[wordpress插件] CryptocurrencyCheckout Woocommerce GatewayCryptocurrencyCheckout Woocommerce网关

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-05 18:30 599 0 全屏看文



Minimum Requirements


    • PHP 5.2 or greater is recommended
    • 建议使用PHP 5.2或更高版本

    • WordPress 4.7 or greater is recommended
    • 建议使用WordPress 4.7或更高版本

    • WooCommerce 2.1 or greater is recommended
    • 建议使用WooCommerce 2.1或更高版本

    What This Plugin Does:


    This Plugin Connects your WooCommerce Store to the CryptocurrencyCheckout Payment Gateway so you can start accepting Cryptocurrencies on your WordPress Store for free.


    Integrated Cryptocurrencies:


      • Bitcoin (BTC)
      • 比特币(BTC)

      • Ethereum (ETH)
      • 以太坊(ETH)

      • Litecoin (LTC)
      • 莱特币(LTC)

      • Dash (Dash)
      • 破折号(Dash)

      • Pirate Chain (ARRR)
      • 海盗链(ARRR)

      • Social Send (SEND)
      • 社交发送(SEND)

      • CryptoDezireCash (CDZC)
      • CryptoDezireCash(CDZC)

      • ColossusXT (COLX)
      • ColossusXT(COLX)

      • Zenzo (ZNZ)
      • Zenzo(ZNZ)

      • HempCoin (THC)
      • HempCoin(THC)

      • Electra (ECA)
      • 伊莱克特拉(ECA)

      • Pivx (PIVX)
      • Pivx(PIVX)

      • Niobio (NBR)
      • Niobio(NBR)

      • Galilel (GALI)
      • 伽利略(GALI)

      • Bitcash (BITC)
      • 比特现金(BITC)

      • OKcash (OK)
      • OKcash(确定)

      • ETHplode (ETHPLO)
      • ETHplode(ETHPLO)

      • Aark (ARK)
      • 方舟(ARK)

      • Veil (VEIL)
      • 面纱(VEIL)

      • Dogecoin (DOGE)
      • 狗币(DOGE)

      • Netbox (NBX)
      • Netbox(NBX)

      • Nerva (xnv)
      • 神经(xnv)

      • Sumokoin (SUMO)
      • Sumokoin(SUMO)

      • Rapids (RPD)
      • 快速(RPD)

      • Transcendence (TELOS)
      • 超越(TELOS)

      • Komodo (KMD)
      • 科莫多(KMD)

      • Verus (VRSC)
      • Verus(VRSC)

      • Banano (BAN)
      • Banano(BAN)

      • Bitcoin-Subsidium (XBTX)
      • 比特币亚比特币(XBTX)

      • More to Come!
      • 更多内容!

      All without being charged any middleman fees!


      Why use CryptocurrencyCheckout?


        • We strive to make accepting Cryptocurrencies as easy as possible, all of our integrations offer copy and paste setup with step by step installation guides.
        • 我们努力使接受加密货币变得尽可能容易,我们所有的集成都提供了复制和粘贴设置以及逐步的安装指南。

        • CryptocurrencyCheckout allows direct Peer to Peer decentralized transactions directly from the Customers Wallet to the Stores Wallet with No Middleman ever in control of your cryptocurrency.
        • CryptocurrencyCheckout允许直接从客户钱包到商店钱包的直接点对点去中心化交易,而无需任何中间人来控制您的加密货币。

        • Our Platform allows stores to use any wallet of their choosing, including Desktop wallets, Mobile Wallets, and Cold/Hardware Wallets.
        • 我们的平台允许商店使用他们选择的任何钱包,包括台式机钱包,移动钱包和冷/硬件钱包。

        • We provide your customer with a smooth and streamline checkout process, letting them choose between multiple cryptocurrencies, and multiple ways to play including 1-Click Wallet Payments, QR Codes for Mobile Devices, and Manual Entry for Exchange and Webwallet support.<

        • 我们为您的客户提供了一个流畅,简化的结帐流程,让他们在多种加密货币和多种播放方式之间进行选择,包括一键式电子钱包付款,移动设备的QR码以及对Exchange和Webwallet支持的手动输入。


          / li>

        • The only information your store passes to our platform is Order Grand Total, and the Order Number.

        • 您的商店传递给我们平台的唯一信息是订单总计和订单号。

          We will automatically convert the order total to real-time Cryptocurrency Market Prices, and give your customers fast and simple ways to pay.

        • 我们将自动将订单总额转换为实时加密货币市场价格,并为您的客户提供快速简便的付款方式。

        • CryptocurrencyCheckout offers unique features like Market Volatility Protection Tools, as well as additional Price Markups, and Discounts to Accept Individual Cryptocurrencies.

        • CryptocurrencyCheckout提供了独特的功能,例如市场波动性保护工具,附加的价格标记以及接受单个加密货币的折扣。

          (More on this later.)

        • (稍后会对此进行更多介绍。)

        Market Volatility Protection Tools:


          • Our Volatility Protection Tools helps stores reduce the risk of Accepting Cryptocurrencies, by constantly monitoring the Cryptocurrency Markets.
          • 我们的波动性保护工具通过不断监控加密货币市场来帮助商店降低接受加密货币的风险。

          • Watching for things like Real-Time Market Prices, Large Price Movements/Fluctuations, and current Market Buy and Sell Volume.
          • 监视诸如实时市场价格,大价格波动/波动以及当前市场买卖量之类的事情。

          • When enabled this feature will automatically Enable/Disable Cryptocurrency Payment Options for your Customers, as your stores set Cryptocurrency Thresholds are hit.
          • 启用后,此功能将在您的商店设置达到“加密货币阈值”时自动为客户启用/禁用“加密货币支付选项”。

          For instance if you set the Maximum Price Fluctuation settings to disable an individual cryptocurrency payment option if the price goes down more then 1-2%, our platform will automatically disable this cryptocurrency for your customers, asking them to either choose another cryptocurrency


          to pay with, or pay once price is more stable.


