[wordpress插件] CM AnswersCM答案

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Enables users to post questions and answers (Q&A) in a stack overflow style.


Includes voting, moderation, notifications, access control and more.


The CM Answers is a questions and answers plugin for WordPress that enables users to add questions and answers (Q&A) in a stack overflow style.

“ CM Answers”是WordPress的问答工具,可让用户以堆栈溢出样式添加问答(Q&A)。

The Answers plugin allows users to post questions and answers, leave comments, vote, and upload files in a discussion board format.


Users of this WordPress answers plugin have full moderation access of questions and answers, can restrict user capabilities, and create multiple forum categories.


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Admins also have the ability to customize the questions and answers, filter any unwanted content, add answers, and easily keep track of users actions in the forum.


The CM Answers discussion forum plugin has many other unique features, like voting for questions and answers, which allows administrators to customize it according to his or her needs.

“ CM Answers”论坛插件具有许多其他独特功能,例如对问题和答案进行投票,使管理员可以根据自己的需要对其进行自定义。

Additional features of this ultimate WordPress questions and answers plugin include multiple file uploads, private messages, and the ability to subscribe to categories and certain topics, as well as receive notifications when there is new content.


Add-Ons & Extensions




    • Forum – Puts a lightweight and easy to use Discussion Forum on your WordPress site or blog.
    • 论坛–在您的WordPress网站或博客上放置一个轻便且易于使用的论坛。

    • Support Forum – Supports your users while allowing them vote and answer existing topics that you moderate.
    • 支持论坛–支持用户,同时允许他们投票和回答您主持的现有主题。

    • Community – Adds a discussion forum to your site that allow your members to start their own conversations and ask questions.
    • 社区–在您的站点中添加一个讨论论坛,使您的成员可以开始自己的对话并提出问题。

    • Questions & Answers – Users can answer questions sent in by other users.
    • 问题与解答–用户可以回答其他用户发送的问题。

    • Customer Support – Support for retail customer’s questions.
    • 客户支持–支持零售客户的问题。

    • StackOverflow – Adds a StackOverflow style forum to your site.
    • StackOverflow –将StackOverflow样式的论坛添加到您的网站。

    • Paid Support – Charge users for posted questions & answers.
    • 付费支持–向用户收取发布的问题和答案。

    • Anonymous Posting – Support anonymous posting with aditional add-on
    • 匿名发布–支持带有附加插件的匿名发布

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    Basic Features


      • Includes a views count
      • 包括观看次数

      • Includes an answers count
      • 包括答案计数

      • Administrators can moderate question & answers and can receive email notifications.
      • 管理员可以审核问题和解答,并可以接收电子邮件通知。

      • Users can receive notifications when answering a question pending follow-up.
      • 用户在回答问题以待跟进时会收到通知。

      • Sorting options in the question and answer pages.
      • 问答页面中的排序选项。

      • Template can be easily customized according to users requirements.
      • 可以根据用户要求轻松定制模板。

      • We will be happy to add more language files and submit them to our WP community members.

      • 我们将很乐意添加更多语言文件并将其提交给我们的WP社区成员。

        Currently we support: Spanish, German, Polish, Russian, French and Czech.

      • 目前,我们支持:西班牙语,德语,波兰语,俄语,法语和捷克语。

      Pro Version Features


      Pro Version Detailed Features List


        • Mobile Responsive – Adjusted design and uex for mobile devices.
        • 移动响应式–调整了移动设备的设计和uex。

        • Anonymous Posting – Support anonymous non logged-in user posting when used with Add-on.
        • 匿名发布-与附件一起使用时,支持匿名非登录用户发布。

        • Private Answers – Mark answer as private so only question author can see.
        • 私人答案–将答案标记为私人答案,这样只有问题作者才能看到。

        • Private Question – Send questions privately to question author.
        • 私人问题–将问题私下发送给问题作者。

        • Advertisements – Integration with Ad-Sense or other Ads networks.
        • 广告–与Ad-Sense或其他广告网络集成。

        • Comments – GAdd comments to question or answers.
        • 评论– G在问题或答案中添加评论。

        • MicroPayment – Grant or Charge virtual currency based on use-case.
        • MicroPayment –根据用例授予或收费虚拟货币。

        • Comments – Ability add comments for question and for answers.
        • 评论-可以添加问题和答案的评论。

        • Multiple Attachments – Multiple attachments in questions and answers.
        • 多个附件–问题和答案中的多个附件。

        • Spam Report – User can report span questions or answers.
        • 垃圾邮件报告–用户可以报告垃圾邮件问题或答案。

        • Access Control – Admin can define who can ask questions and who can answer based on user role.
        • 访问控制–管理员可以根据用户角色定义谁可以提问和谁可以回答。

        • Integration with Twitter – Users can register and post using existing Twitter account
        • 与Twitter集成–用户可以使用现有的Twitter帐户进行注册和发布

        • Edit Question / Answers – Users can edit the question or the answer after submission.
        • 编辑问题/答案–用户可以在提交后编辑问题或答案。

        • BuddyPress – Stronger Integration with BuddyPress.
        • BuddyPress –与BuddyPress的更强集成。

        • Two Levels Category Navigation – Support two level category navigation.
        • 两级类别导航–支持两级类别导航。

        • Ajax Support – Uses a Shortcode that displays the Category, supported by Ajax.

