[wordpress插件] CM Download ManagerCM下载管理器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-26 02:20 622 0 全屏看文



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Enables you to upload, manage, track and support documents or files in a directory listing structure for others to use and comment.


The CM Downloads Manager is a file sharing plugin for WordPress that enables you to specify which users are allowed to upload, manage, track and support documents, media files and much more.

CM Downloads Manager是WordPress的文件共享插件,使您可以指定允许哪些用户上载,管理,​​跟踪和支持文档,媒体文件等等。

The WordPress file management plugin organizes content in a directory listing structure that others can use and comment upon.


Each file uploaded with this file management plugin creates a unique landing page with a file preview, support forums and more.


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The WordPress downloads manager plugin creates an index page which organizes downloads by categories.


This index page can direct the user directly to all the download files.


The premium version of this multi file package enables users to secure files individually or in groups with password protection, or by restricting specific users.


The download manager plugin also has preview options for different file formats and for previewing music files before downloading.


With this downloads manager packages plugin, you can create a file sharing directory where users can upload and manage files, downloads, apps, add-ons, packages, plugins, and archives.


This WordPress file management plugin also easily integrates with various other plugins, such as payment platforms and Q&A forums.


Add-Ons & Extensions




    • Plugin Directory – Creates a plugin directory that is similar to any other WordPress Plugins Directory.
    • 插件目录–创建一个与其他WordPress插件目录相似的插件目录。

    • Download Counter – Counts the number of downloads for each download.
    • 下载计数器–计算每次下载的下载次数。

    • Support forum – Supports your users by letting them vote and answer existing topics that relate to each download.
    • 支持论坛–通过让用户投票和回答与每次下载相关的现有主题来为您的用户提供支持。

    • Customer Support – Support for retail customer’s questions.
    • 客户支持–支持零售客户的问题。

    • File Manager – Manages files in a directory structure.
    • 文件管理器–管理目录结构中的文件。

    • MP3 and Music file directory – Manages music downloads and allow users to listen to audio files before downloading.
    • MP3和音乐文件目录–管理音乐下载,并允许用户在下载之前收听音频文件。

    • Videos file directory – Manages video downloads and allow users to preview before downloading.
    • 视频文件目录–管理视频下载,并允许用户在下载前进行预览。

    • Users Groups Permission – Manage user groups permission to access downloads.
    • 用户组权限–管理用户组访问下载权限。

    • Charge for Downloads / Uploads – Charge users for uploading / downloading.
    • 收取下载/上传费用-收取用户上载/下载费用。

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    Basic Features


      • Includes a download counter.
      • 包括一个下载计数器。

      • Includes voting for each download.
      • 包括对每次下载的投票。

      • Includes download categories.
      • 包括下载类别。

      • Administrators can manage downloads.
      • 管理员可以管理下载。

      • Built-in support forum for each download.
      • 每次下载均内置支持论坛。

      • Template can be customized in several ways.
      • 可以通过多种方式自定义模板。

      • Image preview for each download.
      • 每次下载的图像预览。

      • Filter downloads with an internal search engine.
      • 使用内部搜索引擎过滤下载。

      • Administrators can define the types of file extensions supported.
      • 管理员可以定义支持的文件扩展名的类型。

      • User can track his or her downloads from their user profile.
      • 用户可以从其用户个人资料中跟踪其下载。

      • User can receive email notifications on newly submitted support questions.
      • 用户可以收到有关新提交的支持问题的电子邮件通知。

      Pro Version Features


      Pro Version Detailed Feature List


        • Multiple-File Upload- Ability to upload multiple files to download page.

        • 多文件上传-能够上传多个文件以下载页面。

          Each file can have his own title.


          The files can be zipped automatic or downloaded separately.

        • 这些文件可以自动压缩或单独下载。

        • MicroPayment – Grant or Charge virtual currency based on use-case.
        • MicroPayment –根据用例授予或收费虚拟货币。

        • NEW: User Groups Permissions- Set access control based on users groups.

        • 新功能:用户组权限-根据用户组设置访问控制。

          Admin can define global settings while user can define access settings per each download :


          View Image 1 View Image 2<

          查看图片1 查看图片2 <


          / li>

        • Social Media Registration Integration- Integrates with Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

        • 社交媒体注册集成-与Facebook,Google +和LinkedIn集成。

          View Image One, 查看图像一

          www.cminds.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/cm-answers-image2.png" rel="nofollow">View Image 2

        • www.cminds.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/cm-answers-image2.png“ rel =” nofollow“>查看图片2

        • Shortcodes/Widgets- Generates top level contributors list, recent updates, and in most cases, a download items list.
        • Shortcodes / Widgets-生成顶级贡献者列表,最新更新,并在大多数情况下生成下载项目列表。

        • View Restriction- Defines according to each download whether or not it is open to non-logged in users.

