[wordpress插件] Customize Social Feed自定义社交Feed

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-10 15:20 574 0 全屏看文



Customize Social Feed is a completely customizable, responsive solution to help and display your Facebook feed on your WordPress website.

自定义社交Feed是一种完全可自定义的响应式解决方案,可帮助您在WordPress网站上显示Facebook Feed。

This plugin comes with a number of great features and functionality.


Add as many feeds as you want to display contents of your Facebook Page or Facebook Group on your WordPress website’s pages and posts using feeds short-codes.

您可以添加任意数量的提要,以使用提要短代码在WordPress网站的页面和帖子上显示 Facebook页面 Facebook组的内容。

It allows you to display Facebook Posts, Photos, Events, and More.

它使您可以显示 Facebook帖子,照片,事件等。

The Customize Social Feed comes with awesome Lightbox features to display gallery in POP-UP Window Boxes and have Hover CSS Effects, Animation,

自定义社交Feed具有出色的灯箱功能,可在 POP窗口框中显示画廊,并具有悬停CSS效果动画

Loading Effects.


Customize Facebook feed doesn’t require much of design and Technical knowledge, you can set up the plugin in minutes and can customize it accordingly that seems fit for your website.

自定义Facebook feed不需要太多的设计和技术知识,您可以在几分钟内设置插件,并可以据此自定义适合您网站的插件。

Display a completely responsive & customizable facebook feed on your website which exactly matches with the look and feel of your business website


Using [WFP id= *** ] shortcode you can publish your Feed Page on your website after that add this short-code on your site page or Post.

使用 [WFP id = ***] 简码,您可以在网站页面或发布中添加此简码后,在您的网站上发布Feed页面。

Features Of Plugin


    • Facebook Page Feed, Display the Facebook page time-line photos and text.
    • Facebook Page Feed,显示Facebook页面的时间轴照片和文字。

    • Facebook Page Header section with Page Title, Share and Like Button.
    • 具有页面标题,共享和点赞按钮的Facebook页面标题部分。

    • Facebook Page Feed Support the Custom light box layout.
    • Facebook Page Feed支持自定义灯箱布局。

    • Facebook Feed content is crawlable by search engines adding SEO value to your site.
    • Facebook Feed内容可被搜索引擎抓取,从而为您的网站增加SEO值。

    • Completely responsive and mobile friendly layouts.
    • 完全响应和移动友好的布局。

    • Show and hide certain parts of each Facebook feed posts and events.
    • 显示和隐藏每个Facebook feed帖子和事件的某些部分。

    • Display Facebook posts by just the page owner, everyone who posts on your Facebook page, or only other people.
    • 仅由页面所有者,在您的Facebook页面上发帖的所有人或仅其他人显示Facebook帖子。

    • Display Facebook page feed post limits.
    • 显示Facebook页面供稿的发布限制。

    • Facebook Page feeds layouts.
    • Facebook页面供稿布局。

    • Change background colors of your Facebook feed.
    • 更改Facebook feed的背景颜色。

    • Hover css Effect.
    • 悬停css效果。

    • Facebook page feed redirection.
    • Facebook页面Feed重定向。

    • Select the number of Facebook posts to display
    • 选择要显示的Facebook帖子数

    • Easy to use options panel.
    • 易于使用的选项面板。

    • No coding required.
    • 不需要编码。

    • Enable/Disable Social media icon on your Facebook stream.
    • 在您的Facebook流中启用/禁用社交媒体图标。

    • Show/Hide profile picture on your Facebook Page.
    • 在您的Facebook页面上显示/隐藏个人资料照片。

    • Latest Facebook Wall Feeds Displays
    • 最新的Facebook墙上供稿显示

    • Individual Widget & Shortcode Settings
    • 单个窗口小部件和简码设置

    • Add your own custom CSS
    • 添加您自己的自定义CSS

    • All Major Browser Compatible – Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer
    • 所有主要浏览器兼容– Safari,Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox,Internet Explorer

    • Multilingual Translation Ready
    • 支持多语言翻译

    Facebook Feed Pro Plugin Version

    Facebook Feed Pro插件版本

    Facebook Feed Pro is a completely customizable, responsive solution to help and display your Facebook feed on your WordPress website.

