[wordpress插件] CiteKite风筝

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-23 21:40 569 0 全屏看文



CiteKite validates online quotations to prove they are accurate.


The CiteKite plugin for WordPress helps you easily integrate CiteKite with your WordPress site.


See more about CiteKite at http://citekite.com

在http://citekite.com 上了解有关CiteKite的更多信息

With CiteKite in place, you’re enhancing and verifying the credibility of online quotations.


A CiteKite verified label means that a quotation has been independently verified by CiteKite, by comparing it to its source on a webpage.


The reader can see more information about the quotation, including the web address of the source material and its context, by clicking on the CiteKite label.


There’s no charge to start using CiteKite.


Even higher-volume websites can use CiteKite for a small yearly fee.


And if the original source material goes offline, there’s no need to worry – we keep a record, so your quotation can still be verified and your site’s visitors can find out when it was last available.


When you quote someone else


CiteKite enhances your credibility, because it shows that you’ve taken time to make sure an online quotation is accurate.


When you add CiteKite to your website or blog, we’ll check quotations for accuracy and give your site’s visitors extra information and a link to the original source of the quotation.


When someone else quotes you


When someone wants to quote your website, CiteKite can help make sure that your work is credited properly.


We think transparency is vital – so CiteKite makes it easy to ensure credibility all round, in an easy and user-friendly way.


You could even add this to your copyright notice



From your WordPress dashboard


    1. First sign up for a CiteKite account at http://citekite.com/Get and note the Customer ID we give you
    2. 首先在http://citekite.com/get上注册CiteKite帐户,并注意我们为您提供的客户ID

    3. Log in to WordPress and go to your dashboard
    4. 登录WordPress并转到您的信息中心

    5. From the left menu select Plugins > Add New
    6. 从左侧菜单中选择“插件”>“添加新内容”

    7. In the search box type citekite, then click Search Plugins
    8. 在搜索框中键入citekite,然后单击“搜索插件”

    9. The CiteKite plugin should be listed.

    10. 应该列出CiteKite插件。

      Click Install Now.

    11. 单击立即安装。

    12. Hopefully you will receive a success message
    13. 希望您会收到一条成功消息

    14. Click Activate Plugin
    15. 点击激活插件

    16. Select Settings > CiteKite from the left menu and enter your Customer ID
    17. 从左侧菜单中选择设置> CiteKite,然后输入您的客户ID

    18. Now just use the cite attribute with your blockquotes and CiteKite will appear, as if by magic
    19. 现在只需在块引用中使用cite属性,CiteKite就会出现,就像是魔术一样

    Downloading from the WordPress website


      1. First sign up for a CiteKite account at http://citekite.com/Get and note the Customer ID we give you
      2. 首先在http://citekite.com/get上注册CiteKite帐户,并注意我们为您提供的客户ID

      3. Go to the WordPress Plugin Directory at https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/
      4. 转到https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ 上的WordPress插件目录。

      5. In the search box type citekite, then click Search Plugins
      6. 在搜索框中键入citekite,然后单击“搜索插件”

      7. The CiteKite plugin should be listed.

      8. 应该列出CiteKite插件。

        Click CiteKite.

      9. 点击CiteKite。

      10. Click the Download button, and save the Zip somewhere memorable.
      11. 单击“下载”按钮,然后将Zip保存在值得纪念的地方。

      12. Log in to WordPress and go to your dashboard
      13. 登录WordPress并转到您的信息中心

      14. From the left menu select Plugins > Add New
      15. 从左侧菜单中选择“插件”>“添加新内容”

      16. From the top menu, under the heading, select Upload
      17. 从顶部菜单的标题下,选择“上载”

      18. Click Choose File and select the CiteKite plugin ZIP file you downloaded earlier – you saved it somewhere memorable, remember?
      19. 单击“选择文件”,然后选择您先前下载的CiteKite插件ZIP文件–您将其保存在值得纪念的地方了,

      20. Click Install Now
      21. 点击立即安装

      22. Hopefully you will receive a success message
      23. 希望您会收到一条成功消息

      24. Click Activate Plugin
      25. 点击激活插件

      26. Select Settings > CiteKite from the left menu and enter your Customer ID
      27. 从左侧菜单中选择设置> CiteKite,然后输入您的客户ID

      28. Now just use the cite attribute with your blockquotes and CiteKite will appear, as if by magic
      29. 现在只需在块引用中使用cite属性,CiteKite就会出现,就像是魔术一样

      Manual installation


        1. Sign up for a CiteKite account and note your Customer ID
        2. 注册一个CiteKite帐户并记下您的客户ID

        3. Download and unzip the plugin
        4. 下载并解压缩插件

        5. Upload the plugin to the wp-content/plugins folder within your WordPress installation folder
        6. 将插件上传到WordPress安装文件夹中的wp-content / plugins文件夹

        7. Activate CiteKite from the plugins menu in WordPress
        8. 从WordPress的插件菜单中激活CiteKite

        9. Select CiteKite from the settings menu in WordPress and enter your Customer ID
        10. 从WordPress的设置菜单中选择CiteKite,然后输入您的客户ID

        11. Now just use the cite attribute with your blockquotes and CiteKite will appear, as if by magic
        12. 现在只需在块引用中使用cite属性,CiteKite就会出现,就像是魔术一样





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