[wordpress插件] Content Party内容方

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-01 05:30 478 0 全屏看文



Are you having trouble finding great content for your blog/website?

Are you having trouble finding great content for your blog / website?

Content Party is a content exchange service platform. Our Content Party plugin can help you get the best and authorized contents in only three simple steps. This plugin seamlessly integrates using the Content Party API and by syncing with your WordPress backend.

Content Party is a content exchange service platform. Our Content Party plugin can help you get the best and authorized contents in only three simple steps. This plugin seamlessly integrates using the Content Party API and by syncing with your WordPress backend.


Are you still worried about the lack of manuscript quality and poor quality?

此外掛由 Content Party 內容交換服務平台開發,只要簡單 3 步驟,就能幫你快速地取得優質且合法授權的文章內容。

The plugin is developed by the Content Party content exchange service platform. As long as 3 simple steps, you can quickly get high-quality and legally authorized article content.

所有取用過程都在你的 WordPress 後台完成,再也不用於兩個網站間來回轉換。

All fetching is done in your WordPress backend and is no longer used to switch back and forth between the two websites.

Main feature

Main feature

    • Content Party provides the most extensive, high-quality content, with convenient searching and sorting capability.
    • Content Party provides the most extensive, high-quality content, with convenient searching and sorting capability.

    • Featured within top twenty popular keywords, which helps you to find the popular topic with ease.
    • Featured within top twenty popular keywords, which helps you to find the popular topic with ease.

    • We have a variety of content, such as technology, travel, health, etc.
    • We have a variety of content, such as technology, travel, health, etc.

    • Simple and easy to use.
    • Simple and easy to use.

    PS: We will ask you to login your Content Party account when you first launch this plugin, since all the content in Content Party are authorized, users must login their account to use these content legitimately. If you don't have Content

    PS: We will ask you to login your Content Party account when you first launch this plugin, since all the content in Content Party are authorized, users must login their account to use these content legitimately. If you don't have Content

    Party's account yet you can register here.

    Party's account yet you can register here .


    Plug-in features

    * 提供最豐富的優質內容,搭配便利的搜尋與排序功能,好文輕鬆到手。

    * Provide the most abundant high-quality content, with convenient search and sorting functions, easy to read.

    * 精選二十大熱門關鍵字排行,當紅主題,一鍵找到!

    * Featured in the top 20 popular keywords, popular themes, one-click to find!

    * 匯集各方的優質供稿媒體,3C 科技、旅遊、健康…,通通有!

    * Bring together high-quality contribution media from all parties, 3C technology, tourism, health ..., everything!

    * 最便捷的取用方式,3步驟完成文章取用,批次取用多篇也 ok!

    * The most convenient way to retrieve, complete the article retrieval in 3 steps, and it is ok to retrieve multiple articles in batches!

    備註:因為 Content Party 內的文章,皆為合法授權內容,取用者皆須申請帳號後才能合法取用。

    Note: Because articles in Content Party are legally authorized content, users must apply for an account before they can legally access them.

    當你第一次使用此外掛時,會請你登入 Content Party 帳號。

    When you use this plugin for the first time, you will be asked to log in to your Content Party account.

    若尚未擁有帳號,歡迎前往 Content Party 註冊。

    If you do n’t already have an account, please visit Content Party to register.

    About Content Party

    About Content Party

    Interdisciplinary well-known writer Mary Pipher once said: “Writing to change the world.”

    Interdisciplinary well-known writer Mary Pipher once said: "Writing to change the world."

    We are convinced of this, and therefore we made the “Content Party” an content exchange service.

    We are convinced of this, and therefore we made the “Content Party” an content exchange service.

    Opening a gate between media and authors, we make high-quality contents authorized by the authors accessible for the media, legitimately and easily. The authors and their works can be seen by more and more people, and we share the profit that gain by these

    Opening a gate between media and authors, we make high-quality contents authorized by the authors accessible for the media, legitimately and easily. The authors and their works can be seen by more and more people, and we share the profit that gain by these

    contents each time they are seen, encouraging the authors keep creating great content.

    contents each time they are seen, encouraging the authors keep creating great content.

    關於 Content Party 文本直送

    About Content Party Text Direct

    知名跨領域作家 Mary Pipher 曾說過:「Writing to Change the World.(用筆改變這個世界)」

    Well-known multidisciplinary writer Mary Pipher once said, "Writing to Change the World."

    我們也如此深信著,因此創立了 “Content Party 文本直送” 這個內容交換服務,讓媒體可以方便的取得經授權的優質內容,也讓作者的內容擁有更多曝光機會。

    We are also so convinced that we have created a content exchange service called "Content Party Text Direct", which allows the media to easily obtain authorized high-quality content, and also allows the author's content to have more exposure.


    The profit of the service will be given back to the author to encourage the author to create better content and form a positive cycle in order to change the world with content.


From your WordPress dashboard

From your WordPress dashboard

1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’

1. Visit ‘Plugins> Add New’

2. Search ‘Content Party’

2. Search ‘Content Party’

3. Install and activate Content Party from your Plugins page.

3. Install and activate Content Party from your Plugins page.

從你的 WordPress 後台

From your WordPress backend

    1. 於左側選單中選擇「外掛」>「安裝外掛」
    2. Select "Plugins"> "Install Plugins" in the left menu

    3. 搜尋「Content Party」
    4. Search for "Content Party"

    5. 點選「立即安裝」
    6. Click "Install Now"

    7. 安裝完成後,點選頁面下方的「啟用外掛」
    8. After the installation is complete, click "Enable plugins" at the bottom of the page





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