[wordpress插件] Cherry Projects樱桃项目

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-22 18:40 658 0 全屏看文



Cherry Projects is a portfolio management system that lets you create your projects and display them using a large number of options.

Cherry Projects是一个项目组合管理系统,可让您创建项目并使用大量选项显示它们。

Use ready-made templates for taking control over each element of your project.


Cherry Projects is a standalone plugin, however it depends on the Cherry Framework package that comes with the plugin by default.

Cherry Projects是一个独立的插件,但是默认情况下依赖于该插件随附的Cherry Framework软件包。

You don’t need to download any additional modules manually, just be aware of this dependency.


Display settings


    • Project listing layout.

    • 项目列表布局。

      Choose from 5 different variations on how to display your project listing (grid, masonry, justified, cascading grid, and list).

    • 您可以从5种不同的变体中进行选择,以显示项目列表(网格,砖石结构,对齐,层叠网格和列表)。

    • Pagination mode.

    • 分页模式。

      If the number of portfolio items is larger than the maximum number of projects per page, the pagination will be applied.


      Pick the pagination mode you’d like to use from the available: ajax pagination, more button, or lazy load.

    • 从可用的页面中选择您要使用的分页模式:ajax分页,更多按钮或延迟加载。

    • Loading animation.

    • 正在加载动画。

      Select which animation to use when the posts appear on the page during the loading.

    • 选择在加载过程中帖子显示在页面上时要使用的动画。

    • Hover animation.

    • 悬停动画。

      The animation used on hover for each portfolio item.

    • 悬停时用于每个投资组合项目的动画。

    Sorting & Filtering


    Choose whether to display filtering for your projects or not.


    If you choose to display it, there’s a number of options.


      • Filter type.

      • 过滤器类型。

        Choose whether you want to display projects based on their categories, or tags.

      • 选择是否要根据项目的类别或标签显示项目。

      • Filter order.

      • 过滤顺序。

        You can also decide in which order to display your projects.


        Select the sorting order from ASC and DESC values, or output them based on the date of creation, name, last modified date or number of comments.

      • 从ASC和DESC值中选择排序顺序,或根据创建日期,名称,上次修改日期或评论数输出它们。

      • Post format.

      • 帖子格式。

        Select which projects to output based on their post format.


        You can output all formats, or choose from standard, image, gallery, audio, or video formats.

      • 您可以输出所有格式,也可以选择标准,图像,图库,音频或视频格式。

      Additional Settings


      In addition there are three more settings you can adjust:


        • Column number.

        • 列号。

          Select the number of columns for masonry and grid project layouts.

        • 选择砖石和网格项目布局的列数。

        • Posts per page.

        • 每页的帖子。

          Choose the maximum number of post per page you want to showcase.

        • 选择您要展示的每页最大帖子数。

        • Item margin.

        • 项目边距。

          Adjust the margin size between separate portfolio items.

        • 调整不同投资组合项目之间的保证金大小。

        Customizable Templates


        Cherry Projects is using a simplified templating system with .tmpl files.

        Cherry Projects正在使用带有.tmpl文件的简化模板系统。

        Out-of-the-box the plugin comes with templates for each of the project listing layouts and available post formats, which are used for displaying project single pages.


        Create the unique look and feel of your portfolio by customizing existing templates, or creating your own.




        Plugin Options


        All plugin options are gathered in Projects -> Settings

        所有插件选项都收集在Projects-> Settings

          • Select team archive page – Choose the archive page for Team posts.
          • 选择团队存档页面–选择团队帖子的存档页面。

          • Set posts number per archive page – Set the number of posts to display on the archive page and on the Team category pages.

          • 设置每个存档页面的帖子数量–设置要在存档页面和“团队类别”页面上显示的帖子数量。

            This option is not included into the shortcode.

          • 短代码中不包含此选项。

          • Select archive page columns number – Number of columns for the posts on the archive page and Team category pages.

          • 选择存档页面列号–存档页面和团队类别页面上帖子的列数。

            This option is not included into the shortcode (4 max).

