[wordpress插件] Copy Post复制帖子

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-02 20:00 519 0 全屏看文



Copy Post removes the tedium of having to copy content, comments, and tags manually from one instance to another.

Copy Post消除了将内容,注释和标签从一个实例手动复制到另一个实例的麻烦。

It also preserves the original post author and date.


Copy Post was originally written when we were preparing to launch a public blog and wanted to pre-populate it with content from our in-office blog that we had been using for the past two years.

Copy Post最初是在我们准备启动一个公共博客时写的,并且希望使用我们过去两年来一直在使用的来自办公室内博客的内容来预先填充它。

If our marketing team thinks that something originally posted to our in-office blog would be helpful or meaningful to others outside of our company, they can easily copy it to the public blog.


Copy Post could also be used in a situation where multiple WordPress instances are used in a development/staging/production setup.


First, a few assumptions and caveats.


    • You must have access to the MySQL database of the destination blog.
    • 您必须有权访问目标博客的MySQL数据库。

    • The author of the post you are copying must have an account on the destination blog with the same login name, though the IDs don’t have to be the same.
    • 您要复制的帖子的作者必须在目标博客上拥有一个具有相同登录名的帐户,尽管ID不必相同。

    • Categories assignments are not copied over, mainly because in our case the categories on the two blogs are different and were going to be edited anyway.
    • 类别分配不会被复制,主要是因为在我们的案例中,两个博客上的类别是不同的,并且无论如何都要进行编辑。

    • Comments attributed to registered users retain this attribution only if the commenter has an account on the destination blog (just like the author).

    • 仅当评论者在目标博客上拥有一个帐户时(与作者一样),归属于注册用户的评论才保留此属性。

      If the commenter doesn’t have an account, the comment is still copied, but it’s treated as if it were made by an unregistered visitor.

    • 如果评论者没有帐户,则该评论仍会被复制,但将其视为未注册的访问者进行的处理。

    Use the copy post feature to send a post to a destination blog.


    You’ll need the post ID, which is available by looking at the edit link for the post.


    The plugin will copy the post content, tags, and comments.


    The original author and post date will be retained.


    All category information will not be copied over.


    The resulting post will be set as a “private” post to allow you to set the categories and make edits before it goes live.


    Also, you’ll need to be an admin on the source blog to use the plugin.


    The settings for the destination blog are configured directly in the WordPress Admin interface, making it possible for us to distribute the plugin to anyone who would need it.

    直接在WordPress Admin界面中配置目标博客的设置,这使我们可以将插件分发给需要它的任何人。


    1. Upload the copy-post folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

    2. copy-post 文件夹上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Configure the plugin with the destination blog’s URL and MySQL database information.

    6. 使用目标博客的URL和MySQL数据库信息配置插件。

      The source blog’s server must have access to the MySQL database of the destination blog.

    7. 源博客的服务器必须有权访问目标博客的MySQL数据库。





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