[wordpress插件] CP Reservation CalendarCP预订日历

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-04 03:10 609 0 全屏看文



CP Reservation Calendar is a booking calendar that allows selecting dates – ex: check-in and check-out dates – for a reservation.


Main Features:


    1. The reservation calendar supports partial days and complete days reservations
    2. 预订日历支持部分天整天预订

    3. Booking form integrated with payment options
    4. 包含付款选项的预订表格

    5. Email notifications
    6. 电子邮件通知

    7. Easy setup
    8. 轻松设置

    9. Multiple configuration options
    10. 多个配置选项

    11. One-click publishing process
    12. 一键发布过程

    This booking calendar can be used for hotel bookings, tour bookings, car rentals, office rentals, jewels rentals, cellphone rentals, etc. It's integrated with PayPal for receiving

    预订日历可用于酒店预订,旅游预订,汽车租赁,办公室租赁,珠宝租赁,手机租赁等。它已与PayPal集成 用于接收

    the reservation payments and has many other features (details below).


    The reservation calendar can be configured in two modes: “complete day” or “partial day” bookings.


    Complete day means that the first and the last days booked are charged as full days while Partial Day means that they are charged as half-days only.


    Partial Day system is widely used by hotels and car rental systems: the customer is charged half a daily rate for both the arrival/pick-up day and the departure/drop-off day, thereby matching the number of nights actually spent in the hotel


    or the 24 hour days using the service.


    More Features:


      • The website visitors can select a start date and end date for the reservation and pay for it through PayPal / credit cards.
      • 网站访问者可以选择预订的开始日期和结束日期,并通过 PayPal /信用卡付款。

      • The amount to pay is calculated based in the number of days of the reservation.
      • 根据预订天数计算来支付费用。

      • Once a reservation has been booked it appears as blocked in order to prevent duplicated bookings.
      • 预订后,为了防止重复预订,预订被阻止。

      • You receive an email after each confirmed (paid) booking.
      • 每次确认(付费)预订后,您都会收到电子邮件

      • The user receives a thank you/confirmation email after completing the payment.
      • 用户在付款后会收到感谢您/确认电子邮件

      • Allows customizing the contents of the notification/confirmation emails.
      • 允许自定义通知/确认电子邮件的内容

      • Allows defining the product name at PayPal, the currency, the PayPal language and amount to pay for a booking (you can set zero to let the user pay/donate the desired amount).
      • 允许在PayPal上定义产品名称,币种,PayPal语言和用于支付的预订金额(您可以将零设置为让用户支付/捐赠所需金额)。

      • You can define the start day of the week.
      • 您可以定义一周的开始日期

      • You can define the minimum available date and the maximum available date for the booking calendar.
      • 您可以为预订日历定义最小可用日期最大可用日期

      • You can block specific dates.
      • 您可以阻止特定日期

      • You can assign a user to the calendar.

      • 您可以分配用户到日历。

        The owner (with Editor Access Level) can edit only their own calendar.

      • 所有者(具有“编辑者访问权限”级别)只能编辑自己的日历。

      • You can publish the calendars of a specific user with the shorttag [CP_RESERVATION_CALENDAR user=”admin”]
      • 您可以使用快捷方式 [CP_RESERVATION_CALENDAR user =” admin”] 发布特定用户的日历

      • You can publish a specific calendar with the shorttag [CP_RESERVATION_CALENDAR calendar=”1″]
      • 您可以使用快捷方式 [CP_RESERVATION_CALENDAR calendar =” 1”] 发布特定的日历

      • Can be configured in two modes: “complete day” or “partial day” bookings.
      • 可以以两种模式配置:“全天” “部分天” 预订。

      • Easy Ajax administration for the calendar.
      • 轻松管理日历。


To install CP Reservation Calendar, follow these steps:

要安装 CP保留日历,请按照以下步骤操作:

    1. Download and unzip the CP Reservation Calendar plugin
    2. 下载并解压缩CP Reservation Calendar插件

    3. Upload the entire cp-reservation-calendar/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. 将整个cp-reservation-calendar /目录上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录

    5. Activate the CP Reservation Calendar plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活CP保留日历插件

    7. Configure the booking calendar settings at the administration menu >> Settings >> CP Reservation Calendar.
    8. 在管理菜单>>设置>> CP预订日历中配置预订日历设置。

    9. To insert the reservation calendar form into some content or post use the icon that will appear when editing contents
    10. 要将预订日历表单插入某些内容或发布内容,请使用编辑内容时出现的图标

    To update the plugin you can either overwrite the files or upload it via Plugins – Add New – Upload.






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