[wordpress插件] CommentPress CoreCommentPress核心

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-29 04:20 726 0 全屏看文



CommentPress Core is an open source theme and plugin for WordPress that allows readers to comment in the margins of a text.

CommentPress Core是WordPress的开源主题和插件,允许读者在文本的空白处注释。

Readers may comment paragraph-by-paragraph, line-by-line, block-by-block or by selecting text (coming soon to touch devices).


Annotate, gloss, workshop, debate: with CommentPress Core you can do all of these things on a finer-grained level, turning a document into a conversation.

注释,注释,研讨会,辩论:借助CommentPress Core,您可以在更细粒度的级别上完成所有这些操作,从而将文档转变为对话。

It can be applied to a fixed document (paper/essay/book etc.) or to a running blog.


Use it in combination with BuddyPress and Groupblogs to create communities around your documents.


Please note: for the time-being, this plugin works best when the Gutenberg editor is disabled.


If you want the simplest CommentPress experience in WordPress 5.x please install the Classic Editor or Gutenberg Ramp plugin to manage the post types on which the Gutenberg editor is enabled.

如果您希望在WordPress 5.x中获得最简单的CommentPress体验,请安装经典编辑器 Gutenberg Ramp 插件来管理启用了Gutenberg编辑器的帖子类型。



Please note: this plugin comes bundled with three official themes, one of which must be active for CommentPress Core to function.

请注意::此插件捆绑了三个官方主题,其中一个主题必须处于活动状态才能使CommentPress Core起作用。

The “CommentPress Modern Theme” will be auto-activated when the plugin is first activated.

首次激活插件时,“ CommentPress现代主题”将被自动激活。

The old “CommentPress Default Theme” is still included for those who wish to stay with it or have built their own child themes for it.

对于那些希望保留旧主题或为其创建子主题的人,仍然包括旧的“ CommentPress默认主题”。

Since version 3.9 a new “CommentPress Flat Theme” is included for those who want an alternative layout.

从3.9版开始,为想要替代布局的用户提供了新的“ CommentPress Flat Theme”。

If you are upgrading from a previous version of CommentPress (3.0.x – 3.3.x), please follow the instructions in the Installation section before doing so.

如果要从CommentPress(3.0.x – 3.3.x)的早期版本进行升级,请先按照“安装”部分中的说明进行操作。

For further information and instructions please see the CommentPress website or visit the plugin's CommentPress网站或访问插件的

https://github.com/IFBook/commentpress-core" rel="nofollow">GitHub repository.

https://github.com/IFBook/commentpress-core“ rel =” nofollow“> GitHub存储库。

Contact the developers by email at cpdev@futureofthebook.org.

通过电子邮件通过 cpdev@futureofthebook.org 与开发人员联系。

For sites hosted in the European Union, please note: the “CommentPress Default Theme” makes use of cookies, but for presentational purposes only.

对于在欧盟托管的网站,请注意:“ CommentPress默认主题”使用cookie,但仅用于演示目的。

If you intend to use the “CommentPress Default Theme” on a public site, you may need to inform visitors of this.

如果您打算在公共站点上使用“ CommentPress默认主题”,则可能需要将此信息告知访问者。

Many thanks to the following for translations:


    • French – Pouhiou
    • 法语– Pouhiou

    • Spanish – Andrew Kurtis from WebHostingHub
    • 西班牙语–来自 WebHostingHub 的Andrew Kurtis

    • Dutch – Gerrit Jan Dijkgraaf
    • 荷兰人– Gerrit Jan Dijkgraaf

    • German – Chris Witte
    • 德语–克里斯·威特


You can download and install CommentPress Core using the built in WordPress plugin installer.

您可以使用内置的WordPress插件安装程序下载并安装CommentPress Core。

If you download CommentPress Core manually, make sure it is uploaded to “/wp-content/plugins/commentpress-core/”.

如果您手动下载CommentPress Core,请确保将其上传到“ / wp-content / plugins / commentpress-core /”。

Install CommentPress Core in WordPress Standalone

在WordPress独立版本中安装CommentPress Core

Base Install:


    1. Install WordPress
    2. 安装WordPress

    3. Install “CommentPress Core”
    4. 安装“ CommentPress Core”

    5. Activate “CommentPress Core”
    6. 激活“ CommentPress Core”

    Your basic “CommentPress Core” setup is complete.

