[wordpress插件] Custom Banners自定义横幅

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-07 10:40 651 0 全屏看文



Custom Banners is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily manage several banners (ads) and display them on the front end.


Create Banners Once, and Reuse Them Throughout Your Website


Use Custom Banners to create reusable banners that your whole team can use!


Setup the banners once, and you’ll be able to re-use them throughout the website.


Best of all, if you need to make an update you can just make it once.


Update Your Banners Without Touching Your Code


Simply place a shortcode, using our editor widgets, into the page where you’d like your banner to appear, and then you’ll never have to edit that page again!


Custom Banners is also implemented as an easy-to-use Widget!


Instead, you’ll be able to manage that banner right from the WordPress dashboard, uploading new banners and taking down old ones as you like.


All without having to edit your pages.


Easily Add Captions and Call-To-Action Buttons To Your Custom Banners


Custom Banners lets you optionally specify a caption and a call-to-action text and URL for each banner, making your banners an effective way to drive visitors to your most important pages.


Captions can support all types of content, including YouTube videos!


Use the captions to announce a new special, and use the call-to-action button to let your customers claim it right away.


Rotate Between Several Banners with Banner Groups


Custom Banners also gives you many options for rotating banners within a position.


So you can specify several banners which belong to a Banner Group, and then the software will automatically rotate through the banners in the Banner Group.


Automatically Publish New Banners At A Specified Time


Do you have a banner that’s announcing a new special, but you want to hide it until the right time?


No problem – with the Publish Time feature of Custom Banners you can setup your banner now, but not show it until the right time.


With the Pro version, easily add Sliding, Flipping, and Tiling banners throughout your site!


Click here<


/a> to see live examples.

/ a>查看实时示例。

Upgrade to Pro for For Advanced Features and Support


The GoldPlugins team does not provide direct support for the Custom Banners plugin on the WordPress.org forums.

GoldPlugins团队不对WordPress.org论坛上的Custom Banners插件提供直接支持。

One on one email support is available to people who have purchased Custom Banners Pro only.

仅购买了Custom Banners Pro的用户可以使用一对一的电子邮件支持。

Custom Banners Pro adds the ability to create advanced slideshows from your banners, view and click tracking, and over 50 profesionally designed themes.

Custom Banners Pro增加了从横幅创建高级幻灯片,查看和单击跟踪以及50多个专业设计的主题的功能。

You should


="nofollow">upgrade today!

=“ nofollow”>立即升级!

Upgrade To Custom


Banners Pro



Add the Plugin to your Website


    1. Download and Unzip https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/custom-banners.zip
    2. 下载并解压缩https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/custom-banners.zip

    3. Upload the contents of ‘/custom-banners/’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    4. 将“ / custom-banners /”的内容上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    5. Activate Custom Banners through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活自定义横幅

    This section describes how to use the plugin on your website.


    Adding a New Banner


    Adding a New Banner is easy!


    There are 3 ways to start adding a new banner


    How to Add a New Banner


      1. Click on “+ New” -> Banner, from the Admin Bar or
      2. 在管理栏中单击“ +新建”->标语,或

      3. Click on “Add New Banner” from the Menu Bar in the WordPress Admin or
      4. 从WordPress管理员的菜单栏中单击“添加新横幅”,或者

      5. Click on “Add New Banner” from the top of the list of Banners, if you’re viewing them all.
      6. 如果要查看所有横幅,请单击横幅列表顶部的“添加新横幅”。

      New Banner Content


      You have a few things to pay attention to:


        • Banner Title: this is for internal reference.
        • 横幅标题:,仅供内部参考。

        • Banner Body: this is the content of your Banner.

        • 横幅正文:这是横幅的内容。

          This will be output in the Call to Action bar.

        • 这将在号召性用语栏中输出。

        • Target URL: where a user should be sent when they click on the banner or the call to action button.
        • 目标URL::当用户单击横幅或号召性用语时,应该将用户发送到该位置。

        • Call To Action Text: the “Call To Action” (text) of the button.

        • 号召性文字:按钮的“号召性文字”(文字)。

          Leave this field blank to hide the call to action button.

        • 将此字段留空以隐藏号召性用语按钮。

        • CSS Class: any extra CSS classes that you would like applied to this banner.
        • CSS类:您要应用于此横幅的任何其他CSS类。

        • Featured Image: this image is shown as the banner.
        • 精选图片:该图片显示为横幅。

        Editing a Banner


        This is as easy as adding a New Banner!


