[wordpress插件] Livemesh Addons for Beaver Builder用于Beaver Builder的Livemesh插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-01 11:20 660 0 全屏看文






Livemesh Addons for Beaver Builder features huge collection of premium, easy to use yet highly functional extensions that can be used in a Beaver Builder page builder.

用于Beaver Builder的Livemesh附加组件具有大量高级,易于使用但功能强大的扩展程序,可在Beaver Builder页面构建器中使用。

This is really a premium plugin that you can get for free.


This plugin comes with addons for just about everything you need to build a professional website without switching to a premium theme – services, team profiles, counters, bar charts, piecharts, testimonials, clients list, portfolio/posts grid, posts carousels


, pricing plan and much more in the PRO version




All the addons that help turn your free theme into a premium one with just a few clicks.


Every premium page builder element you need is available for easy drag and drop into your page by just activating this plugin.


Beaver Builder plugin must be activated to use this plugin.


Beaver Builder 插件才能使用此插件。

After you activate the required plugins, the elements should be available for use in Beaver Builder.

激活所需的插件后,这些元素应该可以在Beaver Builder中使用。

See the all of elements in action here –




strong>LIVE DEMO |

strong>实时演示 |

PRO Version



The plugin comes with the following Beaver Builder addons or extensions.

该插件随附以下Beaver Builder插件或扩展。

Almost all of the elements come with a dark version.


    • Services that capture what you can offer

    • 服务可捕获您提供的服务

      for your clients/customers.

    • 为您的客户/客户。

    • Portfolio Grid addon that

    • Portfolio Grid插件

      displays portfolio/blog entries in a nice responsive grid in Beaver Builder.

      在Beaver Builder中以良好的响应网格显示投资组合/博客条目。

      Masonry and packed options are supported.

    • 支持砌体和打包选项。

    • Blog Posts Grid that

    • 博客帖子网格

      displays portfolio/blog entries in a nice responsive grid.


      Masonry and packed options are supported.

    • 支持砌体和打包选项。

    • Team Profiles

    • 团队配置文件

      extension to display all the team members.

    • 扩展以显示所有团队成员。

    • Odometers/Counters

    • 里程表/计数器

      to show impressive numbers pertaining to your work or company.

    • 显示与您的公司或公司有关的令人印象深刻的数字。

    • Bar charts addon to capture

    • 条形图插件进行捕获

      skills or any type of percentage stats with just a few clicks in Beaver Builder.

    • 技能,或在Beaver Builder中单击几下即可显示任何类型的百分比统计信息。

    • Animated Pie charts for visual depiction of

    • 动画饼图用于视觉描述

      percentage stats.

    • 百分比统计信息。

    • Testimonials to tell everyone the good things

    • 感言告诉所有人美好的事物

      you often hear from your clients/customers.

    • 您经常会收到客户/客户的来信。

    • Testimonials slider is a

    • 见证滑块是一个

      responsive touch enabled slider that cycles through testimonials.

    • 响应式触控的滑块,可在推荐中循环显示。

    • Post Carousel extension for

    • 帖子轮播扩展名

      Beaver Builder that displays your posts as a highly responsive carousel.

    • Beaver Builder,将您的帖子显示为高响应性轮播。

    • Generic Carousel element that

    • Generic Carousel 元素

      displays lets you present a list of HTML content in a carousel.

    • 通过显示,您可以在轮播中展示HTML内容列表。

    • Heading styles to capture effective headings for your page sections.
    • 标题样式以捕获页面部分的有效标题。

    • Clients List extension to

    • 客户列表扩展为

      showcase the clients that you have handled.

    • 展示您处理过的客户。

    • Pricing Plans to help

    • 定价计划可为您提供帮助

      get more sales.

    • 获得更多销售。

    The PRO version


    > of the plugin comes with additional Beaver Builder addons and advanced features added to elements above –

    > 的插件带有附加的Beaver Builder插件和高级功能,添加到上述元素–

      • Posts Block to help

      • 帖子阻止

        present your blog posts, events, news items or portfolio in a dozen creative ways.


        Comes with AJAX filtering, pagination and load more features to help visitors navigate your entire collection of blog posts or custom post types and their categories without reloading the page.

      • 带有AJAX过滤,分页和加载更多功能,可帮助访问者浏览整个博客帖子或自定义帖子类型及其类别,而无需重新加载页面。

      • Responsive Tabs that function seamlessly across all

      • 响应标签

        devices and resolutions.


        The plugin features never before choice of over dozen styles of tabs to choosen from a simple Beaver Builder dropdown.

      • 该插件的功能前所未有,可以从一个简单的Beaver Builder下拉菜单中选择十几种样式的标签。

      • Accordion/Toggle that capture collapsible content

      • 手风琴/切换可捕获可折叠内容

        panels when space is limited.