    您的基本“ CommentPress Core”设置已完成。

    At this point you can:


      1. Create a custom menu for the main site
      2. 为主站点创建自定义菜单

      3. Use the Theme Customizer to modify the look
      4. 使用主题自定义程序修改外观

      5. Change Background and Header
      6. 更改背景和标题

      7. Customise “CommentPress Core” via its Settings Page
      8. 通过“设置页面”自定义“ CommentPress Core”

      Install CommentPress Core in WordPress Multisite

      在WordPress多站点中安装CommentPress Core

      Base Install:


        1. Install WordPress
        2. 安装WordPress

        3. Create Network
        4. 创建网络

        Okay, we’re ready to install “CommentPress Core”:

        好的,我们已经准备好安装“ CommentPress Core”:

          1. Install and Network Activate “CommentPress Core”
          2. 安装和网络激活“ CommentPress Core”

          3. If you want to, you can enable “CommentPress Core” on your main blog
          4. 如果愿意,可以在主博客上启用“ CommentPress Core”

          5. Network Enable the “CommentPress Modern Theme”, “CommentPress Flat Theme” and/or the “CommentPress Default Theme” UNLESS
          6. 无需启用网络即可启用“ CommentPress现代主题”,“ CommentPress扁平主题”和/或“ CommentPress默认主题”

          7. You have “CommentPress Core”-compatible child themes you want to use instead:
          8. 您要使用“ CommentPress Core”兼容的子主题来代替:

          9. Network Enable any “CommentPress Core”-compatible child themes you want to use
          10. 网络启用您要使用的任何与“ CommentPress Core”兼容的子主题

          Go to the “CommentPress” network settings page under “Settings” in “Network Admin”:

          转到“网络管理员”中“设置”下的“ CommentPress”网络设置页面:

            1. Configure your options as desired
            2. 根据需要配置选项

            3. Click “Save Changes”
            4. 点击“保存更改”

            Your basic “CommentPress Core” setup is complete.

            您的基本“ CommentPress Core”设置已完成。

            At this point you can:


              1. Create a custom menu for the main site
              2. 为主站点创建自定义菜单

              3. Use the Theme Customizer to modify the look
              4. 使用主题自定义程序修改外观

              5. Change Background and Header
              6. 更改背景和标题

              7. Customise “CommentPress Core” via its Settings Page
              8. 通过“设置页面”自定义“ CommentPress Core”

              Install CommentPress Core with BuddyPress Groupblogs

              通过BuddyPress Groupblogs安装CommentPress Core

              Base Install:


                1. Install WordPress
                2. 安装WordPress

                3. Create Network
                4. 创建网络

                Essential Plugins:


                  1. Install, Network Activate and configure “BuddyPress” (Please note: “CommentPress Core” has not been tested with the Forums component)
                  2. 安装,网络激活和配置“ BuddyPress”(请注意:“ CommentPress Core”尚未通过论坛组件进行测试)

                  3. Download and Network Activate the latest version of “BuddyPress Groupblog” greater than 1.8.3
                  4. 下载并激活大于1.8.3的最新版本的“ BuddyPress Groupblog”

                  Optional Plugins:


                    1. Network Install “BuddyPress Group Email Subscription”
                    2. 网络安装“ BuddyPress组电子邮件订阅”

                    3. Network Install “Invite Anyone”
                    4. 网络安装“邀请任何人”

                    5. Network Install “My Page Order”
                    6. 网络安装“我的页面顺序”

                    7. Network Install “Co-Authors Plus”
                    8. 网络安装“ Co-Authors Plus”

                    9. Network Install “Simple Footnotes” (recommended), “FD Footnotes” or “WP-Footnotes”
                    10. 网络安装“简单脚注”(推荐),“ FD脚注”或“ WP脚注”

                    Okay, we’re ready to install “CommentPress Core”:

                    好的,我们已经准备好安装“ CommentPress Core”:

                      1. Install and Network Activate “CommentPress Core”
                      2. 安装和网络激活“ CommentPress Core”

                      3. If you want to, you can enable “CommentPress Core” on your main blog
                      4. 如果愿意,可以在主博客上启用“ CommentPress Core”

                      5. Network Enable the “CommentPress Modern Theme”, “CommentPress Flat Theme” and/or the “CommentPress Default Theme” UNLESS
                      6. 无需启用网络即可启用“ CommentPress现代主题”,“ CommentPress扁平主题”和/或“ CommentPress默认主题”

                      7. You have “CommentPress Core”-compatible child themes you want to use instead:
                      8. 您要使用“ CommentPress Core”兼容的子主题来代替:

                      9. Network Enable any “CommentPress Core”-compatible child themes you want to use
                      10. 网络启用您要使用的任何与“ CommentPress Core”兼容的子主题

                      11. Optionally, activate your chosen “CommentPress Core”-compatible child theme
                      12. (可选)激活所选的“ CommentPress Core”兼容子主题

                      Go to your “Groupblog Setup” page under “Settings” in “Network Admin”:

