[wordpress插件] Colorlib 404 CustomizerColorlib 404定制程序

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-27 21:11 613 0 全屏看文



Colorlib 404 Customizer is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to create a custom and stylish 404 page quickly via the Live Customizer.

Colorlib 404 Customizer 是一个免费的WordPress插件,可让您通过Live Customizer快速创建自定义且时尚的404页面。

This amazing plugin offers you the possibility to edit and customize the 404 page so you can match it to your website’s design.


Colorlib 404 Customizer is exceptionally easy to use and it does not require custom coding or technical skills.

Colorlib 404 Customizer非常易于使用,并且不需要,不需要自定义编码或技术技能。

All the customizations for the 404 page are done strictly through the Live Customizer.


All websites usually come with a default 404 page already included, but it looks a bit more professional if you customize your own.


Not all visitors know what the 404 error message stands for so you could even replace it with a friendlier and more proficient one.


Even if it would be ideal not to have errors on your website, you cannot escape 404 errors which make 404 pages important.


Most themes do not have specific customizing options for the 404 page and if you want to change it you have to edit that page’s template and the styling files.


This is where Colorlib 404 Customizer comes in!

这就是Colorlib 404 Customizer进来的地方!

Using Colorlib 404 Customizer you no longer have to code – just install and activate the plugin then go to Appearance > Customize > Colorlib 404 Customizer Settings and start creating your own custom 404 page.

使用Colorlib 404 Customizer,您不再需要编写代码-只需安装并激活插件,然后转到外观>自定义> Colorlib 404 Customizer设置,然后开始创建自己的自定义404页面。

Colorlib 404 Customizer Settings comes with pre-built 404 page templates that you can choose from if you don’t feel like creating your own.

Colorlib 404定制程序设置带有预建的404页面模板,如果您不想创建自己的模板,可以从中选择。

You get 20 beautifully designed and custom 404 page templates, and of course each one can be easily customized.


In Colorlib 404 Customizer’s settings you will also find a Custom CSS area for those who would like to add their own custom styling and improve the 404 page further.

在Colorlib 404定制程序的设置中,您还将找到一个自定义CSS 区域,供那些想要添加自己的自定义样式并进一步改善404页面的用户使用。

With Colorlib 404 Customizer creating a professional and competent 404 page is easier than ever.

使用Colorlib 404 Customizer,创建专业,胜任的404页面比以往任何时候都容易。



    • Beautiful 404 page design
    • 精美的404页面设计

    • Works with all WordPress themes
    • 使用所有WordPress主题

    • Quick and super easy to set up
    • 快速且易于设置

    • Social media buttons (Facebook, Twitter, and email)
    • 社交媒体按钮(Facebook,Twitter和电子邮件)

    • 20 custom 404 page templates
    • 20个自定义404页面模板

    • Option to activate/deactivate Colorlib 404 Customizer
    • 激活/停用Colorlib 404自定义程序的选项

    • Background image for the 404 page
    • 404页面的背景图片

    • Options to repeat the background image or change its size
    • 重复背景图片或更改其大小的选项

    • Select 404 page background color
    • 选择404页面背景颜色

    • Select 404 page text color
    • 选择404页面文字颜色

    • Change the 404 page heading
    • 更改404页面标题

    • Option to add Custom CSS for the 404 page
    • 为404页添加自定义CSS的选项

    This plugin is developed and maintained by Colorlib.


    Which is well know for their free WordPress themes.


    However, now they are looking to extend their presence in plugin development and believe that Colorlib 404 Customizer is a great way to start.

    但是,现在他们希望扩展其在插件开发中的地位,并相信Colorlib 404 Customizer是一个不错的起点。

    If you are new to WordPress and want to learn more we have got you covered.


    Colorlib will teach you how to start a blog or 创建博客

    -to-make-a-website/" rel="nofollow">create a website and much more.

    -to-make-a-website /“ rel =” nofollow“>创建网站等等。

    If you are already familiar with WordPress you likely want to learn how to make it faster and more reliable.


    That’s when you want to look into hosting and more specifically WordPress hosting.

    就是在那时,您想研究托管,更具体地说是 WordPress托管

    If you enjoy using Colorlib 404 Customizer for WordPress please leave a positive feedback.

    如果您喜欢将Colorlib 404 Customizer用于WordPress,请留下积极的反馈。

    We are committed to make it the best 404 Customizer plugin for WordPress.

    我们致力于使其成为WordPress的最佳404 Customizer插件。


    1. Download the plugin (.zip file) on your hard drive.
    2. 在硬盘上下载插件(.zip文件)。

    3. Unzip the zip file contents.
    4. 解压缩zip文件内容。

    5. Upload the colorlib-404-customizer folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    6. colorlib-404-customizer 文件夹上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录。

    7. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    8. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    9. A new sub menu item Colorlib 404 Customizer will appear in your main Settings menu.
    10. 新的子菜单项 Colorlib 404定制程序将显示在主“设置”菜单中。





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