[wordpress插件] Contact Us Simple Form与我们联系简单表格

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-31 18:10 777 0 全屏看文



Instead of using a standard contact form template, you can download Contact Us Widget Slider in order to create unique contact forms with an assortment of available contact form layout options.

您可以下载Contact Us Widget Slider,而不是使用标准的联系表单模板,以便使用各种可用的联系表单布局选项来创建唯一的联系表单。

Website visitor engagement is only successful if visitors can contact you easily, and Contact Us Widget Slider is the free way to collect relevant data from website visitors, while providing a simple method for visitors to contact your business.

只有访问者可以轻松地与您联系,网站访问者的参与才能成功,并且Contact Us Widget Slider是从网站访问者收集相关数据的免费方法,同时为访问者提供了一种与您的业务联系的简单方法。

Contact Us Simple Form doesn’t just have to be used to create Contact Us forms-you can also use Contact Us Simple Form in order to create any type of form that you would like website visitors to fill out.


Contact Us Simple Form allows you to make it easy for website visitors to send you messages, personal information, contact requests and other relevant data.


All contact forms created with Contact Us Simple Form come with spam protection, along with customizable contact form layouts, and an assortment of contact form fields and design options.


Facilitate quick communications and receive up-to-the minute contacts by downloading the Contact Us Simple Form today.


Contact Us Simple Form Product Features


Contact Us Simple Form is an exceptional contact resource that allows you to create electronic contact forms that can be customized to match the specific theme, design and layout of any website.


web visitors can directly contact you with requests, reservations and other relevant contact information.


Some of the many features that make Contact Us Simple Form an exceptional website visitor contact tool include:


• Allows website visitors to securely send contact us messages;


• Unlimited contact form fields that can be used by website visitors to contact your business;


• Contact Us Simple Form fillable forms that are fully responsive with computers, tablets and smartphones;


• Advanced spam protection for contact requests, and other messages submitted through Contact Us Simple forms;


• Auto-reply responses can be created and automatically sent in response to submitted contact forms;


• Sends website visitors email copies of communications submitted through Contact Us Simple Form;


• The ability to create any type of form including contact us forms, user response polls, job applications, reservation requests and client intake forms;



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


    1. Install the wordpress plugin first
    2. 首先安装wordpress插件

    You can install it via WordPress Installer or can download the file first then Upload it on ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ folder

    您可以通过WordPress安装程序进行安装,也可以先下载文件,然后将其上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”文件夹中

      1. Activate the plugin


      2. You will see “Contact Us Simple Form” settings from right side of your wordpress menu.






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