[wordpress插件] CPD-JournalsCPD期刊

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-04 05:30 562 0 全屏看文



This is a plug-in to manage and support cohorts of people through a continuous professional development process by providing a platform for them to keep journals of their CPD activities.


By providing a journal, participants in the CPD programme are encouraged to reflect on the things they are learning and to share their eperience and practice with others.


It turns a standard WP Multisite install into a network of participants and supervisors (new user roles).

它将标准的WP Multisite安装变成参与者和主管的网络(新用户角色)。

Each participant has their own journal blog that they can administer with all of the capabilities of an admin except for:


* they cannot add, remove or edit any other administrators


* they cannot edit or remove the posts or pages of other users


Supervisors have all the rights of an administrator except the ability to add/edit other administrators.


They are also provided with additional dashboard widgets to show them which of their assigned participants have posted recent and most frequently.


The network administrator has full site-admin permissions and is responsible for adding new participants and assigning them to supervisors.


The network admin is sent an email at 2am each morning informing them is any participants are not assigned a supervisors or vice versa.


Documentation for Network Administrators


    • Adding Participants and Supervisors


      You can add Participants and Supervisors like any other users, but after adding the new user you are taken to the new user’s profile where you are able to:


        • set them as a Participant or a Supervisor
        • 将他们设置为参与者或主管

        • create a new journal (if they are a Participant).

        • 创建一个新日记本(如果他们是参与者)。

          It is possible for Participants to share a journal.


        • assign them a Supervisor (if they are a Participant).

        • 为他们分配一名主管(如果他们是参与者)。

          It is possible to assign more than one Supervisor to a Participant.

        • 可以为一个参与者分配多个主管。

        • assign them one or more Participants (if they are a Supervisor).
        • 为他们分配一个或多个参与者(如果他们是主管)。

      • Editing and deleting Participants and Supervisors


          • Deleting a Participant will not delete their journal, just remove their ability to edit it.

          • 删除参与者将不会删除他们的日记,只是删除他们的编辑能力。

            If you need to delete a journal, delete both the user and the site associated with that Participant.

          • 如果您需要删除日记,请同时删除用户和与该参与者关联的站点。

          • Editing and updating a Supervisor user profile will restore that Supervisor’s permissions on their Participants’ journals.

          • 编辑和更新Supervisor用户个人资料将恢复该Supervisor在其参与者的日记中的权限。

            This is useful if another Supervisor (or site-admin) accidentally removes a Supervisor.

          • 如果另一个主管(或站点管理员)意外删除了主管,这将很有用。

        • Participant activity


          There are 2 additional dashboard widgets available to allow Administrators and Supervisors to monitor Participant activity (and to identify where to provide support and encouragement).


            • Posts by Week shows a graph of how many posts have been created in the past few weeks.

            • 按周发布的帖子显示了过去几周创建了多少个帖子的图表。

              Each week bar can be interogated to reveal what was posted in that week.

            • 可以对每个星期的条进行查询,以揭示该周发布的内容。

            • Posts by user shows a graph most/least active users.

            • 按用户发布的帖子显示了最多/最少活跃用户的图表。

              Again each graph bar can be interogated to show what has been posted by that user.

            • 同样,可以对每个图形栏进行查询,以显示该用户已发布的内容。

          • Orphaned Participants and redundant Supervisors


            Another dashboard widget shows a list of Participants who do not have Supervisors assigned to them and any Supervisors with no Paticipants to look after.


            This information is also emailed to the Site Administrator each night at 2am.


          • Settings


            At present the only configuration option available for the CPD journals plugin is the default options for new journal/blogs.


            These options are passed to the function wpmu_create_blog as the $meta paratmeter when new journals are created.

            这些选项在创建新日记帐时作为$ meta参数传递给函数wpmu_create_blog

            This allows the site-admin to set defaults such as:


              • stylesheet=my_journal_stylesheet (to set a default child-theme)
              • stylesheet = my_journal_stylesheet(设置默认的子主题)

              • comment_whitelist=0 (to turn off comment moderation – as all commenting is restricted to CPD users anyway)
              • comment_whitelist = 0(关闭评论审核–因为所有评论仅限于CPD用户)

            • Themes and plugins


              The Site Administrator can install and enable any standard WordPress themes and plugins.


              However, care should be taken to ensure that themes/plugins that allow abitrary PHP code to be inserted and run by Participants (or Supervisors).


              Providing a wide variety of configuratable themes to allow Participants to personalise thir journals and feel more ownership over them.


            • The default blog


              Every new user (Participants, Supervisors or standard WordPress users) get subscriber access to the default site blog.


              This allows the default blog to be used to keep all users upto date with what is happening on the platform as a whole or news about the CPD programme itself.


            Documentation for Supervisors


            A Supervisor is essentially an administrator for a standard WordPress site.


            This allows them to do all the things that the Network Administrator allows them to, generally this includes:


            * adding, removing and editing users’ profiles


            * creating, editing and deleting all posts and pages


            * activating and configuring plugins and themes (but not installing)


            As this is all standard WordPress functionality, help, advice and support can be found on the WordPress.org documentation and support community.

            由于这是所有标准的WordPress功能,因此可以在 WordPress.org 文档和支持社区中找到帮助,建议和支持。

              • Monitoring Participant activity

              • 监控参与者的活动

                Participant activity should be regularly and frequently monitored to ensure that those who are active are recognised and rewarded with feedback and those who are not engaging are encouraged with advice and support.


                There are 2 additional dashboard widgets available to allow Supervisors to monitor Participant activity (and to identify where to provide support and encouragement).


                  • Posts by Week shows a graph of how many posts have been created in the past few weeks.

                  • 按周发布的帖子显示了过去几周创建了多少个帖子的图表。

                    Each week bar can be interogated to reveal what was posted in that week.

                  • 可以对每个星期的条进行查询,以揭示该周发布的内容。

                  • Posts by user shows a graph most/least active users.

                  • 按用户发布的帖子显示了最多/最少活跃用户的图表。

                    Again each graph bar can be interogated to show what has been posted by that user.

                  • 同样,可以对每个图形栏进行查询,以显示该用户已发布的内容。

                Documentation for Participants


                Participants are administrators of their own journal and have all of the standard permissions that a WordPress Admin has, except:


                * They cannot edit or delete the posts or pages of other users


                * They cannot edit the profile or users who are Supervisors or Administrators.


                Nor can they create new users in these roles.


                For help and advice on how to use WordPress to write and share CPD journals, refer to the WordPress.org support community.

                有关如何使用WordPress撰写和共享CPD期刊的帮助和建议,请参阅 WordPress.org 支持社区。



                This plugin was developed by Saul Cozens of

                此插件由 Saul Cozens 开发

                ="nofollow">CZN Digital, but was paid for by Sheffield University who requested that it be written

                =“ nofollow”> CZN Digital ,但由谢菲尔德大学支付,后者要求将其编写

                to be useful to other organisations as well and released to the community as Open Source.


                Thank you to them.



This plugin installs like any other WP plugin, but MUST be activated for the entire network


    1. Upload the plugin folder and files to /wp-content/plugins/
    2. 将插件文件夹和文件上传到/ wp-content / plugins /

    3. Network Activate the plugin via the Network Administrator’s Plugins menu in WordPress
    4. 网络通过WordPress中网络管理员的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Set any default options for new journal-blogs using the Settings->CPD setting menu (eg. comment_whitelist=0 to turn off comment moderation by default)
    6. 使用“设置”->“ CPD”设置菜单设置新日记博客的任何默认选项(例如,comment_whitelist = 0会默认关闭评论审核)





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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