                      转到“网络管理员”中“设置”下的“ Groupblog设置”页面:

                        1. Select your desired “BuddyPress Groupblog” theme as your default “BuddyPress Groupblog” theme
                        2. 选择所需的“ BuddyPress Groupblog”主题作为默认的“ BuddyPress Groupblog”主题

                        3. Click “Save Changes”
                        4. 点击“保存更改”

                        5. Click the “Redirect” header
                        6. 点击“重定向”标题

                        7. Set “Redirect Enabled to:” to “Home Page”
                        8. 将“启用重定向到:”设置为“主页”

                        9. Click “Save Changes”
                        10. 点击“保存更改”

                        Go to the “CommentPress” network settings page under “Settings” in “Network Admin”:

                        转到“网络管理员”中“设置”下的“ CommentPress”网络设置页面:

                          1. Select your desired “CommentPress Groupblog” theme.

                          2. 选择所需的“ CommentPress Groupblog”主题。

                            This will be applied to group blogs that are “CommentPress Core”-enabled

                          3. 这将应用于启用“ CommentPress Core”的论坛博客

                          4. Configure other options as desired
                          5. 根据需要配置其他选项

                          6. Click “Save Changes”
                          7. 点击“保存更改”

                          Your basic “CommentPress Groupblogs” setup is complete.

                          您的基本“ CommentPress Groupblogs”设置已完成。

                          At this point you can:


                            1. Create a custom menu for the main site
                            2. 为主站点创建自定义菜单

                            3. Use the Theme Customizer to modify the look
                            4. 使用主题自定义程序修改外观

                            5. Change Background and Header
                            6. 更改背景和标题

                            7. Customise “CommentPress Core” via its Settings Page
                            8. 通过“设置页面”自定义“ CommentPress Core”

                            To create a “CommentPress Core”-enabled Groupblog:

                            要创建启用“ CommentPress Core”的Groupblog:

                              1. Begin to create a group as usual
                              2. 像往常一样开始创建组

                              3. At the “Groupblog” screen, click “Enable CommentPress”
                              4. 在“ Groupblog”屏幕上,单击“启用CommentPress”

                              5. Choose any further options
                              6. 选择其他选项

                              7. Check the box for “Enable member blog posting” and use the default settings unless you have reason not to
                              8. 选中“启用成员博客发布”复选框,并使用默认设置,除非您有理由不这样做

                              9. Continue and finish creating the group
                              10. 继续并完成创建组

                              11. To go to the groupblog, click “Blog” (or “Workshop” if you have chosen that naming scheme)
                              12. 要转到groupblog,请单击“博客”(如果已选择该命名方案,则单击“ Workshop”)

                              13. Start your group blogging!
                              14. 开始群组博客!



                              Upgrades from previous versions of “CommentPress” are possible.

                              可以从“ CommentPress”的早期版本进行升级。

                              Please follow the following procedures for your context.


                              The name has been changed from “CommentPress” to “CommentPress Core” for two reasons: (a) because it serves as the basis for extending it for your purposes and (b) to safeguard historical

                              该名称已从“ CommentPress”更改为“ CommentPress Core”,原因有两个:(a)因为它是为您目的扩展名称的基础,并且(b)是为了保护历史

                              installations, which could break if they upgrade.


                              Newer “CommentPress” installations (versions 3.0.x – 3.3.x) can upgrade to the current version.

                              较新的“ CommentPress”安装程序(版本3.0.x – 3.3.x)可以升级到当前版本。

                              Upgrade to CommentPress Core

                              升级到CommentPress Core

                              It is recommended that you upgrade to the latest versions of WordPress as well as the latest versions of the old “CommentPress” plugins and theme before upgrading to “CommentPress Core”, but “CommentPress Core” will do its best if this is

                              建议您先升级到WordPress的最新版本以及旧的“ CommentPress”插件和主题的最新版本,然后再升级到“ CommentPress Core”,但是“ CommentPress Core”将尽力而为

                              not possible.


                              A minimum of WordPress 3.3 is required, but upgrades under WordPress 3.4+ work much better.

                              最低需要WordPress 3.3,但是在WordPress 3.4+下的升级效果更好。

                              The old “CommentPress” plugins and theme can be found on Github:

                              可以在Github上找到旧的“ CommentPress”插件和主题:

                                1. Get the latest CommentPress Plugin
                                2. 获取最新的 CommentPress插件

                                3. Get the latest CommentPress for Multisite
                                4. 获取最新的 CommentPress for Multisite

                                5. Get the latest CommentPress Ajaxified
                                6. 获取最新的 CommentPress Ajaxified

                                7. Get the latest CommentPress Theme
                                8. 获取最新的 CommentPress主题

                                Upgrade to CommentPress Core in WordPress Standalone

                                升级到WordPress Standalone中的CommentPress Core

                                  1. Activate “CommentPress Core” plugin
                                  2. 激活“ CommentPress Core”插件

                                  3. “CommentPress Core” will try and deactivate the “CommentPress Ajaxified” plugin.