    Facebook Feed Pro是一个完全可定制的响应式解决方案,可帮助您在WordPress网站上显示Facebook feed。

    This plugin comes with a number of great features and functionality.


    Add as many feeds as you want to display contents of your Facebook Profile, Page or Group on your WordPress website's pages and posts using feeds short-

    根据需要添加任意数量的提要,以在WordPress网站的页面和帖子上显示 Facebook个人资料页面的内容,



    It allows you to display Facebook Posts, Photos, Albums, Videos, Events, and More.

    它使您可以显示 Facebook帖子,照片,相册,视频,事件等。

    The Facebook Feed Pro comes with awesome Lightbox features to display gallery in POP-UP Window Boxes and have a number of Hover CSS Effects, Animation,

    Facebook Feed Pro具备出色的灯箱功能,可在 POP-UP窗口框中显示画廊,并具有许多悬停CSS效果动画

    Loading Effects.


    Facebook Feed Pro Plugin offers number of customization options, theme and layout options and many more.

    Facebook Feed Pro插件提供了许多自定义选项,主题和布局选项等等。

    Facebook feed and likebox doesn’t require much of design and Technical knowledge, you can set up the plugin in minutes and can customize it accordingly that seems fit for your website.

    Facebook feed和likebox不需要太多的设计和技术知识,您可以在几分钟内设置插件,并可以据此自定义适合您网站的插件。

      Pro Features


        • Facebook Profile, Page & Group Feeds – Show your complete feeds on your website through Facebook Feed Pro.

          Facebook个人资料,页面和群组供稿 –通过Facebook Feed Pro在您的网站上显示完整的供稿。

          Posts, videos, images, events – your visitors won’t miss a thing!


          Convert your visitors to loyal customers!


        • Unlimited Feeds Per Page/Post – There is no limit to how many feeds you want to show on each page or post with many different layouts.

          每页/帖子无限的提要 –您希望在每个页面或帖子上以许多不同的布局显示多少个提要没有限制。

        • Light-Box Layouts – Choose from 9+ different impressive light box layouts to increase your visitors engagement.

          灯箱布局 –从9种以上令人印象深刻的灯箱布局中进行选择,以提高访客的参与度。

        • Tons of Feed Shortcodes – So many short-codes to help you assemble your feed your way on the website.

          大量的Feed短代码 –如此众多的短代码可帮助您在网站上汇总Feed。

        • Feed Widgets – This plugin comes with powerful feed widgets which allows you to customize your feeds in sidebars, footer and many more places.

          Feed小部件 –此插件随附功能强大的Feed小部件,可让您在边栏,页脚和更多地方自定义Feed。

        • Specific Content Facebook Feeds – Show specific parts of your facebook feeds to increase your user’s probability on sticking to the feed.

          特定内容的Facebook提要 –显示您的Facebook提要的特定部分,以增加用户坚持该提要的可能性。

        • Loading & Hover CSS Effect – Facebook feed comes loaded with all new trendy effects.

          加载和悬停CSS效果 – Facebook feed加载了所有新的流行效果。

          It have lot of Hover and Loading CSS Effect.


        • Auto-Update Feeds – No need to integrate your feed every now and then.

          自动更新Feed –无需时不时整合您的Feed。

          Just hit refresh and voila your feed is updated with your current facebook feed.


        • Top Level & Stream Type Comment Display – Show your facebook page feed as it looks like on Facebook.

          顶级和流类型评论显示 –按照您在Facebook上的样子显示您的Facebook页面供稿。

          All related comments and cover image will be visible.


        • Sharing On Social Media – Always stay a step ahead of your competitors, a social share button with multiple social platform sharing options is certainly beneficial.

          在社交媒体上共享 –始终领先于竞争对手,带有多个社交平台共享选项的社交共享按钮肯定是有益的。

        • No Code Require – 100% User-Friendly user panel and many customizable options make sure that even a fifth grader can customize the plugin accordingly.

