[wordpress插件] Customize Posts自定义帖子

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-10 16:50 456 0 全屏看文



This is a feature plugin intended to implement #34923: Introduce basic

这是一个旨在实现#34923 的功能插件:介绍基本

content authorship in the Customizer.


The goal for this plugin is to be able to expose the editing of posts and pages in the Customizer, allowing you to edit post data and postmeta for any number of posts, and preview the changes before saving them for others to see.


This plugin was birthed out of the Widget Customizer feature-as-plugin project which was merged into WordPress Core: as widgets (in 3.9) and nav menus (4.3) can now be managed in the Customizer, so too should posts and pages be editable

这个插件诞生于Widget Customizer功能即插件项目,该项目已合并到WordPress Core:由于Widget(3.9中)和nav菜单(4.3)现在可以在Customizer中进行管理,因此帖子和页面也应可编辑

in the Customizer as well.


Did you know that changing the featured image actually makes the change live even before you save the post?


This is very surprising/unexpected behavior.


The only way to truly preview a change to a featured image is to use something like Customize Posts.


Likewise, did you know that changing a page template cannot be previewed from the post editor? When you change the selected page template, the change will not show up when you preview the page (see <


a href="https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/11049" rel="nofollow">#11049).

a href =“ https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/11049” rel =“ nofollow”>#11049 )。

However, in Customize Posts you can preview changes to the page template just by changing the dropdown selection, and then you can see what your page would look like with the new template after the preview refreshes.

但是,在“自定义帖子”中,您只需更改下拉菜单即可 预览页面模板的更改,然后您可以在刷新预览后查看使用新模板后页面的外观。



Most other changes to metaboxes containing data that gets saved to custom fields (postmeta) also get written when clicking the Preview button.


The Customize Posts plugin provides a framework to edit postmeta in the Customizer with a live preview of the changes.

Customize Posts插件提供了一个框架,用于在Customizer中编辑实时更改的预览。

(Fixing this underlying issue of incorrectly persisting postmeta when doing a preview is captured in #20299.

(已解决在#20299 中捕获的在预览时错误保留持久元数据的潜在问题。


As much as possible, the previewing of changes in Customize Posts utilizes the selective refresh capabilities introduced in WordPress 4.5.

WordPress 4.5中引入的“ rel =“ nofollow”>选择性刷新功能。

Not only does this mean it is faster to preview changes to posts and postmeta, but it also allows you to shift-click on an element to focus on the corresponding control in the Customizer pane.


For example you can shift-click on the post title in the preview to focus on the post title control’s input field, or shift-click on a featured image to focus on the control’s button to open the media library.


Development of this plugin is done on GitHub.

已在GitHub上 进行了开发。

Pull requests welcome.


Please see issues reported there before going to the 问题

/wordpress.org/support/plugin/customize-posts">plugin forum.


(This Customize Posts plugin is not to be confused with 10up's

(此 Customize Posts 插件不要与10up的 混淆。

Post Customizer.)

帖子定制器 。)

Demo Videos


The following are listed in reverse chronological order.


The first, more recent videos, show more polish.


[2016-04-28] New features in 0.5.0.

[2016-04-28] 0.5.0中的新功能。


[2016-03-28] Previewing post from Post Edit screen.


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