                                  4. “ CommentPress Core”将尝试停用“ CommentPress Ajaxified”插件。

                                    Deactivate it if it is still active.

                                  5. 如果它仍然处于活动状态,请停用它。

                                  6. “CommentPress Core” will try and deactivate the “CommentPress” plugin.

                                  7. “ CommentPress Core”将尝试停用“ CommentPress”插件。

                                    Deactivate it if it is still active.

                                  8. 如果它仍然处于活动状态,请停用它。

                                  9. Delete “CommentPress Ajaxified” plugin
                                  10. 删除“ CommentPress Ajaxified”插件

                                  11. Delete “CommentPress” plugin
                                  12. 删除“ CommentPress”插件

                                  Upgrade to CommentPress Core in WordPress Multisite (NOT network-activated)

                                  升级到WordPress Multisite中的CommentPress Core(未通过网络激活)

                                  On each site:


                                    1. Activate “CommentPress Core” plugin
                                    2. 激活“ CommentPress Core”插件

                                    3. “CommentPress Core” will try and deactivate the “CommentPress Ajaxified” plugin.

                                    4. “ CommentPress Core”将尝试停用“ CommentPress Ajaxified”插件。

                                      Deactivate it if it is still active.

                                    5. 如果它仍然处于活动状态,请停用它。

                                    6. “CommentPress Core” will try and deactivate the “CommentPress” plugin.

                                    7. “ CommentPress Core”将尝试停用“ CommentPress”插件。

                                      Deactivate it if it is still active.

                                    8. 如果它仍然处于活动状态,请停用它。

                                    When EVERY site has done this, go to Network Admin -> Plugins:


                                      1. Delete “CommentPress Ajaxified” plugin
                                      2. 删除“ CommentPress Ajaxified”插件

                                      3. Delete “CommentPress” plugin
                                      4. 删除“ CommentPress”插件

                                      Upgrade to CommentPress Core (network-activated OR with BuddyPress Groupblogs)

                                      升级到CommentPress Core(通过网络激活或与BuddyPress Groupblogs一起使用)

                                      To upgrade to CommentPress Core.

                                      要升级到CommentPress Core。

                                        1. Install, but DO NOT activate OR network-activate CommentPress Core.
                                        2. 安装但不要激活或通过网络激活CommentPress Core。

                                        3. Network Deactivate “CommentPress for Multisite Extras”, if present
                                        4. 网络停用“ CommentPress for Multisite Extras”(如果存在)

                                        5. Network Deactivate “CommentPress for Multisite”
                                        6. 网络停用“ CommentPress for Multisite”

                                        7. Network Disable all old “CommentPress” child themes
                                        8. 网络禁用所有旧的“ CommentPress”子主题

                                        9. Now Network Activate “CommentPress Core”
                                        10. 现在网络激活“ CommentPress Core”

                                        “CommentPress Core” will now be active on your main site.

                                        “ CommentPress Core”现在将在您的主站点上处于活动状态。

                                        On each site:


                                          1. Activate “CommentPress Core” plugin
                                          2. 激活“ CommentPress Core”插件

                                          3. “CommentPress Core” will try and deactivate the “CommentPress Ajaxified” plugin.

                                          4. “ CommentPress Core”将尝试停用“ CommentPress Ajaxified”插件。

                                            Deactivate it if it is still active.

                                          5. 如果它仍然处于活动状态,请停用它。

                                          6. “CommentPress Core” will try and deactivate the “CommentPress” plugin.

                                          7. “ CommentPress Core”将尝试停用“ CommentPress”插件。

                                            Deactivate it if it is still active.

                                          8. 如果它仍然处于活动状态,请停用它。

                                          When EVERY site has done this, go to “Network Admin” -> “Plugins”:


                                            1. Delete “CommentPress Ajaxified” plugin
                                            2. 删除“ CommentPress Ajaxified”插件

                                            3. Delete “CommentPress” plugin (NOT “CommentPress Core”!)
                                            4. 删除“ CommentPress”插件(而不是“ CommentPress Core”!)

                                            5. Delete “CommentPress for Multisite Extras”, if present
                                            6. 删除“ CommentPress for Multisite Extras”(如果有)

                                            7. Delete “CommentPress for Multisite”
                                            8. 删除“ CommentPress for Multisite”





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