        • Ajax支持–使用显示Ajax支持的类别的简码。

          Views of categories fit within the current site template.


        • Social Media Registration Integration – Integrates with Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn profiles.

        • 社交媒体注册集成–与Facebook,Google +和LinkedIn个人资料集成。

          View Image, [See another image] (http://



        • www.cminds.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/cm-answers-image2.png)

        • Shortcodes – Generates a Questions List by using a Shortcode: cma-questions with additional parameters.

        • 简码–使用简码:带有其他参数的cma-questions生成问题列表。

          For example, limit=10 author=123 sort=hottest [View Demo] (http://answers.cminds.com/cm-answers-shortcode-example/)

        • 例如,limit = 10 author = 123 sort = hottest [查看演示](http://answers.cminds.com/cm-answers-shortcode-example/)

        • User Dashboard – Adds “My Questions” and “My Answers” dashboards to the user profile page by using Shortcodes: cma-my-questions and cma-my-answers View Image
        • com / wp-content / uploads / edd / cm-answers-image3.png“ rel =” nofollow“>查看图片

        • Categories – Ability to add categories and display them using a Shortcode.

        • 类别-能够添加类别并使用简码显示它们的功能。

          cat=catname View Demo, 查看演示

          .cminds.com/answers" rel="nofollow">View Demo in Questions Index

        • .cminds.com / answers“ rel =” nofollow“>查看问题索引中的演示

        • Widgets – Widget integration that can sort and display hottest questions, most viewed, most recent answers and more.

        • 小部件–可以集成和显示最热门问题,查看最多,最新答案等的小部件集成。

          View Image

        • 查看图像

        • User Posting Meter – Ability to add the user’s profile of the number of posted questions and answers that the user has contributed displayed beside their user name.

        • 用户发帖计量表–可以添加用户个人资料,其中显示了用户贡献的已发布问题和答案的数量。

          View Image

        • 查看图像

        • Show/Hide Views – Administrator can choose to hide or show the number of views that a topic has.

        • 显示/隐藏视图–管理员可以选择隐藏或显示主题具有的视图数量。

          View Image

        • 查看图像

        • Moderation- Administrators can define a list of users who are exempt and can post without any need of moderation.

        • 审核-管理员可以定义免除并可以发布而无需审核的用户列表。

          View Image

        • 查看图像

        • Multisite – Supports multisite.
        • 多站点–支持多站点。

        • Gravatar – Ability to display a Gravatar near the user’s name and in the user’s profile.
        • Gravatar –可以在用户名附近和用户个人资料中显示Gravatar。

        • Order Answers – Shows and sorts all answers in ascending or descending order.

        • 订购答案–以升序或降序显示和排序所有答案。

          View Image from Settings, 从“设置”中查看图像

          /answers.cminds.com/contributor/admin/" rel="nofollow">View Demo

        • /answers.cminds.com/contributor/admin/“ rel =” nofollow“>查看演示

        • Attachment – Accepts file attachments when posting a question.

        • 附件–发布问题时接受文件附件。

          Limits for file types and sizes.


          View Image, 查看图像

          .cminds.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/Answers99B.png" rel="nofollow">View Image from Settings

        • .cminds.com / wp-content / uploads / edd / Answers99B.png“ rel =” nofollow“>从“设置”中查看图像

        • Localization Support – Frontend (user side) is localized.
        • 本地化支持–前端(用户端)已本地化。

        • View Count Control – Controls how a view count is tabulated (by view or by session).

        • 视图计数控件–控制如何将视图计数制成表格(按视图或会话)。

          View Image from Settings

        • 从“设置”中查看图像

        • Public User Profile – Automatically generates a public profile page containing all the questions and answers a user has posted, with a link to his or her social media profile.

        • 公共用户个人资料–自动生成一个公共个人资料页面,其中包含用户发布的所有问题和答案以及指向其社交媒体个人资料的链接。

          View Image

        • 查看图像

        • Gratitude Message – Does not include our Gratitude Message in the footer.
        • 感谢消息–在页脚中不包含我们的感谢消息。

        • Tags – Tags are fully supported.

        • 标签-完全支持标签。

          Administrators can control the appearance of tags with an available Tags widget.


