[wordpress插件] CM Curated List ManagerCM策展人列表经理

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-26 02:00 669 0 全屏看文



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Lets you organize links and content around categories to display as a curated collection.


These curated lists are great tools for content marketing and knowledge sharing.


The WordPress Curated List Manager Knowledge Base Plugin by CreativeMinds allows you to build curated lists of links and information all arranged by categories.

CreativeMinds的WordPress Curated List Manager知识库插件可让您构建按类别排列的链接和信息的精选列表。

Each curated list list can be shown using a shortcode on any page or post and users can filter the information by a live search filter, by categories or by tags.


The actively curated list is easy to use, easy to customize, and works with any theme.


The curated list manager plugin lets users easily integrate lists within WordPress.


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The curated list manager plugin is a great content marketing tool which allows users to build favorite lists, recommend content lists or arrange knowledge around clusters of categories and subcategories.


This is also a great tool for building a professional knowledgebase of all related articles and links to a specific subject area.


It is also possible to add a checkbox near each item, therefore making it into an assignment list which users can mark what they did and the plugin will save it based on a cookie assigned to the user.




Curator, Curation, Content Curation, bookmarks, bookmarks list


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    • Build a curated list of articles and links on your site
    • 在您的网站上建立精选的文章和链接列表

    • Build a small knowledge base arranging information by categories and subcategories
    • 建立一个小型知识库,按类别和子类别排列信息

    • Prepare a reading list available for students
    • 准备供学生阅读的清单

    • Prepare a todo list with checkbox to mark what was already done
    • 使用复选框准备待办事项列表以标记已完成的工作

    Basic Features


      • Create a list with any number of categories and subcategories
      • 创建包含任意数量的类别和子类别的列表

      • Add as many links to a given category
      • 添加与给定类别一样多的链接

      • Use a shortcode to display list on any page or post
      • 使用简码在任何页面或帖子上显示列表

      Pro Version Features


      Pro Version Detailed


      Features List


        • Created multiple lists – User can create multiple lists and place them anywhere on page or posts on site
        • 创建多个列表–用户可以创建多个列表并将其放置在页面上或网站上的任何位置

        • Added tags support – tags are placed near links with background color and user can filter list by tags.

        • 增加了标签支持–标签被放置在具有背景颜色的链接附近,用户可以按标签过滤列表。

          User can set color for each tag

        • 用户可以为每个标签设置颜色

        • Add fast filtering support – user can filter list by text, categories or tags.

        • 添加快速过滤支持–用户可以按文本,类别或标签过滤列表。

          All relevant links will be shown

        • 所有相关链接都会显示

        • Add category background color – User can choose to set a background color for each category
        • 添加类别背景颜色–用户可以选择为每个类别设置背景颜色

        • Styling options – User can define several options for look and feel of the list such as tooltip colors, remove elements from list and more
        • 样式选项–用户可以定义列表外观的几种选项,例如工具提示颜色,从列表中删除元素等等

        • Last update date – For each list show last update date

        • 最后更新日期–对于每个列表,显示最后更新日期

          Number of items included in list – Foreach list show the number of items included in list

        • 列表中包含的项目数–“ Foreach列表”显示列表中包含的项目数

        • Ordering options – Order categories within each list and links within each category using drag and drop interface
        • 订购选项–使用拖放界面对每个列表中的类别和每个类别中的链接进行订购

        • Link type – Link can have an icon or a checkbox.

        • 链接类型–链接可以带有图标或复选框。

          Once used with a checkbox plugin remember user selection using a tracking cookie.


          This is good for todo lists

        • 这对待办事项列表很有用

      Suggested Plugins by CreativeMinds




        • CM Ad Changer – Manage, Track and Report Advertising Campaigns Across Sites.

        • CM广告转换器 –跨站点管理,跟踪和报告广告活动。

          Can turn your Turn your WP into an Ad Server

        • 可以将您的WP变成广告服务器

        • CM Super ToolTip Glossary – Easily creates a Glossary, Encyclopaedia or Dictionary of your website's terms and shows them as a tooltip

        • CM超级工具提示词汇表 –轻松创建网站术语的词汇表,百科全书或词典,并将其显示为工具提示

          in posts and pages when hovering.


          With many more powerful features.

        • 具有许多更强大的功能。

        • CM Download Manager – Allows users to upload, manage, track and support documents or files in a download directory

        • CM下载管理器 –允许用户上载,管理,​​跟踪和支持下载目录中的文档或文件

          listing database for others to contribute, use and comment upon.

        • 列出数据库以供其他人贡献,使用和评论。

        • CM Answers Plugin – A fully-featured WordPress Questions & Answers Plugin that allows you to build multiple discussion forum

        • CM Answers插件 –功能齐全的WordPress Questions&Answers插件,可让您建立多个讨论论坛

          systems Just like StackOverflow, Yahoo Answers and Quora, Now with MicroPayment and Anonymous posting support!.

        • 系统就像StackOverflow,Yahoo Answers和Quora一样,现在具有MicroPayment和匿名发布支持!。

        • CM MicroPayments – Adds the in-site support for your own “virtual currency”.

        • CM MicroPayments –添加了对您自己的“虚拟货币”的现场支持。

          The purpose of this plugin is to allow in-site transactions without the necessity of processing the external payments each time (quicker & easier).


          Developers can use it as a platform to integrate with their own plugins.

        • 开发人员可以将其用作与自己的插件集成的平台。

        • CM Restrict Content – A full-featured, powerful membership solution and content restriction plugin for WordPress.

        • CM限制内容 –一款功能齐全,功能强大的WordPress会员解决方案和内容限制插件。

          Support access by role to content on your site.

        • 支持按角色访问您网站上的内容。

        • CM OnBoarding – Superb Guidance tool which improves the online experience and

        • CM OnBoarding –出色的指导工具,可改善在线体验并

          the user satisfaction.

        • 用户满意度。

        • CM Booking Calendar – Customers can easily schedule appointments and pay for them directly through your website.
        • CM预订日历 –客户可以轻松安排约会并直接通过您的网站付款。


    1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. 将插件文件夹上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Configure plugin.
    6. 配置插件。

    7. Add categories and links.
    8. 添加类别和链接。

    9. Use shortcode to display list.
    10. 使用简码显示列表。





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