根据公告,从基础库 2.21.2 开始,对获取手机号的接口进行了安全升级,以下是新版本接口使用指南。(旧版本接口目前可以继续使用,但建议开发者使用新版本接口,以增强小程序安全性)
PC端微信小程序不支持phonenumber.getPhoneNumber 接口怎么办?What should I do if the WeChat applet on the PC does not support the phonenumber.getPhoneNumber interface?
PC端微信小程序不支持phonenumber.getPhoneNumber 接口怎么办?根据公告,从基础库 2.21.2 开始,对获取手机号的接口进行了安全升级,以下是新版本接口使用指南。(旧版本接口目前可以继续使用,但建议开发者使用新版本接口,以增强小程序安全性)
According to the announcement, starting from the basic library 2.21.2, the interface for obtaining mobile phone number has been safely upgraded. The following is the user guide of the new version of the interface. (the old version of the interface can continue to be used at present, but it is recommended that developers use the new version of the interface to enhance the security of small programs). However, the wechat PC side and the latest upgrade still can not use the new interface. Do their own updated APIs and their own clients have not updated the basic library? It's a little low. When will the PC side update the basic library?
试了 可以用啊