[wordpress插件] CuratorCrowd Recipe Box馆长人群食谱盒

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-06 18:50 563 0 全屏看文



The CuratorCrowd™ Recipe Box Plugin™ is an on-page central hub for your readers to save, manage, and share recipes.


It was built specifically for food blogs and publishers to help increase user engagement and strengthen your relationship with your readers.


The CuratorCrowd Recipe Box is free and seamlessly embeds into your WordPress blog by affixing a recipe box that slides in and out on the left margin of each page.

CuratorCrowd Recipe Box是免费的,并且通过在每个页面的左边缘粘贴一个可在其中滑动的食谱框,可以无缝地嵌入到您的WordPress博客中。

It’s super simple to install and even easier to grow your email list.




Through co-registration!


The CuratorCrowd™ Recipe Box Plugin™ is powered by Just A Pinch Recipes, so users can easily access their personal recipe box through a simple co-registration or login with JustAPinch.com right from the plugin

CuratorCrowd™食谱盒插件™由Just A Pinch食谱提供支持,因此用户可以通过简单的共同注册轻松访问他们的个人食谱盒,或者直接从插件通过JustAPinch.com登录

without leaving your site.


Download your opt-ins at any time from console.americanhometownmedia.com.

您随时可以从 console.americanhometownmedia.com 下载您的加入。

Note: you are required to update your privacy policy for co-registration.


This is industry-proven technology with over 8+ years of development & usage by leading food publishers.


Millions of cloud-based recipe box users have saved over 25 million recipes from 24,500 different publishers.


Here’s why food bloggers love the Recipe Box Plugin™:

这就是为什么美食博主喜欢Recipe Box Plugin™:

    • Free
    • 免费

    • Easy to implement (Simply Install plugin, agree to terms, and the Recipe Box appears)
    • 易于实施(只需安装插件,同意条款,然后出现“配方框”)

    • Built for speed, the plugin does not affect page load time or site performance
    • 内置速度,该插件不会影响页面加载时间或网站性能

    • On-page functionality means visitors stay on your site longer
    • 页面上的功能意味着访问者在您的网站上停留的时间更长

    • Co-registration drives email list growth
    • 共同注册推动电子邮件列表的增长

    • Usage stats (available at console.americanhometownmedia.com)
    • 使用情况统计信息(可从console.americanhometownmedia.com获得)

    • High adoption means increased return traffic
    • 高采用率意味着增加的回访流量

    • Tried-n-true technology (2M users have save over 24M times from 24,000+ sites)
    • 尝试过n-true技术(200万用户从24,000多个站点中节省了超过2400万次)

    • New users & traffic through cross-site promotion
    • 通过跨站点推广的新用户和流量

    • Mobile app and responsive design – drives traffic back to your website
    • 移动应用程序和响应式设计–将流量吸引回您的网站

    • Customization & branding (available at console.americanhometownmedia.com)
    • 自定义和品牌(可在console.americanhometownmedia.com上获得)

    • Built in SOCIAL SHARING functionality so users become your brand ambassadors sharing your recipes with family & friends
    • 内置社交共享功能,以便用户成为您的品牌大使,与家人和朋友分享您的食谱

    Here’s Why Your Visitors Will Love It:


      • Easy sign-up
      • 轻松注册

      • Save & manage recipes from any site:

      • 从任何站点保存和管理食谱:

          • Chrome extension and a browser bookmarklet
          • Chrome扩展程序和浏览器书签

          • Mobile app – iPhone & Android
          • 移动应用– iPhone和Android

          • Recipe Box Plugin™ – on-page access on their favorite blogs and food sites
          • Recipe Box Plugin™–在他们最喜欢的博客和美食网站上进行页面访问

        • JustAPinch.com – utilize menu planner, grocery lists and cookbook builder
        • JustAPinch.com –利用菜单计划器,购物清单和菜谱制作器

        • Centralized hub for all their saved recipes
        • 所有已保存食谱的集中式中心

        • Built in social sharing makes it easy to share favorite recipes with family and friends
        • 内置社交共享功能,可以轻松与家人和朋友共享最喜欢的食谱

        What are you waiting for?


        Install the CuratoroCrowd Recipe Box and start cooking up more traffic with happier visitors while growing your email list and increasing revenues!

        安装 CuratoroCrowd食谱框,并在增加电子邮件列表和增加收入的同时,开始吸引更多快乐的访问者!



        Since adding the Recipe Box I’ve removed the pop up opt in for my email list and I’m getting triple the growth with the recipe box opt in vs a pop up.


        My readers love having a place to save their favorite recipes.


        This has been a great asset to my site.


        —Christy Jordan, SouthernPlate.com

        -克里斯蒂·乔丹(Christy Jordan),SouthernPlate.com

        My readers love the Recipe Box and it helps to grow my email list!


        —Kevin Lynch, ClosetCooking.com

        —Kevin Lynch,ClosetCooking.com

        The Recipe Box allows you to save and store online recipes so you don’t have to print and store pages and pages of favorite recipes and recipes that you want to try.


        I use it personally to save recipes.


        It’s a valuable resource that drives traffic and email subscriptions to CallMePMc.com.


        —Paula M. Jones, CallMePMC.com

        -Paula M. Jones,CallMePMC.com

        My readers love the ability to keep all their favorite recipes in one place and it’s helped me grow my email list quickly and easily.


        —Stacey Little, SouthernBite.com

        -SouthernBite.com的Stacey Little


    1. Go to “Plugins” > “Add Plugin”
    2. 转到“插件” > “添加插件”

    3. Search for “CuratorCrowd Recipe Box” by American Hometown Media, Inc.
    4. 搜索American Hometown Media,Inc.的“ CuratorCrowd Recipe Box”

    5. Click “Install Now”
    6. 点击“立即安装”

    7. Activate the plugin
    8. 激活插件

    9. Agree to Terms of Use in “Settings” > “CuratorCrowd”
    10. “设置” > “ CuratorCrowd” 中同意使用条款

    11. Be sure to clear cache if you use a cache plugin or CDN
    12. 如果您使用缓存插件或CDN,请确保清除缓存

    13. (Optional) Register at console.americanhometownmedia.com to customize, see usage

    14. (可选)在 console.americanhometownmedia.com 注册以进行自定义,请参见用法

      stats and download co-registration email list

    15. 统计信息并下载共同注册电子邮件列表





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