[wordpress插件] Circles Gallery圈子画廊

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-23 19:40 754 0 全屏看文



3 plugins in one: an Amazing gallery, a Multi-column layout and a “Team members” plugin.


FREE version


    • Easily create galleries with the WordPress media panel
    • 使用WordPress媒体面板轻松创建画廊

    • Use a handy shortcode to place the gallery where you like
    • 使用方便的简码将图库放置在您喜欢的位置

    • Choose the place of the text: inside or outside the circle
    • 选择文本的位置:圆圈内还是圆圈外

    • Customize the text size
    • 自定义文字大小

    • 5 Fontawesome icons
    • 5个Fontawesome图标

    • 1 Lightbox
    • 1个灯箱

    • 1 mouse hover effect
    • 1个鼠标悬停效果

    • Set the number of columns
    • 设置列数

    • Set a different number of columns for tablets and smartphones
    • 为平板电脑和智能手机设置不同数量的列

    • Set the custom width of the circles
    • 设置自定义圆圈的宽度

    • Use many galleries in the same page or post
    • 在同一页面或帖子中使用许多画廊

    • Choose the back color of the circles
    • 选择圆圈的底色

    • Set a fixed or automatic height of the text
    • 设置文本的固定高度或自动高度

    • Set default settings for all galleries
    • 设置所有画廊的默认设置

    MONO and MULTI versions


    all free features plus:


      • Choose from 57 different mouse hover effects!!
      • 从57种不同的鼠标悬停效果中选择!!

      • Open full size images with a lightbox
      • 使用灯箱打开完整尺寸的图像

      • Choose an icon from Fontawesome: 479 available icons!!
      • 从Fontawesome中选择一个图标:479个可用图标!

      • 6 Lightboxes, choose your favorite one: PrettyPhoto, ColorBox, Swipebox, Lightbox, FancyBox or MagnificPopup
      • 6个灯箱,选择您最喜欢的灯箱:PrettyPhoto,ColorBox,Swipebox,Lightbox,FancyBox或MagnificPopup

      • 11 available lightbox themes
      • 11个可用的灯箱主题


For automatic installation:


The simplest way to install is to click on ‘Plugins’ then ‘Add’ and type ‘Circles Gallery’ in the search field.

最简单的安装方法是先点击“插件”,然后点击“添加”,然后在搜索栏中输入“ Circles Gallery”。

For manual installation 1:


    1. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
    2. 登录到您的网站,然后转到管理面板的“插件”部分。

    3. Click the Add New button.
    4. 点击添加新按钮。

    5. Under Install Plugins, click the Upload link.
    6. 在“安装插件”下,单击“上载”链接。

    7. Select the plugin zip file (circles-gallery.x.x.x.zip) from your computer then click the Install Now button.
    8. 从计算机中选择插件zip文件(circles-gallery.x.x.x.zip),然后单击立即安装按钮。

    9. You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully.
    10. 您应该看到一条消息,说明插件已成功安装。

    11. Click the Activate Plugin link.
    12. 单击“激活插件”链接。

    For manual installation 2:


      1. You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed.

      2. 您应该有权访问安装了WordPress的服务器。

        If you don’t, see your system administrator.

      3. 如果没有,请咨询系统管理员。

      4. Copy the plugin zip file (circles-gallery.x.x.x.zip) up to your server and unzip it somewhere on the file system.
      5. 将插件zip文件(circles-gallery.x.x.x.zip)复制到您的服务器上,然后将其解压缩到文件系统上的某个位置。

      6. Copy the “circles-gallery” folder into the /wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation.
      7. 将“ circles-gallery”文件夹复制到WordPress安装的/ wp-content / plugins目录中。

      8. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
      9. 登录到您的网站,然后转到管理面板的“插件”部分。

      10. Look for “Circles Gallery” and click Activate.
      11. 查找“圈子图库”,然后单击“激活”。





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