添加函数调用或向页面/帖子添加简码,向访问者显示链接(图标和/或文本)以发送电子邮件。

    • The input form, confirmation page, and email message are all based on easily modifiable HTML templates.

    • 输入表单,确认页面和电子邮件均基于易于修改的HTML模板。

    • Spam protection includes CAPTCHA verification and limiting any given IP address to two messages per minute.
    • 垃圾邮件防护包括验证码验证,并将任何给定的IP地址限制为每分钟两条消息。

    • Send-A-Link loads fast because code is compact and does not use jQuery.
    • 发送链接加载速度很快,因为代码紧凑且不使用jQuery。

    • Send-A-Link uses Javascript/AJAX for fast, inobtrusive form handling, but it degrades gracefully to provide full functionality to clients without Javascript.
    • 发送链接使用Javascript / AJAX进行快速,简洁的表单处理,但会优雅地降级以向没有Javascript的客户端提供完整的功能。

    • Built and tested on WordPress v3.5.1;

    • 在WordPress v3.5.1上构建并测试;

      although it might work on earlier versions, it has not been tested on them.

    • 尽管它可能适用于早期版本,但尚未对其进行测试。

    dlb’s Send-A-Link code is heavily commented, especially regarding WordPress plugin interfaces and AJAX features.

    dlb的Send-A-Link 代码受到了严重的评论,尤其是有关WordPress插件界面和AJAX功能的评论。

    This makes it a suitable starting point for novice developers to explore their own programming interests.


    I have attempted to make the code very understandable.


    However, I do not claim this to be model code because I am not an experienced developer myself.

    但是,我并不声称这是 model 代码,因为我自己不是一位经验丰富的开发人员。

    In fact, I would greatly appreciate constructive criticism.


    In the future, I plan to release new versions with the following features, in approximately this order:


      • Privacy reassurance that email addresses are not stored, but IP’s are
      • 确保电子邮件地址未存储,但IP地址的隐私保证

      • Make the “send another message” link consistently re-display form with fields pre-filled
      • 使“发送其他消息”链接一致地重新显示带有预填充字段的表单

      • Localize to be ready for translation, including delivery of po and mo files and some instruction on how to use POEDIT to customize the wording, regardless of language.

      • 进行本地化以准备翻译,包括交付po和mo文件以及有关如何使用POEDIT定制措辞(无论语言如何)的说明。

        This could especially apply to the error messages.

      • 这可能尤其适用于错误消息。

      • Attempt to use PHP’s DOM handling routines for more robust and reliable formatting of responses when client does not have Javascript available
      • 在客户端没有可用的Javascript时,尝试使用PHP的DOM处理例程对响应进行更健壮和可靠的格式化

      • Use a stored procedure to flush log daily to reduce number of times it is done
      • 使用存储过程每天刷新日志以减少完成次数

      • Rewrite using class construction
      • 使用类构造进行重写

      • Add admin screens to specify some things now defined in constants and templates
      • 添加管理屏幕以指定现在在常量和模板中定义的一些内容

      • Make it easy to turn CAPTCHA off or on
      • 轻松打开或关闭验证码

      • Make it easy to use other CAPTCHAs
      • 轻松使用其他验证码


The easiest method is to use Plugins > Add New in your blog’s Administration menu.


Search for “dlb” and click on the Install now link under dlb’s Send-A-Link.

搜索“ dlb”,然后点击 dlb的发送链接下的立即安装链接。

Then click the Activate Plugin link.


The manual method requires several steps: (1) Download the zip file to your computer.


(2) Unzip the file.


(3) Upload the dlbs-send-a-link folder to your wp-content/plugins directory.

(3)将 dlbs-send-a-link 文件夹上传到您的 wp-content / plugins 目录。

(4) Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins in your blog's Administration menu and click the Activate link under dlb's Send-A-Link.

(4)在博客的“管理”菜单中转到插件>已安装的插件,然后单击 dlb的Send-A-Link 下的 Activate 链接。



Customization of dlb’s Send-A-Link is further described in the FAQ.


dlb的Send-A-Link 的自定义。

Generally, it will be necessary to copy dsl-page.html, dsl-templates.html, and dsl.css from the plugin folder to

通常,有必要将 dsl-page.html dsl-templates.html dsl.css 从插件文件夹复制到

your theme folder.


Modify dsl-page.html to match the structure of your theme’s page.php file.

修改 dsl-page.html 以匹配您主题的 page.php 文件的结构。

Modify dsl-templates.html to reflect the URL of your blog.

修改 dsl-templates.html 以反映您博客的URL。

Modify dsl.css to match the look & feel of your blog.

修改 dsl.css 以匹配博客的外观。

You need to register at http://captchas.net (It’s free!) to obtain your own Username and Secret Key.

您需要在http://captchas.net(免费!)上注册,以获得自己的 Username Secret Key

Copy file dsl-captcha.php from the plugin folder to the theme folder.

将文件 dsl-captcha.php 从插件文件夹复制到主题文件夹。

Change the values of $id and $key from “demo” and “secret” to your own Username and Secret Key

$ id $ key 的值从“ demo”和“ secret”更改为您自己的 Username Secret Key

code> respectively.


Finally, insert the shortcode [dsl-link] in your posts/pages wherever you want to show a link or icon to your visitors offering the opportunity to send a message.

最后,在您想要向访问者显示链接或图标的链接或图标的任何位置,在您的帖子/页面中插入 [dsl-link] 短代码,以提供发送消息的机会。

In your templates, insert the function dslLink(), typically as: if( function_exists('dslLink') ) { echo dslLink();

在模板中,插入函数 dslLink(),通常为: if(function_exists('dslLink')){echo dslLink();



See FAQ to customize it.






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