[wordpress插件] Coupon Creator优惠券创建者

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-03 17:50 838 0 全屏看文



Support on WordPress.org is for troubleshooting bugs and related issues.


The forums are monitored and replied to within one week’s time.


If you are looking for direct support please check out Coupon Creator Pro

如果您正在寻找直接支持,请查看 Coupon Creator Pro

Coupon Creator now includes a Coupon Block to display single coupons or a loop of coupons with options to align and order them.

Coupon Creator现在包括一个优惠券块,用于显示单个优惠券或优惠券循环,并带有对齐和排序选项。

Create your own coupon with the Coupon Creator for WordPress or upload an image of a coupon instead.

使用用于WordPress的Coupon Creator创建您自己的优惠券,或上传优惠券的图片。

Check out a demo gallery of Coupon Creator Features!

查看Coupon Creator功能的演示库!

Watch this quick video to see the Coupon Creator in Action:



Coupon Creator Add-ons 3.0 Features Include: (included with Pro Business and higher license levels)

Coupon Creator附加组件3.0功能包括:(随附于Pro Business和更高许可级别)

    • Block Editor Support for couponloop with Vendor and Location Taxonomies
    • 对带有供应商和位置分类法的couponloop的块编辑器支持

    • Reveal Code & Dynamic Code Feature
    • 显示代码和动态代码功能

    • Vendor and Location Taxonomies
    • 供应商和位置分类法

    • Modern Advanced Template
    • 现代高级模板

    • Lower Third Advanced Template
    • 降低第三个高级模板

    • Highlight Advanced Template
    • 突出显示高级模板

    • Lower Third Advanced Template
    • 降低第三个高级模板

    • Create and Display WooCommerce Coupons from the Coupon Creator Editor
    • 通过优惠券创建者编辑器创建和显示WooCommerce优惠券

    Coupon Creator Pro 3.0 Features Include:

    Coupon Creator Pro 3.0功能包括:

      • Block Editor support for couponloop shortcode and all of its attributes
      • Block Editor支持couponloop短代码及其所有属性

      • [couponloop] shortcode, filter bar, and template system, to give you control over customizations without losing changes on updates
      • [couponloop]短代码,过滤器栏和模板系统,可让您控制自定义设置,而不会丢失更新更改

      • Order the filter bar filters and hide any filter per shortcode
      • 订购过滤器条过滤器,并按简码隐藏所有过滤器

      • Quick and Bulk edits for the expiration and counter fields
      • 对过期和计数器字段进行快速和批量编辑

      • Border themes, Dotted Border, Stitched Border, Saw Tooth Border (modern browsers and IE 10+), and None Option
      • 边框主题,虚线边框,缝合边框,锯齿边框(现代浏览器和IE 10+)和无选项

      • Recurring Expiration;

      • 定期到期;

        set an expiration for the end of the month and have it automatically change to the end of the next month

      • 设置一个月底的到期时间,并自动将其更改为下个月的月底

      • X Days expiration to set a period to redeem a coupon from the day of printing it
      • X天到期,以设置从打印之日起兑换优惠券的期限

      • Range expiration to display a start and end date for the coupon to be valid such as valid 11/11/17 thru 12/11/17
      • 显示有效期的开始日期和结束日期的有效期限,例如有效的17/11/17至17/12/11

      • Ability to insert columns and rows into the content editor.

      • 能够在内容编辑器中插入列和行。

        Options include, two column combinations, three column combinations, four columns, and rows

      • 选项包括两个列组合,三个列组合,四个列和一行

      • Pro Inserter has the ability to search coupons and categories in the dropdown
      • Pro Inserter可以在下拉菜单中搜索优惠券和类别

      • Visual editor to easily style the term’s content on your site
      • 可视编辑器可轻松为您网站上的术语内容设置样式

      • Display the Print View in a Popup for any coupons and print directly from the Popup
      • 在弹出窗口中显示所有优惠券的打印视图,并直接从弹出窗口中打印

      • Use the View Shortcodes to display content in the Shortcode View or the Print View only
      • 使用“查看简码”在“简码视图”或“仅打印视图”中显示内容

