[wordpress插件] Bootstrap Devnia PM based on Cartpauj-PM wordpress基于Cartpauj-PM wordpress的Bootstrap Devnia PM

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-16 08:40 693 0 全屏看文



Cartpauj PM (Private Messages) allows you to easily add a Private Messaging system to your WordPress blog/site.

Cartpauj PM(私人消息)使您可以轻松地将私人消息系统添加到WordPress博客/站点。

Unlike other Private Messaging plugins available, Cartpauj PM works through a Page rather than the WP Dashboard — This is very helpful if you want to keep users out of the Dashboard area!

与其他可用的私人消息传递插件不同,Cartpauj PM通过页面而不是通过WP Dashboard进行工作-如果您希望将用户排除在Dashboard区域之外,这将非常有用!

Please see the features and wish lists below for more about what Cartpauj PM currently does and what’s been requested for the future.

请查看下面的功能和愿望清单,以进一步了解Cartpauj PM当前的功能以及未来的要求。



    • Works through a Page rather than the dashboard.

    • 浏览页面而不是仪表板。

      This is very helpful if you want to keep your users out of the Dashboard area!

    • 如果您想让用户不在仪表板区域,这将非常有帮助!

    • Users can privately message one another.
    • 用户可以私下互相发消息。

    • Option to restrict message sending to only an admin user;

    • 用于限制仅向管理员用户发送消息的选项;

      in this case only the designated admin user may message any other user.

    • 在这种情况下,只有指定的管理员用户才能向其他用户发送消息。

    • Threaded messages.
    • 线程化消息。

    • BBCode in messages.
    • 邮件中的BBCode。

    • Messages may have attachments.

    • 邮件中可能包含附件。

      Attachments are stored in the database for security.

    • 为了安全起见,附件存储在数据库中。

    • Ability to embed things into messages like YouTube, Photobucket, Flickr, WordPress TV, more.
    • 能够将内容嵌入YouTube,Photobucket,Flickr,WordPress TV等消息中。

    • Admins can send a public announcement for all users to see.
    • 管理员可以向所有用户发送公开公告。

    • Admins can set the max amount of messages a user can keep in his/her box.

    • 管理员可以设置用户可以在其邮箱中保存的最大邮件数。

      This is helpful for keeping Database sizes down.

    • 这有助于减小数据库大小。

    • Admins can set how many messages to show per page in the message box.
    • 管理员可以在消息框中设置每页显示多少消息。

    • Users can select whether or not they want to recieve messages.
    • 用户可以选择是否要接收消息。

    • Users can select whether or not they want to be notified by email when they recieve a new message.
    • 用户可以选择是否希望在收到新消息时通过电子邮件收到通知。

    Wish List


      • Add “email all users” option when admins create an announcement.
      • 在管理员创建公告时添加“向所有用户发送电子邮件”选项。

      • Allow multiple messages to be deleted at once.
      • 允许一次删除多封邮件。

      • Admin setting to edit time display.
      • 用于设置时间显示的管理员设置。

      • Paging in threaded messages (maybe).
      • 分页发送线程消息(也许)。

      • Option to use Drop-Down menu or Ajax Autocomplete in the “To:” field when creating a new message.
      • 创建新消息时可以在“收件人:”字段中使用下拉菜单或Ajax自动完成功能的选项。

      • Option to delete a single reply in message thread view (maybe).
      • (可能)在消息线程视图中删除单个答复的选项。

      • Probably more stuff eventually too…
      • 最终可能还会有更多的东西……



      Cartpauj PM includes its own stylesheet to try and make it work with as many themes as possible.

      Cartpauj PM包含自己的样式表,以尝试使其与尽可能多的主题一起使用。

      However some CSS adjustments may be required for you to make it look just right on your site.




        • Bulgarian (bg_BG)
        • 保加利亚语(bg_BG)

        • Czech (cs_CS)
        • 捷克(cs_CS)

        • Danish (da_DK)
        • 丹麦语(da_DK)

        • Dutch (nl_NL)
        • 荷兰(nl_NL)

        • French (fr_FR)
        • 法语(fr_FR)

        • German (de_DE)
        • 德语(de_DE)

        • Italian (it_IT)
        • 意大利语(it_IT)

        • Polish (pl_PL)
        • 波兰语(pl_PL)

        • Russian (ru_RU)
        • 俄语(ru_RU)

        • Spanish (es_ES)
        • 西班牙语(es_ES)

        • Turkish (tr_TR)
        • 土耳其语(tr_TR)

        • Simplified Chinese (za_CN)
        • 简体中文(za_CN)

        • Slovak (sk_SK)
        • 斯洛伐克语(sk_SK)

        • Slovanian (sl_SI)
        • 斯洛文尼亚语(sl_SI)

        • Chinese Taiwan (za_TW)
        • 中国台湾(za_TW)


    1. Upload ‘cartpauj-pm.zip’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory

      将“ cartpauj-pm.zip”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress, you will see a new page under the “Settings” portion of your dashboard.


    3. Create a page for “Messages” and copy [cartpauj-pm] into it and publish.


    4. Configure Cartpauj PM the way you wish.

      按照您希望的方式配置Cartpauj PM。





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