[wordpress插件] Cherry Team Members樱桃团队成员

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-22 19:40 900 0 全屏看文



The plugin is specially designed to make it easier for the businesses to display info about their team and personnel.


It contains a full set of options and tools that will help adjust the profile in accordance with the skills and the position of the members.


Completely integrated with Elementor page builder!




Plugin Options


All plugin options are gathered in Team -> Settings


    • Select team archive page – Choose the archive page for Team posts.
    • 选择团队存档页面–选择团队帖子的存档页面。

    • Set posts number per archive page – Set the number of posts to display on the archive page and on the Team category pages.

    • 设置每个存档页面的帖子数量–设置要在存档页面和“团队类别”页面上显示的帖子数量。

      This option is not included into the shortcode.

    • 短代码中不包含此选项。

    • Select archive page columns number – Number of columns for the posts on the archive page and Team category pages.

    • 选择存档页面列号–存档页面和团队类别页面上帖子的列数。

      This option is not included into the shortcode (4 max).

    • 短代码(最多4个)中未包含此选项。

    • Select template for single team member page – Choose a proper template for a single Team member page.
    • 为单个团队成员页面选择模板–为单个团队成员页面选择适当的模板。

    • Select image size for single team member page – Choose a featured image size for a single team member page.

    • 为单个团队成员页面选择图像大小–为单个团队成员页面选择特色图像大小。

      In the dropdown menu you can choose from all available sizes.


      It is strongly recommended to use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin before changing this option.

    • 强烈建议在更改此选项之前使用“重新生成缩略图”插件。

    • Select template for team listing page – Choose a proper template for displaying Team posts items.

    • 为团队列表选择页面模板–选择合适的模板来显示团队帖子项目。

      (Works for archives page and category pages).

    • (适用于存档页面和类别页面)。

    • Select image size for listing team member page – Choose featured image size for items in Team posts listing type.

    • 选择要列出团队成员页面的图像大小–为“团队帖子”列表类型中的项目选择特色图像大小。

      (Works for archives page and category pages).


      In the dropdown menu you can choose from all available sizes.


      It is strongly recommended to use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin before changing this option.

    • 强烈建议在更改此选项之前使用“重新生成缩略图”插件。



    Shortcode is used to display the posts list with set parameters.


    Shortcode attributes:


      • super_title (default = ”) – Additional block title with the posts list.

      • super_title(默认=”)–帖子列表中的其他标题。

        Displayed above the major title.

      • 显示在主要标题上方。

      • title (default = ”) – Main block title with the posts list.
      • title(默认=”)–带有帖子列表的主标题。

      • subtitle (default = ”) – Additional block title with the posts list.

      • subtitle(默认=”)–带有帖子列表的其他标题。

        Displayed under the major title.

      • 显示在主标题下。

      • columns (default = 3) – Number of columns for desktop (6 col – max).
      • 列(默认= 3)–桌面的列数(6列–最大值)。

      • columns_tablet (default = 2) – Number of columns for tablet.
      • columns_tablet(默认= 2)–平板电脑的列数。

      • columns_phone (default = 1) – Number of columns for phones
      • columns_phone(默认= 1)–电话的列数

      • posts_per_page (default = 6) – Number of posts per page.
      • posts_per_page(默认= 6)–每页的帖子数。

      • group (default = ”) – Choose posts from a certain group.

      • group(默认=”)–从特定组中选择帖子。

        If you need to render more than one group, the slugs are divided by commas.

      • 如果需要渲染多个组,则将这些段用逗号分隔。

      • id (default = ”) – Show posts at a certain ID.
      • id(默认=”)–以特定ID显示帖子。

      • more (default = true) – Show or hide More button under the posts list in shortcode.
      • more(默认= true)–以简码显示或隐藏帖子列表下方的“更多”按钮。

      • more_text (default = ‘More’) – More button text.
      • more_text(默认=“更多”)–更多按钮文字。

      • more_url (default = ‘#’) – More button URL.
      • more_url(默认=“#”)–更多按钮URL。

      • ajax_more (default = true) – Use More button as AJAX load more button
      • ajax_more(默认= true)–使用“更多”按钮作为AJAX加载更多按钮

      • pagination (default = false) – Show/hide pagination.
      • 分页(默认= false)–显示/隐藏分页。

      • show_filters (default = false) – Show/hide group AJAX filter before products list in shortcode.
      • show_filters(默认= false)–在产品列表中以简码显示/隐藏组AJAX过滤器。

      • show_name (default = true) – Show/hide person’s name in the list.
      • show_name(默认= true)–在列表中显示/隐藏人的名字。

      • show_photo (default = true) – Show/hide photo (featured image ).
      • show_photo(默认= true)–显示/隐藏照片(特征图像)。

      • show_desc (default = true) – Show/hide short description.
      • show_desc(默认= true)–显示/隐藏简短描述。

      • excerpt_length (default = 20) – Max word length in short description.
      • excerpt_length(默认值= 20)–简短说明中的最大单词长度。

      • show_position (default = true) – Show/hide position.
      • show_position(默认= true)–显示/隐藏位置。

      • show_social (default = true) – Show/hide list of social links.
      • show_social(默认= true)–显示/隐藏社交链接列表。

      • image_size (default = ‘thumbnail’) – Choose the size of the image displayed in the posts list.
      • image_size(默认=“缩略图”)–选择帖子列表中显示的图像大小。

      • template (default = ‘default’) – Choose posts list display template.
      • 模板(默认=“默认”)–选择帖子列表显示模板。

      • use_space (default = true) – Add 30px horizontal spaces between the columns.
      • use_space(默认= true)–在各列之间添加30px的水平间隔。

      • use_rows_space (default = true) – Add vertical spaces between items in posts lists.
      • use_rows_space(默认= true)–在帖子列表中的项目之间添加垂直空格。



      The plugin offers simplified templating system for .tmpl files.


      3 templates are available by default:


        • default.tmpl – Main template for displaying posts on the archive page and in the shortcode.
        • default.tmpl –用于在存档页面和简码中显示帖子的主模板。

        • grid-boxes.tmpl – Alternative template for displaying posts on the archive page and in the shortcode.
        • grid-boxes.tmpl –用于在存档页面和简码中显示帖子的备用模板。

        • single.tmpl – Single post page template.
        • single.tmpl –单个帖子页面模板。

        Standard templates can be rewritten in the theme.


        For that you need to create cherry-team folder in the root catalog of the theme and copy the necessary templates in there.


        You can also add your own templates.


        For that you need to create a file with .tmpl extension in the same folder.



    1. Upload “Cherry Team Members” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
    2. 将“樱桃团队成员”文件夹上载到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Navigate to the “Cherry Team Members” page available through the left menu
    6. 通过左侧菜单导航到“樱桃团队成员”页面





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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