[wordpress插件] Disable Comments and Delete Comments :WP Remove comments and Disable Comments禁用评论和删除评论:WP删除评论和禁用评论

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-17 20:10 668 0 全屏看文



Disable comments and delete comments already posted.


Disable comments to stop spam.


Globally disable commenting on all posts, pages, attachments.


Comment related features and options will be removed.


Comments related items will be removed from Dashboard, Widgets, Admin menu.


Just activate the plugin and sleep.


This plugin removes all comments widget globally so if you are suffering from spammers comments then you are at right place.


If you have issue or cant disable inspite of activating this plugin then report bugs in support forum.


Delete comments in one click.


Good if you have lot of spam comments already.


Quick start tutorial:


= About plugin=


* Automatically disables all comments just after activating the plugin


* Comments links in admin menu are hidden;


* Hide discussion section;


* Comments links in admin bar are hidden;


* Turned off Pingback functionality in header;


* Pingbacks are disabled;


* Disables all comments widget;


* Discussion page settings turned off;


* Disables RSS/Atom feeds;

*禁用RSS / Atom提要;

* Hide recent comments section;


* Remove comments


* Easy Enable or disable Comments;


* Making comments external links invisible for search engines;


* Remove website/URL field from the comment form;

*从评论表单中删除网站/ URL字段;

* Remove comments, Delete comments in one click.


The Disable Comments plugin allows you completely disable the commenting feature in WordPress.You can delete comments also.


When this option is on you will get the following changes:


* Easy Enable or disable Comments;


* Disable comments globally;


* Disable comments on certain Pages;


* Disable comments on posts Only;


* Disable comments on pages Only;


* Disable comments for any post types;


* Disable comments links in the Admin Menu and Admin Bar;


* Disable comments related sections and hide from the WordPress Dashboard;


* Disable comments related widgets (so your theme cannot to use them);


* Disable comments settings page;


* Disable comments in RSS/Atom feeds (and requests for comments RSS will be redirect to the parent post);

*在RSS / Atom提要中禁用评论(并且评论请求RSS将重定向到父帖子);

* Disable X-Pingback HTTP header and remove from all pages;

*禁用X-Pingback HTTP标头并从所有页面中删除;

* Disable outgoing pingbacks;


* Making comments external links and invisible for search engines;


* Remove website/URL field from the comment form;

*从评论表单中删除网站/ URL字段;

* Remove comments, Delete comments in one click.


We recently added brand new features into the Disable Comments plugin.


These are Delete comments and so when you remove comments your site looks good function, Replace external links and Remove website/url comment field.




Some functions was taken from the following popular plugins: Clearfy disable unused features, Bulk Comments Management, Spam Comments Cleaner,


Delete Comments By Status, No Page Comment, WP Disable Comments, Hide Comments are closed, Hide Show Comment<

按状态删除评论无页面评论 WP禁用评论隐藏评论已关闭隐藏显示评论<


/ strong>。

Features of Plugin :


    • One Click Comments disabled by Disable Comments and Delete Comments plugin
    • 通过“禁用评论”和“删除评论”插件禁用了“一键式评论”

    • Get rid of spammers by Disable Comments and Delete Comments plugin
    • 通过“禁用评论”和“删除评论”插件摆脱垃圾邮件发送者

    • Backlinks requires lot of backlink
    • 反向链接需要大量反向链接

    • Google rates webites higher if you have more backlink
    • 如果您有更多的反向链接,则Google对网站的评价会更高

    • That is the reason webmaster search sites where they can link there sites by Disable Comments and Delete Comments
    • 这就是网站站长搜索网站的原因,他们可以在这些网站上通过“禁用评论”和“删除评论”来链接这些网站

    • Those comments are not relevant so it is spam as the purpose of that comments was not discussion but to just link there sites
    • 这些评论不相关,因此它是垃圾邮件,因为这些评论的目的不是讨论而是仅链接那里的网站

    • Solve these issue in one click by enabling this plugin.

    • 启用此插件可一键解决这些问题。

      spammers wont be able to comment as comment box will be removed from all posts

    • 垃圾邮件发送者将无法发表评论,因为评论框将从所有帖子中删除

    • it will speedup your site as spammers will stop coming to your site and your site will load fast as all real interested people will visit your site
    • 这将加快您的网站的速度,因为垃圾邮件发送者将停止访问您的网站,并且由于所有真正感兴趣的人都将访问您的网站,因此您的网站将快速加载

    • When your site load fast, google will rank it higher and your pagespeed score will increase and people will love your site
    • 当您的网站加载速度很快时,Google会将其排名提高,并且您的页面速度得分将会提高,并且人们会喜欢您的网站

    • Fast site means more sales means more profit and more smile by Disable Comments and Delete Comments
    • 快速网站意味着“禁用评论”和“删除评论”可带来更多销售,更多利润和更多微笑

    • Delete comments
    • 删除评论

    • Remove Comments Globally ensures no more spam comment attack by spammers so that you can concentrate on your work
    • 删除评论可在全球范围内确保垃圾邮件发送者不再受到垃圾评论的攻击,使您可以专心工作


From your WordPress dashboard


    1. Visit Plugins > Add New.
    2. 访问插件>添加新

    3. Search for ‘disable comment or delete comment’ and press the ‘Install Now’
    4. 搜索“禁用评论或删除评论”,然后按“立即安装”

    5. Activate the Disable Comments and Delete Comments from your Plugins page.
    6. 从您的插件页面激活“禁用评论”和“删除评论”。

    7. Go to the Settings > disable comments permanently page .
    8. 转到设置>永久禁用评论页面。



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    ★★★★★很棒 元音形式

    ★★★★★ works as advertised issacjohn9

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    more testimonials






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