[wordpress插件] Contasimple单纯性

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-31 20:20 539 0 全屏看文



This plugin is an extension for your WooCommerce online shop that synchronizes automatically all generated orders to your Contasimple account.


Gain more visibility regarding your business state in real time and keep your accounting and taxes up to date.


Key features


    • Automatically syncs new completed orders to your Contasimple account.
    • 自动将新完成的订单同步到您的Contasimple帐户。

    • You can easily export previous orders generated before the plugin installation with only a few clicks.
    • 您只需单击几下,即可轻松导出插件安装之前生成的先前订单。

    • Configure automatic or manual email sending to your customers with attached PDF invoices from Contasimple.
    • 配置自动或手动电子邮件以及随附的Contasimple PDF发票给您的客户。

    • Clients will be automatically created in Contasimple using WooCommerce checkout customer address information.
    • 将使用WooCommerce结帐客户地址信息在Contasimple中自动创建客户。

    • Configure the format for sequential numbering invoice generation, allowing to create series with custom prefixes and/or the current year in 2 or 4 digits format (ex: INV-2018-00001 or #F180000001).
    • 配置顺序编号发票生成的格式,从而允许使用2或4位数字格式(例如:INV-2018-00001或#F180000001)创建带有自定义前缀和/或当前年份的系列。

    • Configure different numbering series to separate regular invoices, negative rectification invoices (also known as amendments, credit slips or refunds) and simplified invoices (also known as purchase receipts or tickets) as many countries have law regulations in this regard.

    • 配置不同的编号系列以分隔常规发票,负面更正发票(也称为修正,信用单或退款)和简化发票(也称为购买收据或票据),因为许多国家在这方面都有法律规定。



    To learn more about the key benefits of the Contasimple platform as a whole, please check the main


    rel="nofollow">Contasimple Website.

    rel =“ nofollow”>简单的网站。

    Technical specifications


      • Requires at least WooCommerce 2.1 version.

      • 至少需要WooCommerce 2.1版本。

        Upgrading to WooCommerce 3 or greater is strongly recommended.

      • 强烈建议升级到WooCommerce 3或更高版本。

      • Initially developed for single-site installations.

      • 最初为单站点安装而开发。

        Multi-site support coming soon.

      • 多站点支持即将推出。

      • Requires PHP cURL extension enabled to communicate with Contasimple’s API servers.

      • 需要启用PHP cURL扩展名才能与Contasimple的API服务器通信。

        This is common, but you might need to check it with your hosting provider.

      • 这很常见,但是您可能需要与托管服务提供商联系。


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


In case of doubt, please have a look at the Screenshots section for further clarification.


Automatic installation


Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser.


To do an automatic install of Contasimple for WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.


In the search field type Contasimple and click Search Plugins.

在搜索字段中键入 Contasimple ,然后单击 Search Plugins

Once you’ve found our sync plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description.


Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking Install Now.


Manual installation


The manual installation may be needed in certain circumstances, for example in case you have received from us a fresh new version of the plugin, not yet released on the official repository.


The traditional option is to decompress the .zip file provided by us and upload the contasimple folder to your WordPress /wp-content/plugins folder using an FTP client.

传统选项是解压缩我们提供的.zip文件,然后使用FTP客户端将 contasimple 文件夹上载到您的WordPress / wp-content / plugins 文件夹中。

The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.

WordPress Codex包含此处的操作说明

Probably easier, you can also upload the zip file directly from the plugins section: navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New, then Upload Plugin<

可能更容易,您也可以直接从插件部分上传zip文件:导航至插件菜单,然后依次单击添加新 Upload Plugin <

/code> and locate the zip file on your PC (typically in your web browser download's folder).

/ code>,然后在您的PC上找到zip文件(通常在您的网络浏览器下载文件夹中)。

In case of error due to either restrictive file permissions or WordPress complaining about the plugin already existing, you might need to resort to the previous described method.




Once installed, the first thing to do is to configure the plugin to be able to connect with your Contasimple account.


If you do not have a Contasimple account yet, you can register now by


rel="nofollow">Clicking here.

rel =“ nofollow”>单击此处。

Assuming you are already registered and have configured your fiscal region and company settings, you will be able to generate a Contasimple ‘APIKEY’.

假设您已经注册并配置了您的财务地区和公司设置,则可以生成Contasimple的“ APIKEY”。

This key is unique to you and will grant your WooCommerce access to Contasimple’s servers so that the sync process can happen.


Step 1


To generate the APIKEY, you must log first into your account at Contasimple Website and then click on the Settings

要生成APIKEY,您必须首先登录 Contasimple网站进入您的帐户,然后单击“设置”

icon wheel on the top bar, locate the sidebar menu and scroll down to the Other options section and click External Applications.

顶部栏中的图标滚轮,找到侧边栏菜单,然后向下滚动到 Other options 部分,然后单击 External Applications

When the new section is loaded, scroll down to the bottom and you will see a Authorization keys section.


Click on “+ Add authorization keyand chooseWooCommerce`.

点击“ +添加授权密钥,然后选择 WooCommerce`。

A new key will be generated, which will look like a long sequence of random characters, something like ‘fcc6360446b04f199b715c58a9116957’.

将生成一个新密钥,该密钥看起来像一长串随机字符,类似于“ fcc6360446b04f199b715c58a9116957”。

Select the key (but not the quote marks) with the help of the mouse and copy/paste it.


You will need it during the next step.


Step 2


Now that we have generated the APIKEY, we need to configure the plugin to use it.


All Contasimple’s plugin settings are handled by WooCommerce, since this is an integration for it.


Therefore, you must navigate to WooCommerce > Settings and head to the Integration tab.

因此,您必须导航到 WooCommerce>设置,然后转到 Integration 标签。

Since this is your first time using the plugin, you will be presented with the Configuration Wizard.


Click on the Link account button.


The first step will ask you for the previous generated APIKEY, paste the value on the text field and click Log In.

第一步将询问您先前生成的APIKEY,将值粘贴到文本字段中,然后单击 Login

You should see a success message and then you will be presented with a dialog to choose between your companies (just in case that you manage more than one) and you can also configure the correspondence between WooCommerce payment methods and Contasimple’s.




You have already configured the basics of the module.


You can now start syncing your invoices.


For more detailed info about additional configuration settings, please see the FAQ section.