          View Demo – Widget on the right, 查看演示–右侧的窗口小部件

          wp-content/uploads/edd/Answers99E.png" rel="nofollow">View Image

        • wp-content / uploads / edd / Answers99E.png“ rel =” nofollow“>查看图片

        • Sticky Questions – Supports sticky questions with an administrator defined background color.

        • 粘性问题–支持具有管理员定义的背景色的粘性问题。

          View Demo – First question is sticky, 查看演示–第一个问题很棘手

          wp-content/uploads/edd/Answers99F.png" rel="nofollow">View Image When Admin edit question post, View Image from settings

        • /edd/Answers99H.png“ rel =” nofollow“>从设置中查看图像

        • Code Snippets in Posts – Support for code snippets and custom background color.

        • 帖子中的代码段–支持代码段和自定义背景色。

          View Demo of code inside a question, 查看问题中的代码演示

          .cminds.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/Answers99G.png" rel="nofollow">View Image from settings

        • .cminds.com / wp-content / uploads / edd / Answers99G.png“ rel =” nofollow“>从设置中查看图像

        • Homepage – Supports options to define CM Answers as the Site or Blog homepage
        • 主页–支持将CM Answers定义为站点或博客主页的选项

        • Permalink – Customizable CM Answers permalink.

        • 永久链接–可定制的CM Answers永久链接。

          View Image from settings

        • 从设置中查看图像

        • Disclaimer – Added Disclaimer support for first time users.

        • 免责声明–为首次使用的用户添加了免责声明支持。

          View Image from Settings, 从“设置”中查看图像

          /answers.cminds.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/Answers99P.png" rel="nofollow">View Image of when disclaimer appears

        • /answers.cminds.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/Answers99P.png“ rel =” nofollow“>查看免责声明何时出现的图片

        • Social Share – Includes a social share widget in the question page.

        • 社交共享–在问题页面中包括社交共享小部件。

          View Demo

        • 查看演示



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      Suggested Plugins by CreativeMinds


        • CM Ad Changer – Manage, Track and Report Advertising Campaigns Across Sites.

        • CM广告转换器 –跨站点管理,跟踪和报告广告活动。

          Can turn your Turn your WP into an Ad Server

        • 可以将您的WP变成广告服务器

        • CM Super ToolTip Glossary – Easily creates a Glossary, Encyclopaedia or Dictionary of your website's terms and shows them as a tooltip

        • CM超级工具提示词汇表 –轻松创建网站术语的词汇表,百科全书或词典,并将其显示为工具提示

          in posts and pages when hovering.


          With many more powerful features.

        • 具有许多更强大的功能。

        • CM Download Manager – Allows users to upload, manage, track and support documents or files in a download directory

        • CM下载管理器 –允许用户上载,管理,​​跟踪和支持下载目录中的文档或文件

          listing database for others to contribute, use and comment upon.

        • 列出数据库以供其他人贡献,使用和评论。

        • CM Answers Plugin – A fully-featured WordPress Questions & Answers Plugin that allows you to build multiple discussion forum

        • CM Answers插件 –功能齐全的WordPress Questions&Answers插件,可让您建立多个讨论论坛

          systems Just like StackOverflow, Yahoo Answers and Quora, Now with MicroPayment and Anonymous posting support!.

        • 系统就像StackOverflow,Yahoo Answers和Quora一样,现在具有MicroPayment和匿名发布支持!。

        • CM MicroPayments – Adds the in-site support for your own “virtual currency”.

        • CM MicroPayments –添加了对您自己的“虚拟货币”的现场支持。

          The purpose of this plugin is to allow in-site transactions without the necessity of processing the external payments each time (quicker & easier).


          Developers can use it as a platform to integrate with their own plugins.

        • 开发人员可以将其用作与自己的插件集成的平台。

        • CM Restrict Content – A full-featured, powerful membership solution and content restriction plugin for WordPress.

        • CM限制内容 –一款功能齐全,功能强大的WordPress会员解决方案和内容限制插件。

          Support access by role to content on your site.

        • 支持按角色访问您网站上的内容。

        • CM OnBoarding – Superb Guidance tool which improves the online experience and

        • CM OnBoarding –出色的指导工具,可改善在线体验并

          the user satisfaction.

        • 用户满意度。

        • CM Booking Calendar – Customers can easily schedule appointments and pay for them directly through your website.
        • CM预订日历 –客户可以轻松安排约会并直接通过您的网站付款。


Detailed User Guide




    1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. 将插件文件夹上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Manage your CM Answers plugin from Left Side Admin Dashboard
    6. 从“左侧管理信息中心”管理您的CM Answers插件

    Note: You must have a call to wp_head() in your template in order for the JS plugin files to work properly.


    If your theme does not support this you will need to link them files manually in your theme (not recommended).






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