[wordpress插件] Current Password?当前密码?

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-06 23:40 496 0 全屏看文



[TL;DR] Adds a Current Password or Admin Password field to the Profile, Add New User and User Edit forms.

[TL; DR] 将当前密码或管理员密码字段添加到配置文件,添加新用户和用户编辑表单。

Available in 7 languages.


Require a user’s or admin’s current password as part of user password changing process on the dashboard.


Forgetting about an account and leaving it logged in on devices that one might have no control over later (think of publicly accessbile computers) is a common mistake among users.


The WordPress community is probably aware of that too, that is why a “Log Out Everywhere Else” button was introduced in version 4.1, which provides the possibility of logging out of all (or except one – your current) active sessions.

users“> 4.1版,它可以注销所有(或除您当前的活动会话之外的)活动会话。

This button was added to the dashboard’s Profile and User Edit pages, but it is only visible if JavaScript is enabled in your browser.

此按钮已添加到仪表板的“配置文件”和“用户编辑”页面,,但只有在浏览器中启用JavaScript 后,该按钮才可见。

WordPress also sends an e-mail to the user’s registered e-mail address after password change, but that is only a notification that records the password change action, not a confirmation request to approve the new password.


Therefore, WordPress does not have any built-in security to prevent an attacker changing the password of a logged in account before the owner might have the chance to log in and click the “Log Out Everywhere

因此, WordPress没有任何内置安全措施来防止攻击者更改登录帐户的密码,因此所有者可能有机会登录并单击“到处注销”

Else” button on another machine (and sadly, many users don't even remember or care).


The situation is even worse when an admin account is left logged in, since malicious accounts might be created with Administrator role, or existing user accounts might be compromised.


This plugin adds the functionality that should be in the WordPress core by default: users must enter their own current password when changing their password, and admins must enter their admin password


> when creating a new user or changing a user's password.


This prevents the creation of malicious accounts and the takeover existing user accounts by those who gained access to the dashboard without knowing password of the account.


    • Current Password and Admin Password fields are added seamlessly where necessary (see screenshots).
    • 在必要时无缝添加“当前密码”和“管理员密码”字段(请参见屏幕截图)。

    • Works without JavaScript (but with JavaScript it requires jQuery, which is included in WordPress by default).
    • 无需JavaScript即可工作(但使用JavaScript则需要jQuery,默认情况下WordPress包含jQuery)。

    • Hook into the wpcp/profile_password_change action to catch the user ID, current user password and the new user password on profile password change: add_action('wpcp/profile_password_change', $user_id,

    • 进入 wpcp / profile_password_change 操作以捕获用户ID,当前用户密码和更改配置文件密码时的新用户密码: add_action('wpcp / profile_password_change',$ user_id,

      $current_password, $new_password, 10, 3);

    • $ current_password,$ new_password,10,3);

    • Use the wpcp/user_password_change action to catch the user ID (NULL if user is created), admin password and the new user password on user password change: add_action('wpcp/user_password_change

    • 使用 wpcp / user_password_change 操作捕获用户ID(如果创建了用户,则为NULL),管理员密码和更改用户密码后的新用户密码: add_action('wpcp / user_password_change

      ', $user_id, $admin_password, $new_password, 10, 3);

    • ',$ user_id,$ admin_password,$ new_password,10,3);

    • Available in 7 languages: Chinese (zh_CN), English (default), French (fr_FR), Hebrew (he_IL), Hungarian (hu_HU), Russian (ru_RU), Spanish (es_ES).
    • 可用7种语言提供:中文(zh_CN),英语(默认),法语(fr_FR),希伯来语(he_IL),匈牙利语(hu_HU),俄语(ru_RU),西班牙语(es_ES)。


Since the plugin's aim is to provide an extra layer of security to your WordPress site, we suggest you to install it as a Must Use plugin:

use-plugins /“>必须使用插件

    1. Download the plugin.
    2. 下载插件。

    3. Unzip and upload the current-password plugin directory to /wp-content/mu-plugins/.

    4. 解压缩并将 current-password 插件目录上传到 / wp-content / mu-plugins /

      If you don’t have a mu-plugins directory, create it.

    5. 如果您没有 mu-plugins 目录,请创建它。

    6. Move current-password.php plugin file from /wp-content/mu-plugins/current-password/ to /wp-content/mu-

    7. current-password.php 插件文件从 / wp-content / mu-plugins / current-password / 移至 / wp-content / mu-


    8. 插件/

    9. Must Use plugins are activated by default, no manual activation is needed – Current Password and Admin Password fields will appear automatically.
    10. 默认情况下,“必用”插件已被激活,无需手动激活-“当前密码”和“管理员密码”字段将自动显示。

    (Installing the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly also works but is not recommended.)






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