      • 面板在空间有限时使用。

      • Image Slider to create a responsive

      • 图像滑块以创建响应式

        slider of images with support for captions, multiple slider types like Nivo, Flex, Slick and lightweight sliders, thumbnail navigation etc.

      • 支持字幕的图像滑块,多种滑块类型(如Nivo,Flex,光滑和轻量级滑块),缩略图导航等。

      • Image Gallery addon that

      • 图片库插件

        lets you create a grid of images with options for masonry or fit rows, pagination, lazy load, lightbox support etc.

      • 允许您创建一个图像网格,其中包含用于砌体或适合行,分页,延迟加载,灯箱支持等的选项。

      • Video Gallery to build

      • 视频库进行构建

        a beautiful grid of videos to help showcase a collection of YouTube/Vimeo videos on your site.

      • 精美的视频网格,可帮助您在自己的网站上展示YouTube / Vimeo视频。

      • Image Carousel for a responsive

      • 图像转盘

        carousel of images.

      • 图片轮播。

      • Video Carousel for creation of

      • 视频轮播用于创建

        a responsive carousel of YouTube/Vimeo videos.

      • YouTube / Vimeo视频的响应式轮播。

      • FAQ element to display a

      • FAQ元素以显示

        set of Frequently Asked Questions in a page.

      • 页面中的一组常见问题。

      • Features Addon for showcasing product features or

      • 功能插件用于展示产品功能或

        services provided by an agency/business.

      • 代理商/企业提供的服务。

      • Flat style buttons with rich set of customization

      • 平面样式按钮,具有丰富的自定义设置


      • 选项。

      • Icon list addon that

      • 图标列表插件

        lets you use either images or icon fonts to create custom social icons list, capture payment options etc.

      • 可让您使用图片或图标字体来创建自定义社交图标列表,捕获付款方式等。

      • Advanced Services with additional styles

      • 高级服务,带有其他样式

        and animations for services addon.

      • 以及服务插件的动画。

      • Lazy Load

      • 延迟加载 –

        The portfolio/post grid and image gallery addons incorporate option to lazy load posts/images with the click of a Load More button.

      • 投资组合/帖子网格和图片库插件包含选项,可通过单击“加载更多”按钮来延迟加载帖子/图像。

      • Pagination – Create

      • 分页 –创建

        a grid of posts or custom post types with AJAX based pagination support.


      • Lightbox Support – The premium version of Beaver Builder Addons plugin comes with support for Lightbox for grid and carousel addons.
      • 灯箱支持– Beaver Builder Addons插件的高级版随附对网格和轮播附件的Lightbox的支持。

      • Customizations – Ability to choose custom font size, color or hover color for certain addons.

      • 自定义–可以为某些插件选择自定义字体大小,颜色或悬停颜色。

        More coming.

      • 还有更多。

      • Custom Animations – Choose from over 40+ animations for most Beaver addon elements (excludes sliders, carousels and grid).

      • 自定义动画–对于大多数Beaver插件元素(不包括滑块,轮播和网格),从 40多个动画中进行选择。

        The animations display on user scrolling to the element or when the element becomes visible in the browser window.

      • 动画显示在用户滚动到元素时或当元素在浏览器窗口中可见时显示。

      • Sample Data – Sample data that you can import into your site to get started quickly on the addons and some sample layouts.
      • 样本数据–您可以导入到站点中的样本数据,以快速开始使用插件和一些样本布局。

      • Premium Support – The customers will be provided access to a dedicated support forum with searchable content, private tickets, with threads attended to within 24 hours.
      • 高级支持–将为客户提供专门的支持论坛,其中包含可搜索的内容,私人机票,并在24小时内提供了服务。



      The premium version of the plugin entitles you to quick support with replies posted within 24 hours (on week days).


      Please submit your support query through our website


      contact form.


      This will create a support ticket in our support portal.



    1. Install and activate the Beaver Builder page builder.
    2. 安装并激活Beaver Builder页面构建器。

    3. Unzip the downloaded addons-for-beaver-builder.zip file and upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or install the Livemesh Addons for Beaver Builder by Livemesh plugin from WordPress repository.

    4. 将下载的addons-for-beaver-builder.zip文件解压缩并上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录,或从WordPress存储库安装Livemesh的Livemesh Addons for Beaver Builder by Livemesh插件。

      Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

    5. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    6. For Portfolio element, install and activate the optional plugin

    7. 对于Portfolio元素,安装并激活可选插件

      Portfolio Post Type plugin.


      The Portfolio addon can be built using custom post type registered by this plugin.

    8. 可以使用此插件注册的自定义帖子类型来构建Portfolio插件。

    Optionally, if you have premium version of the plugin installed, you can import the sample data that replicates the demo site for you by importing the file sample-data.xml file located in the plugin directory.


    The import option is available under Tools > Import in WordPress admin.









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