[wordpress插件] Da Stop Words Removal停止单词删除

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-11 11:50 570 0 全屏看文



Da Stop Word Removal is a WordPress plugin aims to help you to improve your ranking on many seach engines as Google, Bing, Yahoo!

Da Stop Word Removal是一个WordPress插件,旨在帮助您提高许多搜索引擎的排名,例如Google,Bing,Yahoo!。

and others.


Stop word is commom words like “the, a, to, with, do” that poluate your permalinks.

停用词是诸如“ the,a,to,with,do”之类的常用词,这些词会破坏您的固定链接。

When you remove the stop words from you slugs, the permalinks starts to be clearest and helps to better understand the goals of your post to the searche engine.


We released Da Stop Word Removal plugin in order to propose you a simple solution that will automatically strip the stop word from your slug.

我们发布了Da Stop Word Removal插件,以便为您提供一个简单的解决方案,该解决方案将自动从您的子词中删除停用词。

Da Stop Words Removal works on pages, posts and also on CPT.


Da Stop Words Removal supports 9 languages :


– English stop words (529 words)


– French stop words (149 words)


– German stop words (130 words)


– Italian stop words (134 words)


– Spanish stop words (147 words)


– Portugese stop words (147 words)


– Dutch stop words (48 words)


– Danish stop words (100 words)


– Finnish stop words (550 words).


A few notes about the sections above:


    • “Contributors” inside-daweb
    • daweb内部的“贡献者”

    • “Tags” Stop words, SEO, Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Plugin, Post, Posts, Page, Pages, Admin, URL, Slug, Mutisite, Link, Permalink, Archive, Language, Analytics, WordPress, Tracking<

    • “标签”停用词,SEO,Google,Bing,Yahoo !、插件,帖子,帖子,页面,页面,管理员,URL,Slug,Mitisite,链接,永久链接,存档,语言,分析,WordPress,跟踪,


      / li>

    • “Requires at least” 3.5
    • “至少需要” 3.5

    • “Tested up to” 3.8.1
    • “经过测试”至3.8.1

    • 0.2
    • 0.2


This section describes how to install Da Stop Word Word Removal plugin and get it working.

本节介绍如何安装Da Stop Word单词删除插件并使其正常工作。

    1. Donwload the plugin in zip format
    2. 以zip格式下载插件

    3. Install the plugin in your WordPress back office through the menu: Plugins > Add New > Upload
    4. 通过以下菜单在WordPress后台安装插件:插件>添加新内容>上传

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    7. Made sure your permalink is configure at least in “Post name” format (go to Settings -> Permalinks to edit it)
    8. 确保您的永久链接至少配置为“帖子名称”格式(转到“设置”->“永久链接”进行编辑)

    9. Create a post or a page, choose a list for your language, and publish your post.

    10. 创建一个帖子或页面,选择您的语言列表,然后发布您的帖子。

      The stop word will be removed automatically.

    11. 停用词将被自动删除。

    12. By default, english and french stop words are directly accessible.

    13. 默认情况下,可以直接访问英语和法语停用词。

      To set other language visible in the post creation, go to Settings > Da Stop Word Removal and click on the column visible of the desire language.


      You can also set to unvisible default language if you want.

    14. 您还可以根据需要将默认语言设置为不可见。





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