          Similarly you can enable the Daily Volume feature where the platform will only enable an individual Cryptocurrency Payment option if the total amount transacted on exchanges that day exceeds your set threshold.


          This feature is great for automatically disabling cryptocurrencies that might have very little buyer interest at the moment, making it hard to cash out.


          Individually set Price Markups and Discounts:


            • When enabled our Markup/Discount feature will allow you to select the option to charge slightly more or offer a small discount for accepting specific cryptocurrencies.

            • 启用后,我们的标记/折扣功能将允许您选择收取更多费用的选项,或者为接受特定的加密货币提供少量折扣。

            • For instance you could offer a 1% discount if your customer pays in Bitcoin, but charge a 1% price markup if they want to pay in Litecoin.
            • 例如,如果您的客户使用比特币付款,您可以提供1%的折扣,但是如果他们想使用Litecoin付款,则可以收取1%的价格加价。

            • This feature is especially useful when accepting very low market cap cryptocurrencies, that might be very volatile and therefore more risky to take as payment.
            • 此功能在接受市值非常低的加密货币时可能特别有用,因为这种加密货币可能会非常不稳定,因此承担付款的风险更大。

            • An additional markup could help any additional fees or risks involved when accepting certain cryptocurrencies like these.
            • 额外的标记可以帮助接受某些此类加密货币时涉及的任何额外费用或风险。

            When this feature is combined with our Market Volatility Protection Tools, you can see how easily you will be able to weigh and adjust your risks of accepting individual Cryptocurrencies and Altcoins.


            Allowing you to more comfortably accept Cryptocurrencies that you might not otherwise, and accepting more cryptocurrencies will expose your business to larger audiences, therefore increasing your potential customer base.



Minimum Requirements


    • PHP 5.2 or greater is recommended
    • 建议使用PHP 5.2或更高版本

    • WordPress 4.7 or greater is recommended
    • 建议使用WordPress 4.7或更高版本

    • WooCommerce 2.1 or greater is recommended
    • 建议使用WooCommerce 2.1或更高版本

    Visit our CryptocurrencyCheckout WooCommerce Installation Guide for step by step installation details with pictures.

    访问我们的 CryptocurrencyCheckout WooCommerce安装指南,以逐步了解带有图片的安装细节。

    Automatic installation


    Automatic installation is the easiest option — WordPress will handle the file transfer, and you won’t need to leave your web browser.


      • To do an automatic install of the CryptocurrencyCheckout WooCommerce Gateway Plugin, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click “Add New.”

        要自动安装CryptocurrencyCheckout WooCommerce Gateway插件,请登录WordPress仪表板,导航至“插件”菜单,然后单击“添加新项”。

      • In the search field type “CryptocurrencyCheckout,” then click “Search Plugins.”

        在搜索字段中输入“ CryptocurrencyCheckout”,然后单击“搜索插件”。

        Once you’ve found us, you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description.


        Most importantly of course, you can install it by Clicking “Install Now,” and WordPress will take it from there.


      • Go to the WooCommerce Section, click Settings, Press the “Payments” Tab at the top, Enable CryptocurrencyCheckout, and press Manage.


      • (See “Setup Connection” section for connecting to our platform.)


      Setup Connection


      In this step we will choose what Cryptocurrencies we want to accept, and create our CryptocurrencyCheckout Connection.


        • Now Create a free account at CryptocurrencyCheckout.com, in the Dashboard Press “New Connection” enter your Store and Cryptocurrency Wallet details, save.

          现在在CryptocurrencyCheckout.com上创建一个免费帐户,在控制台中按“新建连接”,输入您的商店和Cryptocurrency Wallet详细信息,保存。

        • On CryptocurrencyCheckout Dashboard Navigate to API Keys, generate and Copy the API Key.


        • Navigate to Installation Scripts > Store Integrations > WooCommerce, Paste the API Key, and click Generate Scripts.

          导航至安装脚本>商店集成> WooCommerce,粘贴API密钥,然后单击生成脚本。

        • Copy and Paste all of the Settings you generated into your WooCommerce Gateway Setup Page, Click Save Changes.

          将您生成的所有设置复制并粘贴到WooCommerce Gateway设置页面中,单击“保存更改”。

        • Create a test order and test the integration.


        Manual installation


        In some cases you may have to manually install the plugin, to do so is fairly simple.


          • FTP into your webserver, or use the Cpanel File Manager.


          • Go into the public_html/your_wordpress_folder/wp-content/plugins folder.

            进入public_html / your_wordpress_folder / wp-content / plugins文件夹。

          • Upload the CryptocurrencyCheckout-WooCommerce-Gateway.zip file.


          • Extract the zip file contents into the plugins folder.


            The extracted files should be located at: public_html/your_wordpress_folder/wp-content/plugins/cryptocurrencycheckout-woocommerce-gateway

            提取的文件应位于:public_html / your_wordpress_folder / wp-content / plugins / cryptocurrencycheckout-woocommerce-gateway

          • In your WordPress Admin Dashboard, go to “Plugins” Section, and Click “Installed Plugins”, Activate the CryptocurrencyCheckout WooCommerce Gateway.

            在WordPress管理控制台中,转到“插件”部分,然后单击“已安装插件”,激活CryptocurrencyCheckout WooCommerce网关。

          • Go to the WooCommerce Section, click Settings, Press the “Payments” Tab at the top, Enable CryptocurrencyCheckout, and press Manage.


          • (See “Setup Connection” section for connecting to our platform.)






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