      • Set a Counter per coupon to expire the coupon after a limit has been reached or use as an unlimited counter
      • 为每个优惠券设置一个计数器,以在达到限制或用作无限计数器后使优惠券过期

      • Change “Expires on:”, “Click to Open in Print View”, and “Print the Coupon” for all coupons
      • 为所有优惠券更改“到期日期:”,“单击以在打印视图中打开”和“打印优惠券”

      • Set coupon size for the Shortcode View and the Print View for all coupons including the Image Coupon
      • 为所有优惠券(包括图像优惠券)设置“简码”视图和“打印”视图的优惠券大小

      • Override “Click to Open in Print View” text and link per coupon
      • 覆盖“单击以在打印视图中打开”文本和每个优惠券的链接

      • Override “Print the Coupon” text and link per coupon
      • 覆盖“打印优惠券”文本和每个优惠券的链接

      • Disable the Print View per coupon
      • 禁用每个优惠券的打印视图

      • Add your Google Analytics Code to the Print Template from the Coupon Options
      • 通过优惠券选项将Google Analytics(分析)代码添加到打印模板

      How to Create a Coupon


      Create a coupon by going to the coupon custom post type and filling in all the settings in the custom meta box.


      Insert the coupon into a post or page using the shortcode inserter above the content editor.


      Coupon displays until the expiration date that is chosen by you or you can check the Ignore Expiration Checkbox and the coupon will display on the site past the expiration date or with no date at all.


      Coupon Creator Shortcode


      The Coupon Shortcode:


      [coupon couponid=”xx” category=”Category Name(optional)” coupon_align=”cctor_aligncenter” name=”Coupon Name”]

      [coupon couponid =“ xx” category =“类别名称(可选)” coupon_align =” cctor_aligncenter” name =“优惠券名称”]

      Manually replace fields in shortcode:


      couponid – replace xx with ID of Coupon custom post

      couponid –用coupon自定义帖子ID替换xx

      couponalign – align coupon options: cctor_aligncenter, cctor_alignnone, cctor_alignleft, and cctor_alignright

      couponalign –对齐优惠券选项:cctor_aligncenter,cctor_alignnone,cctor_alignleft和cctor_alignright

      name -optional and for your reference only


      Coupon Loop


      Set couponid to “loop” to display all coupons.



      (couponid =“循环”)

      All the coupons in the loop will use the same couponalign.


      Coupon Categories


      Assign categories to a coupon using the loop option only to display coupons from a specific category.


      category – add the category name to display coupons only from it


      For example, if you have a category called “Coupon Home Page”, call it by:

      例如,如果您有一个名为“ Coupon主页”的类别,则通过以下方式调用它:

      category=”Coupon Home Page”

      category =“优惠券主页”

      Coupon Shortcode Inserter


      Above the post editor, click the “Add Coupon” button to open the inserter.


      Select an individual coupon or coupon loop.


      If you select the coupon loop, an option will appear to select a coupon category for the loop or you can leave it blank for all coupons (default).


      The third option to select is the couponalign.


      Once you have all the options selected, press “Insert Coupon” to insert the shortcode into the editor.




      Find examples of coupons on the Coupon Creator Home Page

      Coupon Creator主页 中找到优惠券的示例

      Coupons in Text Widgets


      Coupons will work in Sidebar Text Widgets, but you must add


      add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);


      To your theme’s function.php


      Coupon Options


      On the options page set default colors for new coupons.


      Another option for nofollow on the links and templates along with an option to hide the click to print link.


      You can add custom css in the options and it will modify both the shortcode coupon and the print template.



    1. Upload ‘/coupon-creator/’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    2. 将“ / coupon-creator /”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Create a coupon under the coupon custom post type and insert shortcode into content using shortcode

    6. 在优惠券自定义帖子类型下创建优惠券,并使用简码在内容中插入简码

      [coupon couponid=”xx” coupon_align=”cctor_aligncenter” name=”Coupon Name”]

    7. [coupon couponid =” xx” coupon_align =” cctor_aligncenter” name =“ Coupon Name”]





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