          1. Click on “Banners” in the Admin Menu.
          2. 在管理菜单中单击“横幅”。

          3. Hover over the Banner you want to Edit and click “Edit”.
          4. 将鼠标悬停在要编辑的横幅上,然后单击“编辑”。

          5. Change the fields to the desired content and click “Update”.
          6. 将字段更改为所需的内容,然后单击“更新”。

          Deleting a Banner


          This is as easy as adding a New Banner!


            1. Click on “Banners” in the Admin Menu.
            2. 在管理菜单中单击“横幅”。

            3. Hover over the Banner you want to Delete and click “Delete”.

            4. 将鼠标悬停在要删除的横幅上,然后单击“删除”。

              You can also change the Status of a Banner, if you want to keep it on file.

            5. 如果您要保留横幅的状态,也可以更改其状态。

            Outputting Banners


              • To output a Random Banner, place the shortcode [banner count="1"] in the desired area of the Page or Post Content.
              • 要输出随机横幅,请将短代码 [banner count =“ 1”] 放置在页面或帖子内容的所需区域。

              • To output a specific Banner, place the shortcode [banner id="123"] in the desired area of the Page or Post Content.
              • 要输出特定的横幅,请将短代码 [banner id =“ 123”] 放在页面或帖子内容的所需区域。

              • To output a Random Banner from a Specific Group, place the shortcode [banner count="1" group="test"] in the desired area of the Page or Post Content.

              • 要从特定组输出随机横幅,请将短代码 [banner count =“ 1” group =“ test”] 放在页面或帖子内容的所需区域。



              • To control the postion of the Caption, use the attribute caption_position=”left”.

              • 要控制标题的位置,请使用属性caption_position =“ left”。

                Acceptable values are left, right, top, bottom.


                For example, [banner caption_positon="left"].

              • 例如, [banner caption_positon =“ left”]

              • To use an image tag, instead of background image, for the banner, add the attribute use_image_tag=”true” to your banner shortcode.

              • 要为横幅使用图像标签而不是背景图像,请将属性use_image_tag =“ true”添加到横幅的简码中。

                For example, [banner use_image_tag="true"].

              • 例如, [横幅use_image_tag =“ true”]

              Outputting Fading or Sliding Banners


                • To output Random Banners from a Specific Group, place the shortcode [banner group="test" count="3" transition="scrollHorz" timer="2000"] in the desired area of

                • 要从特定组输出随机横幅,请将短代码 [banner group =“ test” count =“ 3” transition =“ scrollHorz” timer =“ 2000”] 放置在所需的

                  the Page or Post Content.


                  Change the value of count from 3 to however many slides you want to use.


                  For transition, use either “scrollHorz” or “fade”.

                  要进行过渡,请使用“ scrollHorz”或“ fade”。

                  For timer, use 1000 times the number of seconds you want between transitions (ie, for 4 seconds input 4000.)

                • 对于计时器,请使用您希望的两次转换之间的秒数的1000倍(即输入4秒输入4000。)

                • To output Random Banners, place the shortcode [banner count="3" transition="scrollHorz" timer="2000"] in the desired area of the Page or Post Content.

                • 要输出随机横幅,请将短代码 [banner count =“ 3” transition =“ scrollHorz” timer =“ 2000”] 放置在页面或帖子内容的所需区域中。

                  Change the value of count from 3 to however many slides you want to use.


                  For transition, use either “scrollHorz” or “fade”.

                  要进行过渡,请使用“ scrollHorz”或“ fade”。

                  For timer, use 1000 times the number of seconds you want between transitions (ie, for 4 seconds input 4000.)

                • 对于计时器,请使用您希望的两次转换之间的秒数的1000倍(即输入4秒输入4000。)

                • Free Transitions include scrollHorz,fade
                • 免费转换包括 scrollHorz fade

                • To Show Pager Icons below your Banner, use the attribute pager="true" or pager="1".

                • 要在横幅下方显示寻呼机图标,请使用属性 pager =“ true” pager =“ 1”

                  On the Widget, check the box next to Show Pager Icons.

                • 在窗口小部件上,选中“显示寻呼机图标”旁边的框。

                • To have the Slideshow Pause on Hover, use the attribute pause_on_hover=true.

                • 要在悬停时暂停幻灯片,请使用属性 pause_on_hover = true

                  Defaults to false.

                • 默认为false。

                • NOTE: Advanced Transitions are Included in the Pro version of Custom

                • 注意:高级转换包含在专业版中


                • 横幅广告

                • LIVE Examples are available

                • LIVE示例可用


                • >这里

                • Supported Advanced Transitions are scrollVert,flipHorz,flipVert, and tileSlide.
                • 受支持的高级过渡是 scrollVert flipHorz flipVert tileSlide





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