[wordpress插件] Custom Team Manager定制团队经理

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-10 01:10 609 0 全屏看文



This plugin will display team members of your company using shortcode on your post or page.


You just need to post members details same way as you add a new post.


And everything will be there automatically.


Use Team Management menu to add new member and see team-members page.


It’s shortcode enabled, responsive and easy to use.


You can change to Gridview display of members from Settings page.


There are few other options too.


Live Demo: http://webdevsbd.com/team-members/


Custom Team Manager Needs Your Support


A little donation is really inspiring and helpful to develop free plugins, in fact it’s hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you.


If you enjoy using Custom Team Manager and find it useful, please consider making a donation.


Recommended Plugins


    • Post Types Order – With Post Types Order, you can reorder your team members easily, it's just drag

    • 帖子类型顺序 –使用“帖子类型顺序”,您可以轻松地对团队成员重新排序,只需拖动

      and drop.

    • 放下。

    Plugin Features


      • You can add/edit member detail same way as post add/edit.
      • 您可以像添加/编辑帖子后一样添加/编辑成员详细信息。

      • Responsive layout.
      • 响应式布局。

      • Shortcode enabled.
      • 启用了短代码。

      • Settings page with Ajax save.
      • 带有Ajax保存的设置页面。

      • Members pagination with ajax loading.
      • 使用ajax加载进行分页。

      • Excellent CSS3 modern effects.
      • 出色的CSS3现代效果。

      • Easy to customize (if needed).
      • 易于定制(如果需要)。

      • Automatic members page creation.
      • 自动创建会员页面。

      • Option to specify number of team members to display.
      • 用于指定要显示的团队成员数量的选​​项。

      • Custom CSS option.

      • 自定义CSS选项。

      How To Use


        1. Install / Activate the plugin
        2. 安装/激活插件

        3. Add Team Members from Management Team menu on Dashboard.
        4. 从仪表板上的管理团队菜单中添加团队成员。

        5. See Team Members page.
        6. 请参阅“团队成员”页面。

        7. Use Settings page to changes settings and custom CSS
        8. 使用设置页面更改设置和自定义CSS

        9. Use [cmt-content]your content here[/cmt-content] to show some content before or after shortcode [team-members]

        10. 在此处使用 [cmt-content] 您的内容 [/ cmt-content] 在短代码 [team-members]之前或之后显示一些内容

          code> or [team-members-profile] – it'll position the content correctly.

        11. code>或 [team-members-profile] –它将正确定位内容。

        12. If you use single profile on single page and get 404 Not Found for single full profile page, you need to flush permalink.

        13. 如果您在单个页面上使用单个配置文件,并在单个完整配置文件页面上获取 404 Not Found (未找到代码),则需要刷新永久链接。

          Just go to Dashboard->Settings->Permalink , then click on Save button.

          只需转到Dashboard-> Settings-> Permalink,然后单击Save按钮。

          You don’t need anything to change.

        14. 您不需要任何更改。

        THAT’S ALL !


        ENJOY !



    1. Search custom team manager from Plugins->Add New page or download from here.
    2. 从插件

    3. 搜索自定义团队经理->添加新页面或从此处下载。

    4. If you download, upload plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on your server.
    5. 如果下载,则将插件上传到服务器上的 / wp-content / plugins / 目录。

    6. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ page in WordPress
    7. 通过WordPress中的“插件”页面激活插件

    How to Use


      1. If you activated the plugin successfully you’ll see a new menu item Management Team is added on Dashboard and you can add New Member same way like adding a post.
      2. 如果成功激活了插件,则会在仪表板上看到一个新的菜单项 Management Team ,并且您可以像添加帖子一样添加新成员。

      3. View yousite.com/team-members/ page and click to any member to view detail page.
      4. 查看 yousite.com/team-members / 页面,然后单击任何成员以查看详细信息页面。

      5. If you want to show team members to any other page just add the shortcode [team-members]

      6. 如果要向其他页面显示团队成员,只需添加简码 [team-members]

        And [team-members-profile] for members detail page.

      7. [team-members-profile] 用于成员详细信息页面。

      8. Use Settings page to changes settings.
      9. 使用设置页面更改设置。

      10. Use [cmt-content]your content here[/cmt-content] to show some content before or after shortcode [team-members]

      11. 在此处使用 [cmt-content] 您的内容 [/ cmt-content] 在短代码 [team-members]之前或之后显示一些内容

        code> or [team-members-profile] – it'll position the content correctly.

      12. code>或 [team-members-profile] –它将正确定位内容。

      13. If you use single profile on single page and get 404 Not Found for single full profile page, you need to flush permalink.

      14. 如果您在单个页面上使用单个配置文件,并在单个完整配置文件页面上获取 404 Not Found (未找到代码),则需要刷新永久链接。

        Just go to Dashboard->Settings->Permalink , then click on Save button.

        只需转到Dashboard-> Settings-> Permalink,然后单击Save按钮。

        You don’t need anything to change.

      15. 您不需要任何更改。





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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