[wordpress插件] CSV to Responsive TablesCSV到响应表

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-06 10:40 474 0 全屏看文



CSV to Webpage plugin help to upload content from the CSV (Excel File) file to the pages/post or in widgets (sidebar or footer) in few steps.


It is easy to use and simple to implement.


It is possible to upload CSV content to webpage in responsive


table format.


Data from multiple excel files can be loaded to the webpage using the plugin.


Live Demo – Click here

实时演示– 单击此处

Main steps are:


    • Install and activate the plugin.
    • 安装并激活插件。

    • Upload the .csv file from the settings
    • 从设置中上传.csv文件

    • Enter the shortcode where you want to display the file content
    • 在您要显示文件内容的地方输入简码

    • Can display tables anywhere on the website ( pages, post, sidebar ,footer etc) ( NEW )
    • 可以在网站上的任何位置显示表格(页面,帖子,侧边栏,页脚等)(新建)

    Please click here to get detailed instructions.




    Additional Features:


      • Can sort the table content based on column header (NEW)
      • 可以根据列标题(新)对表内容进行排序

      • Can display data from Multiple Excel files in one page
      • 可以在一个页面中显示多个Excel文件中的数据

      • Can add table pagination
      • 可以添加表格分页

      The backend parameters allow adding style to the tables to match with the theme color codes.


      Admin Parameters:


        • Bg Color : Can set background color(in hexcode) to the table rows
        • 背景色:可以为表格行设置背景色(以十六进制表示)

        • Alt Bg Color : Can set alternate background color(in hexcode) to the table rows
        • Alt背景颜色:可以为表格行设置备用背景颜色(以十六进制表示)

        • Font Color : Can set font color(in hexcode) to the table data
        • 字体颜色:可以为表格数据设置字体颜色(十六进制)

        • Alt Font Color : Can set alternate font color(in hexcode) to the table data
        • Alt字体颜色:可以为表格数据设置其他字体颜色(十六进制)

        • Border Width : Set the table border width(in px)
        • 边框宽度:设置表格边框宽度(以像素为单位)

        • Border Color : Set table border color (in hexcode)
        • 边框颜色:设置表格边框颜色(以十六进制表示)

        • Padding : Can add spacing between table data (in px)
        • 填充:可以在表格数据之间添加间距(以像素为单位)

        • Font Size : Can set font size to the table data (in px)
        • 字体大小:可以设置表格数据的字体大小(以像素为单位)

        • Mousehover color : Can set different color (in hexcode) to table rows on mouse hover
        • 鼠标悬停颜色:可以为鼠标悬停时的表行设置不同的颜色(以十六进制代码表示)

        • Mousehover Font Color : Can set different font color (in hexcode) to the table data on mouse hover
        • Mousehover字体颜色:可以在鼠标悬停时为表数据设置不同的字体颜色(以十六进制代码)

        • Width: Can set table width (for responsive tables please set width in %)
        • 宽度:可以设置表格宽度(对于响应式表格,请以%设置宽度)

        • Pagination Color – Can set pagination bg color
        • 分页颜色–可以设置分页背景色

        • Pagination Hover Color – Can set pagination background hover color
        • 分页悬停颜色–可以设置分页背景悬停颜色

        This plugin is very helpful for those who need to display dynamic data from their excel sheet to their website as a table.


        CSV to Webpage plugin will come very handy if you manage a sports website in which you need to update scores, points table, events table etc. regularly.


        Your updated excel file will go live on to your website with just few clicks of the mouse.



    1. Download the zip file .
    2. 下载zip文件。

    3. Login to wordpress admin area.
    4. 登录到wordpress管理区域。

    5. Select plugin -> add new
    6. 选择插件->添加新

    7. Select upload from top menu on the page.
    8. 从页面顶部菜单中选择上传

    9. Click browse and select the zip file.
    10. 点击浏览,然后选择压缩文件。

    11. Click ‘install now’
    12. 点击“立即安装”

    13. Click activate the plugin
    14. 点击激活插件

    15. Select the settings->CSV to Webpage
    16. 选择设置->“ CSV到网页”

    17. Upload the .csv file using ‘upload’ button
    18. 使用“上传”按钮上传.csv文件

    19. Go to the webpage where you want to display the CSV content and enter [pearl_csv_to_webpage_display filename = yourfilename.csv]
    20. 转到要显示CSV内容的网页,然后输入 [pearl_csv_to_webpage_display filename = yourfilename.csv]





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