        • 查看限制-根据每次下载定义是否向未登录的用户开放。

          If only logged in users are allowed, administrators can also define whose user roles can view specific downloads.


          This can be set by Admin or you can give the user ability to custom define their view.


          View Image

        • 查看图像

        • Password Protection- Protects downloads with passwords.

        • 密码保护-使用密码保护下载。

          View Image,


          View demo

        • 查看演示

        • Upload Restrictions- Defines which user roles can create new downloads.

        • 上传限制-定义哪些用户角色可以创建新下载。

          View Image<

          查看图像 <


          / li>

        • URL / Shortcode- Allows the inclusion of an external URL or a Shortcode in download page instead of uploading a file.

        • URL /简码-允许在下载页面中包含外部URL或简码,而不是上传文件。

          This is useful for integration with other plugins for support with checkout shopping carts and for selling downloads.


          View Example of EDD integration


          a> , View Example of User


          Selection, View Demo




        • Related Downloads- Show Related downloads on the Download page.

        • 相关下载-在“下载”页面上显示相关下载。

          View Image,


          View Demo

        • 查看演示

        • Downloads Page Tabs- Shows more tabs for detailed download descriptions on the Download page, which the admin can control in the settings.

        • “下载”页面选项卡-在“下载”页面上显示更多选项卡,以提供详细的下载说明,管理员可以在设置中控制这些选项卡。

          View Demo

        • 查看演示

        • Search- Filters search results by date, download type and username.

        • 搜索-按日期,下载类型和用户名过滤搜索结果。

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        • 查看演示

        • Moderate User Comments- Administators can moderate user comments.

        • 审核用户评论-管理员可以审核用户评论。

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          / li>

        • Auto-Approve Comments and Answers from Users- Administrators can define a list of users who do not need any moderation.

        • 自动批准用户的评论和答案-管理员可以定义不需要任何审核的用户列表。

          View Image<

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          / li>

        • Multisite- Supports multisite.
        • 多站点-支持多站点。

        • Public User Profile- Automatically generates a public profile page that contains the number of downloads each user has posted with a link to his or her social media profile.

        • 公共用户个人资料-自动生成一个公共个人资料页面,其中包含每个用户发布的下载次数以及指向其社交媒体个人资料的链接。

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          / li>

        • Gravatar – Ability to show a Gravatar near the user name and in user profile.

        • Gravatar –可以在用户名附近和用户个人资料中显示Gravatar。

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          / li>

        • Order Comments – Shows comments on the Download page in either ascending or descending order.

        • 订单注释–在下载页面上按升序或降序显示注释。

          View Image from Settings

        • 从设置中查看图像

        • Localization Support – Frontend (user side) is localized/
        • 本地化支持–前端(用户端)已本地化/

        • View Count – Shows view count for each download and lets you control how the view count is tabulated (by view or by session) View Image from Settings,

          /edd/Downloads99F.png“ rel =” nofollow“>从设置中查看图像

          rel="nofollow">View Image from Downloads edit screen

        • rel =“ nofollow”>从“下载”编辑屏幕中查看图像

        • Permalinks – Ability to change permalink from /cmdownloads to a user defined directory.

        • 永久链接–能够将永久链接从/ cmdownloads更改为用户定义的目录。

          View Image from Settings

        • 从设置中查看图像

        • Support Tab – Ability to remove support forum and also other tabs from the Download page.

        • 支持选项卡–能够从下载页面中删除支持论坛和其他选项卡。

          View Image from Settings

        • 从“设置”中查看图像

        • Slide Show – Ability to turn off the slide show.

        • 幻灯片放映–可以关闭幻灯片放映。

          View Image from Settings

        • 从设置中查看图像

        • Disclaimer – Add an option to show a disclaimer for first time users.

        • 免责声明–添加选项以向首次使用的用户显示免责声明。

          View Image from Settings, 从“设置”中查看图像

          //downloadsmanager.cminds.com//wp-content/uploads/edd/Downloads99B.png" rel="nofollow">View Image from site

        • //downloadsmanager.cminds.com//wp-content/uploads/edd/Downloads99B.png“ rel =” nofollow“>从网站上查看图像

        • Gratitude Message – Does not include the CMinds Gratitude message in the footer.
        • 感谢消息–在页脚中不包括CMinds感谢消息。

        • External Viewer – Adds external links to Google Docs viewer for supported Google Docs document types.

