[wordpress插件] Code Cleaner代码清理器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-26 14:00 562 0 全屏看文



This plugin cleans and optimizes WordPress code for improved website performance and faster page load times.


Whether you’re using a custom child theme or a marketplace theme template, this plugin will clean the code and improve performance.


It adds a variety of site-wide optimization options to the WordPress backend:


    • Disable emojis
    • 禁用表情符号

    • Disable embeds
    • 禁用嵌入

    • Remove query strings
    • 删除查询字符串

    • Disable XML-RPC
    • 禁用XML-RPC

    • Remote jQuery Migrate
    • 远程jQuery迁移

    • Hide WP Version
    • 隐藏WP版本

    • Remove the wlwmanifest link
    • 删除wlwmanifest链接

    • Remove the RSD link
    • 删除RSD链接

    • Remove the shortlink tag
    • 删除短链接标记

    • Disable RSS feeds
    • 禁用RSS源

    • Disable RSS feed links
    • 禁用RSS feed链接

    • Disable self pingbacks
    • 禁用自我pingbacking

    • Remove REST API links
    • 删除REST API链接

    • Disable dashicons
    • 禁用破折号

    • Disable Google Maps
    • 禁用Google地图

    • Disable Heartbeat
    • 禁用心跳

    • Update Heartbeat frequency
    • 更新心跳频率

    • Limit/disable post revisions
    • 限制/禁用帖子修订

    • Update autosave frequency
    • 更新自动保存频率

    • Change the login URL
    • 更改登录URL

    WooCommerce optimization options:


      • Diable scripts except on product, cart and checkout pages
      • 除产品,购物车和结帐页面外的可用脚本

      • Disable cart fragmentation
      • 禁用购物车碎片

      • Disable the status meta box
      • 禁用状态元框

      • Disable widgets
      • 禁用小部件

      The plugin also offers CDN rewrite support, a script manager to disable CSS/JS on a page-by-page basis, DNS prefetch and preconnect support, as well as backend accessibility mode.

      该插件还提供CDN重写支持,一个脚本管理器以逐页禁用CSS / JS,DNS预取和预连接支持以及后端可访问性模式。



        • Lazy load images
        • 延迟加载图像

        • HTTP/2 server push
        • HTTP / 2服务器推送

        • Sync Google Analytics locally
        • 本地同步Google Analytics(分析)

        • Delete expired transients
        • 删除过期的瞬变

        • WordPress menu cache
        • WordPress菜单缓存

        • Parse and remove all HTML comments in source code
        • 解析并删除源代码中的所有HTML注释

        • Disable blog (comments, categories, tags, etc.)
        • 禁用博客(评论,类别,标签等)

        • Minify HTML/JS/CSS
        • 缩小HTML / JS / CSS

        • Disable Google Fonts
        • 禁用Google字体

        • Disable comments globally
        • 全局禁用评论

        • White label for marketing agencies
        • 营销机构的白色标签


    1. Upload the Code Cleaner plugin to your WordPress site and Activate it.

    2. 将Code Cleaner插件上传到您的WordPress网站并激活它。

    3. That’s it!
    4. 就是这样!

