[wordpress插件] Management-screen-droptiles管理屏幕滴答声

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-11 03:50 445 0 全屏看文



    • This plug in can display a management screen by a metro-like design.

    • This plug in can display a management screen by a metro-like design.

        • このプラグインは管理画面をメトロ風デザインで表示できます。

        • This plugin can display the management screen in a metro style design.

        • I add a metro dashboard under the dashboard.
        • I add a metro dashboard under the dashboard.

        • ダッシュボードの下にメトロダッシュボードを加えます
        • Add metro dashboard below dashboard

        • You add an editing page of the metro under the tool.
        • You add an editing page of the metro under the tool.

        • ツールの下に編集ページを追加します
        • Add an edit page below the tool

        • You can edit the panel and new making tiles in the editing page.
        • You can edit the panel and new making tiles in the editing page.

        • 編集ページではパネルの編集とパネルの新規作成ができます。

        • The edit page allows you to edit panels and create new panels.

        • The editing item is Panel_width,Panel_height,Panel name,Menu_URL,Explanation of the panel,Background color,Display On or Off.
        • The editing item is Panel_width, Panel_height, Panel name, Menu_URL, Explanation of the panel, Background color, Display On or Off.

        • 編集? 目はPanel_width,Panel_height,Panel name,Menu_URL,Explanation of the panel,Background color,Display On or Off
        • Edit? Eye is Panel_width, Panel_height, Panel name, Menu_URL, Explanation of the panel, Background color, Display On or Off

        • You move to the registered URL when you click a panel.
        • You move to the registered URL when you click a panel.

        • パネルをクリックすると、登録してあるURLに移動します。

        • Click the panel to go to the registered URL.



        • When I do not want to display a metro-like management screen at login
        • When I do not want to display a metro-like management screen at login

        • ログイン時メトロ風管理画面を表示したくない場合は
        • If you do not want to display the Metro style management screen when logging in

        • plugin_setting.php -> init_page_flg = false; に変えてください。

        • plugin_setting.php-> change to init_page_flg = false;

        • The panel which you made most newly when the same thing has multiple names of the panel is displayed.
        • The panel which you made most newly when the same thing has multiple names of the panel is displayed.

        • A panel before one is displayed if you delete the latest panel.
        • A panel before one is displayed if you delete the latest panel.

        • Please match a pass with one’s environment
        • Please match a pass with one ’s environment

        • oazabir-Droptiles-db4e462\Tiles\Tiles.js.php -> $url; は自分のパスに合わせてください。

        • oazabir-Droptiles-db4e462 \ Tiles \ Tiles.js.php-> $ url;

        • Please re-install the person who installed already.
        • Please re-install the person who installed already.

        Use module

        Use module


        Used module

          • Droptiles
          • Droptiles

          • URL:http://droptiles.com/Default.aspx
          • URL: http: //droptiles.com/Default.aspx

          • When I use it :URL:http://droptiles.com/Default.aspx#howto Please follow a license.
          • When I use it: URL: http: //droptiles.com/Default.aspx#howto Please follow a license.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


    1. Upload Management-screen-droptiles to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. Management-screen-droptiles 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Access/wp-admin/index.php?page=metro_manage
    6. 访问 /wp-admin/index.php?page=metro_manage





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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