          • 短代码(最多4个)中未包含此选项。

          • Select template for single team member page – Choose a proper template for a single Team member page.
          • 为单个团队成员页面选择模板–为单个团队成员页面选择适当的模板。

          • Select image size for single team member page – Choose a featured image size for a single team member page.

          • 为单个团队成员页面选择图像大小–为单个团队成员页面选择特色图像大小。

            In the dropdown menu you can choose from all available sizes.


            It is strongly recommended to use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin before changing this option.

          • 强烈建议在更改此选项之前使用“重新生成缩略图”插件。

          • Select template for team listing page – Choose a proper template for displaying Team posts items.

          • 为团队列表选择页面模板–选择合适的模板来显示团队帖子项目。

            (Works for archives page and category pages).

          • (适用于存档页面和类别页面)。

          • Select image size for listing team member page – Choose featured image size for items in Team posts listing type.

          • 选择要列出团队成员页面的图像大小–为“团队帖子”列表类型中的项目选择特色图像大小。

            (Works for archives page and category pages).


            In the dropdown menu you can choose from all available sizes.


            It is strongly recommended to use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin before changing this option.

          • 强烈建议在更改此选项之前使用“重新生成缩略图”插件。

          Shortcode cherry_projects

          Shortcode cherry_projects

          Shortcode is used to display the projects list with set parameters.


          Shortcode attributes:


            • listing_layout (default = ‘grid-layout’) – Select listing layout type
            • listing_layout(默认=“网格布局”)–选择列表布局类型

            • loading_mode (default = ‘ajax-pagination-mode’) – Select project posts loading mode type
            • loading_mode(默认='ajax-pagination-mode')–选择项目帖子的加载模式类型

            • loading_animation (default = ‘loading-animation-move-up’) – Select loading animation type
            • loading_animation(默认='loading-animation-move-up')–选择加载动画类型

            • hover_animation (default = ‘simple-scale’) – Select hover animation type
            • hover_animation(默认=“简单比例”)–选择悬停动画类型

            • filter_visible (default = true) – Show/hide filters for selected terms type
            • filter_visible(默认= true)–显示/隐藏所选术语类型的过滤器

            • filter_type (default = ‘category’) – Select posts filter type
            • filter_type(默认=“类别”)–选择帖子过滤器类型

            • category_list (default = ”) – Categories list for ajax-filter
            • category_list(默认=”)– Ajax过滤器的类别列表

            • tags_list (default = ”) – Tag list for ajax-filter
            • tags_list(默认=”)– Ajax过滤器的标签列表

            • order_filter_visible (default = false) – Show/hide order(desc/asc) and order by(dateame/modified/comments) filters
            • order_filter_visible(默认= false)–显示/隐藏订单(desc / asc)和排序依据(日期/名称/修改/评论)过滤器

            • order_filter_default_value (default = ‘desc’) – Specify the order filter default value (asc/desc)
            • order_filter_default_value(默认='desc')–指定订单过滤器的默认值(asc / desc)

            • orderby_filter_default_value (default = ‘date’) – Specify the order by filter default value(dateame/modified/comments)
            • orderby_filter_default_value(默认=“日期”)–通过过滤器默认值(日期/名称/修改/注释)指定订单

            • posts_format (default = ‘post-format-all’) – Choose a proper post format
            • posts_format(默认=“ post-format-all”)–选择合适的帖子格式

            • single_term (default = ”) – Choose a particular term
            • single_term(默认=”)–选择一个特定的术语

            • column_number (default = 3) – Choose columns number for masonry and grid layouts
            • column_number(默认值= 3)–选择砖石和网格布局的列号

            • post_per_page (default = 9) – Number of posts per page
            • post_per_page(默认= 9)–每页的帖子数

            • item_margin (default = 4) – Margin between projects
            • item_margin(默认= 4)–项目之间的边距

            • justified_fixed_height (default = 300) – Fixed height for images in justified listing layout
            • justified_fixed_height(默认= 300)–固定列表布局中图像的固定高度

            • masonry_template, grid_template, justified_template, cascading_grid_template, list_template – Template for changing the layout type of a project.
            • masonry_template,grid_template,justified_template,cascading_grid_template,list_template –用于更改项目布局类型的模板。

            Shortcode cherry_projects_terms


            The shortcode displays Category and Tag sections content listing with set parameters.