          无需代码 – 100%用户友好的用户面板和许多可自定义的选项可确保即使是五年级学生也可以相应地自定义插件。

        • Likebox Widgets – More organic likes through your facebook feeds with the help of facebbok likebox that can be placed in every corner of your website.

          Likebox窗口小部件 –借助Facebbok Likebox,可以在您的Facebook Feed中获得更多自然喜欢的对象,该对象可以放置在网站的每个角落。

        • Like & Share Button For Each Feed in Like-box – Separate options for liking and sharing your content for individual feeds in like box.

          “赞”框中每个Feed的“赞和共享”按钮 –为“喜好”框中的单个feed设置喜欢和共享内容的单独选项。

        • Fully Responsive And Optimized – Just to make sure it doesn't look broken or ugly, we have tried and tested facebook feed pro on multiple devices including tabs, palmtops, and mobile and each time it

          完全响应和优化 –为确保它看起来不破或难看,我们已经在包括标签,掌上电脑和移动设备在内的多种设备上对其进行了测试和测试,每次

          perfectly moulds into the screen size of your device.


        • Search Engine Friendly -Unlike any other similar WordPress plugin, we make sure that your Facebook content is directly being pushed on your web page without the use of iframes.


          This gives a friendly signal to many search engines and saves your website from being penalised.


        • Major Browser Compatible – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera.

          与主要浏览器兼容 – Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox,Internet Explorer,Safari,Opera。

        • Posts/Time-line Layout – Facebook Feed provide the 3 type of post layout, Full width , Half Width, Thumbnail Layouts.

          帖子/时间线布局 – Facebook Feed提供了3种类型的帖子布局:全角,半角,缩略图布局。

          It can be adjust the your timeline layouts.


        • Multilingual Translation Ready


        • Retina Ready


        Benefits of the Facebook Feed Pro plugin

        Facebook Feed Pro插件的优点

          • Increase social engagement between you and your users, customers, fans or group members
          • 增强您与您的用户,客户,粉丝或小组成员之间的社交参与

          • Save time You can save time using Facebook Feed Pro to generate dynamic, search engine crawlable content on your website
          • 节省时间,您可以使用Facebook Feed Pro节省时间,以在您的网站上生成动态的搜索引擎可检索内容

          • Get More Likes and Follower Displaying your Facebook content directly on your site for your user’s.
          • 获得更多的赞和关注者。直接在您的网站上为您的用户显示您的Facebook内容。

          • Display your Facebook content on your website’s as per your websites style’s.
          • 根据网站样式在网站上显示Facebook内容。

          • The plugin is updated regularly with new trends, features, bug-fixes and Facebook API changes and wordpress guideline.
          • 该插件会定期定期更新,其中包含新的趋势,功能,错误修复以及Facebook API的更改和wordpress指南。

          • Improve Your SEO as all of that quality keyword-rich Facebook content from posts and comments is directly embedded into your website
          • 改善您的SEO ,因为帖子和评论中所有高质量的关键字丰富的Facebook内容都直接嵌入到您的网站中

          • Support is quick and effective
          • 快速有效的支持

          • We are dedicated to providing to customizable, robust and well supported Facebook feed plugin in the world!
          • 我们致力于为全球提供可定制强大受支持的Facebook feed插件!



          Please contribute to translate our plugin.


          Contact at lizarweb (at) gmail (dot) com.

          通过 lizarweb(at)gmail(dot)com 联系。

          At Weblizar we have two goals:


            1. Creating and manging the most useful, functional, customizable Facebook feed plugin your website has ever seen.
            2. 创建和管理您网站所见过的最有用,最实用,可自定义的Facebook feed插件。

            3. To provide the quickly , friendly and most mind-blowingly amazing product support you have ever experienced.
            4. 为您提供您所经历过的快速,友好,最令人赞叹的惊人产品支持。


    1. Upload the entire ‘customize-facebook-feed’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
    2. 将整个“ customize-facebook-feed”文件夹上载到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Go to Widgets in Appearance Menu and activate widget.
    6. 转到外观菜单中的小部件并激活小部件。





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