        • 外部查看器–为支持的Google Docs文档类型向Google Docs查看器添加外部链接。

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        • MP3 Viewer – Adds an embedded mp3 player for listening to music files.

        • MP3 Viewer –添加一个嵌入式mp3播放器以收听音乐文件。

          [View Demo](https://plugins.cminds.com/cmdownloads/mp3-audio-example/]

        • [查看演示](https://plugins.cminds.com/cmdownloads/mp3-audio-example/]

        • Downloads Index Views – Option to toggle between a list view and a tiles view of your downloads.

        • 下载索引视图–用于在下载的列表视图和切片视图之间切换的选项。

          View Demo

        • 查看演示

        • Social Share – Includes a social share widget in the question page.

        • 社交共享–在问题页面中包括社交共享小部件。

          View Demo- Widget on the right

        • 查看右侧的演示窗口小部件



      Downloads, forum, splunkbase, comments, Apps, Archives, Apps Management, Apps Download, Apps directory, Download Management, Download Directory, Download Plugin, Downloads Plugin, Add-on, Add-on management, Add-on directory,


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      tracker, download counter, download manager, download monitor, file management plugin, file manager, mp3, music, support, ajax, comments, facebook, google, images, shortcode, sidebar, social, twitter, widget, widgets, video




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      Suggested Plugins by CreativeMinds


        • CM Ad Changer – Manage, Track and Report Advertising Campaigns Across Sites.

        • CM广告转换器 –跨站点管理,跟踪和报告广告活动。

          Can turn your Turn your WP into an Ad Server

        • 可以将您的WP变成广告服务器

        • CM Super ToolTip Glossary – Easily creates a Glossary, Encyclopaedia or Dictionary of your website's terms and shows them as a tooltip

        • CM超级工具提示词汇表 –轻松创建网站术语的词汇表,百科全书或词典,并将其显示为工具提示

          in posts and pages when hovering.


          With many more powerful features.

        • 具有许多更强大的功能。

        • CM Download Manager – Allows users to upload, manage, track and support documents or files in a download directory

        • CM下载管理器 –允许用户上载,管理,​​跟踪和支持下载目录中的文档或文件

          listing database for others to contribute, use and comment upon.

        • 列出数据库以供其他人贡献,使用和评论。

        • CM Answers Plugin – A fully-featured WordPress Questions & Answers Plugin that allows you to build multiple discussion forum

        • CM Answers插件 –功能齐全的WordPress Questions&Answers插件,可让您建立多个讨论论坛

          systems Just like StackOverflow, Yahoo Answers and Quora, Now with MicroPayment and Anonymous posting support!.

        • 系统就像StackOverflow,Yahoo Answers和Quora一样,现在具有MicroPayment和匿名发布支持!。

        • CM MicroPayments – Adds the in-site support for your own “virtual currency”.

        • CM MicroPayments –添加了对您自己的“虚拟货币”的现场支持。

          The purpose of this plugin is to allow in-site transactions without the necessity of processing the external payments each time (quicker & easier).


          Developers can use it as a platform to integrate with their own plugins.

        • 开发人员可以将其用作与自己的插件集成的平台。

        • CM Restrict Content – A full-featured, powerful membership solution and content restriction plugin for WordPress.

        • CM限制内容 –一款功能齐全,功能强大的WordPress会员解决方案和内容限制插件。

          Support access by role to content on your site.

        • 支持按角色访问您网站上的内容。

        • CM OnBoarding – Superb Guidance tool which improves the online experience and

        • CM OnBoarding –出色的指导工具,可改善在线体验并

          the user satisfaction.

        • 用户满意度。

        • CM Booking Calendar – Customers can easily schedule appointments and pay for them directly through your website.
        • CM预订日历 –客户可以轻松安排约会并直接通过您的网站付款。


Detailed User Guide


    1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. 将插件文件夹上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Manage your CM Download Manager from Left Side Admin Menu
    6. 从左侧管理菜单管理您的CM Download Manager

    7. All download are located on /cmdownloads/
    8. 所有下载均位于/ cmdownloads /

    9. User dashboard is located on /cmdownload/dashboard/
    10. 用户信息中心位于/ cmdownload / dashboard /

    11. Before adding first download please define download categories
    12. 在添加首次下载之前,请定义下载类别

    Note: You must have a call to wp_head() in your template in order for the JS plugin files to work properly.


    If your theme does not support this you will need to link to these files manually in your theme (not recommended).






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