              • term_type (default = ‘category’) – Select term type for listing category and tag sections.
              • term_type(默认=“ category”)–选择用于列出类别和标签部分的术语类型。

              • listing_layout (default = ‘grid-layout’) – Select listing layout type.
              • listing_layout(默认=“网格布局”)–选择列表布局类型。

              • loading_animation (default = ‘loading-animation-fade’) -Select loading animation type.
              • loading_animation(默认='loading-animation-fade')-选择加载动画类型。

              • column_number (default = 3) – Number of columns for masonry and grid layouts.
              • column_number(默认= 3)–砌体和网格布局的列数。

              • post_per_page (default = 6) – Number of posts displayed on a page.
              • post_per_page(默认= 6)–页面上显示的帖子数。

              • item_margin (default = 10) – Margin between categories in the listing.
              • item_margin(默认= 10)–列表中类别之间的边距。

              • masonry_template, grid_template, list_template – Choose a proper template for a specific project type.
              • masonry_template,grid_template,list_template –为特定项目类型选择合适的模板。



              The plugin offers simplified templating system for .tmpl files.


              13 templates are available by default:


                • grid-default.tmpl – Main template for displaying projects grid layout on the archive page and in the shortcode.
                • grid-default.tmpl –用于在存档页面和简码中显示项目网格布局的主模板。

                • masonry-default.tmpl – Main template for displaying projects masonry layout on the archive page and in the shortcode.
                • masonry-default.tmpl –用于在存档页面和简码中显示项目砌体布局的主模板。

                • justified-default.tmpl – Main template for displaying projects justified layout on the archive page and in the shortcode.
                • justified-default.tmpl –用于在归档页面和简码中显示项目合理布局的主模板。

                • cascading-default.tmpl – Main template for displaying projects cascading layout on the archive page and in the shortcode.
                • cascading-default.tmpl –用于在归档页面和短代码中显示项目级联布局的主模板。

                • list-default.tmpl – Main template for displaying projects list layout on the archive page and in the shortcode.
                • list-default.tmpl –用于在存档页面和简码中显示项目列表布局的主模板。

                • standard-post-template.tmpl – Single post page template standard post.
                • standard-post-template.tmpl –单帖子页面模板标准帖子。

                • image-post-template.tmpl – Single post page template image post.
                • image-post-template.tmpl –单个帖子页面模板图像帖子。

                • gallery-post-template.tmpl – Single post page template gallery post.
                • gallery-post-template.tmpl –单个帖子页面模板库帖子。

                • audio-post-template.tmpl – Single post page template audio post.
                • audio-post-template.tmpl –单个帖子页面模板音频帖子。

                • video-post-template.tmpl – Single post page template video post.
                • video-post-template.tmpl –单个帖子页面模板视频帖子。

                • terms-grid-default.tmpl – Main template for displaying terms grid layout in the shortcode.
                • terms-grid-default.tmpl –用于在短代码中显示术语网格布局的主模板。

                • terms-masonry-default.tmpl – Main template for displaying terms grid layout in the shortcode.
                • terms-masonry-default.tmpl –用于在短代码中显示术语网格布局的主模板。

                • terms-list-default.tmpl – Main template for displaying terms grid layout in the shortcode.
                • terms-list-default.tmpl –用于在短代码中显示术语网格布局的主模板。

                Standard templates can be rewritten in the theme.


                For that you need to create cherry-projects folder in the root catalog of the theme and copy the necessary templates in there.


                You can also add your own templates.


                For that you need to create a file with .tmpl extension in the same folder.



    1. Upload “Cherry Projects” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
    2. 将“ Cherry Projects”文件夹上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Navigate to the “Cherry Projects” page available through the left menu
    6. 通过左侧菜单导航到“樱桃项目”页面





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