[wordpress插件] CheetahO Image Compression and OptimizerCheetahO图像压缩和优化器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-22 17:50 606 0 全屏看文



This plugin allows you to resize/scale images down to your specified size, optimize and compress new and existing WordPress image uploads through CheetahO Image

此插件允许您将图像调整大小/缩放到指定的大小,通过CheetahO Image优化和压缩新的和现有的WordPress图像上传

optimizer API.

优化器 API。

You can choose lossless or lossy optimization modes.


At this moment supported filetypes are JPEG, PNG, GIF.


Smaller image sizes on your website means faster page loads and less bandwidth usage.


The faster your site loads, the more Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines will like it.


You can try a live demo here

您可以尝试实时演示 此处

(via poopy.life).


Set a max width and height and large images will scale down as they are being compressed.


CheetahO compress images uses proprietary algorithm & blazing fast servers to quickly compress images & optimize images.


Also cuts all the unnecessary data without slowing down your website/blog which helps to boost seo & performance.


Get your FREE account with us


Sign up for your FREE CheetahO.com Account and try out CheetahO image optimization tool.

注册免费的CheetahO.com 帐户,然后试用CheetahO图像优化工具。

We suggest:


    • Free 500 images every month (can buy more)
    • 每月免费提供500张图片(可以购买更多图片)

    • Max file size 4 MiB (with paid plan get more)
    • 最大文件大小为4 MiB(付费计划可获得更多文件)

    • API access
    • API访问权限

    • Pixel-perfect optimization using innovative tools and progressive rendering.
    • 使用创新工具和渐进式渲染实现像素完美的优化。

    • ONE API key for multiple sites
    • 一个用于多个站点的API密钥

    • Lossless or lossy optimization
    • 无损或有损优化

    • Optimization Statistics and History
    • 优化统计信息和历史记录

    • ‘Bulk’ optimize all the existing images in Media Library
    • “批量”优化媒体库中的所有现有图像

    • It is safe to test and use the plugin: all the original images are stored in backup folder (optional feature, you can disable it)
    • 测试和使用插件是安全的:所有原始图像都存储在备份文件夹中(可选功能,您可以将其禁用)

    • Skip already optimized images
    • 跳过已优化的图像

    • Optimize thumbnails as well.

    • 也优化缩略图。

      You can also select individual thumbnails to exclude from optimization.

    • 您还可以选择要从优化中排除的单个缩略图。

    • Works with both HTTPS and HTTP websites
    • 与HTTPS和HTTP网站兼容

    • Works with eCommerce websites using WooCommerce plugin
    • 使用WooCommerce插件与电子商务网站一起使用

    • ALso compatible with galleries Modula, Foo Gallery and any other galleries or sliders
    • 还与Modula画廊,Foo Gallery画廊和任何其他画廊或滑块兼容

    • Keep or remove EXIF data from your images, compress images with lossless option.

    • 保留或删除图像中的EXIF数据,使用无损选项压缩图像。

      This option is great for photographers

    • 此选项非常适合摄影师

    • Able to compress JPG, PNG, GIF images
    • 能够压缩JPG,PNG,GIF图像

    • Option to deactivate auto-optimizing images on image upload
    • 在上传图片时停用自动优化图片的选项

    • Able to compress WOOCOMMERCE products images.
    • 能够压缩WOOCOMMERCE产品图像。

    • Images can be automatically resized before being optimized.

    • 可以在优化图像之前自动调整其大小。

      No need to install additional plugins like Imsanity or Resize Image After Upload

    • 无需安装其他插件,例如Imsanity或上传后调整图片大小

    • Compressesize images even your site is not public.
    • 即使您的网站不公开,也可以压缩/调整图像大小。

    • Compatible with WP Retina 2x – all retina images are automatically compressed.
    • 与WP Retina 2x兼容–所有视网膜图像都会自动压缩。

    • Supports Cloudflare.

    • 支持Cloudflare。

      Purge the image automatically from CloudFlare cache after it is optimized.

    • 优化后,会自动从CloudFlare缓存中清除图像。

    Need more?


    Have a look at our plans: https://cheetaho.com/pricing/


About the plugin


    • You can use your CheetahO API key on as many sites/blogs as you like.

    • 您可以在任意多个站点/博客上使用CheetahO API密钥。

      We have no per-site license.

    • 我们没有每个站点的许可证。

    • All images uploaded throught the media uploader are optimized on-the-fly.

    • 通过媒体上传器上传的所有图像均进行了实时优化。

      All generated thumbnails are optimized too.

    • 所有生成的缩略图也都进行了优化。

    • All images already present in the media library can be optimized individually, or using the Bulk Action.
    • 可以单独或使用批量操作来优化媒体库中已经存在的所有图像。

    • All optimization is carried out by sending images to CheetahO, and pulling the optimized files to your WordPress installation.
    • 通过将图像发送到CheetahO并将优化后的文件拖到WordPress安装中来执行所有优化。

    • All full size images can be resizedescaled before optimization by setting maximum width and height.
    • 在优化之前,可以通过设置最大宽度和高度来调整所有全尺寸图像的大小。

    • To use this plugin, you must obtain a full API key from CheetahO panel.

    • 要使用此插件,您必须从CheetahO 面板获取完整的API密钥。

    Once you have obtained your credentials, from your WordPress admin, go to the settings page and there you can enter your API credentials, and select your optimization preferences.


    Once you have done this, click on Save.


    If everything is in order, it will simply say “settings saved” and give you a reassuring green tick that your credentials are valid.


    You can now start optimizing images from within Media Library.

    您现在可以从Media Library中开始优化图像。

    Any image you upload from now on, through any of the media upload screens will be optimized on-the-fly.


    Features on the way


      • Optimize your currently active theme.
      • 优化您当前处于活动状态的主题。

      • WordPress Multisite support.
      • WordPress多站点支持。

      Please send bug reports, problems, feature requests and so on to support (at) cheetaho dot com, or directly to the author of this plugin.

      请发送错误报告,问题,功能请求等以支持cheetaho dot com,或直接发送给此插件的作者。

      Connect with CheetahO.com


        • Website: https://cheetaho.com/contact-us/
        • 网站:https://cheetaho.com/contact-us/

        • Twitter
        • Twitter



          • NextGEN Gallery support.
          • NextGEN Gallery支持。

          • PDF files optimization support.
          • PDF文件优化支持。

          • SVG image optimization
          • SVG图像优化

          Any Questions or suggestions?


          Contact us by email support (at) cheetaho dot com.

          通过电子邮件(位于cheetaho dot com)与我们联系。


To install the CheetahO WordPress Plugin:

要安装CheetahO WordPress插件,请执行以下操作:

    1. Upload files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. 将文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Enter your CheetahO API key into the plugin settings page.
    6. 在插件设置页面中输入您的CheetahO API密钥。

    7. Any images you upload from now on using WordPress’s Media Upload will be optimized according to your settings.

    8. 从现在开始,使用WordPress的媒体上传功能上传的所有图片都会根据您的设置进行优化。

      Auto-generated thumbnails will also be optimized.

    9. 自动生成的缩略图也会得到优化。

    10. Images already present can be optimized from within the Media Library.
    11. 可以从媒体库中优化已经存在的图像。

    CheetahO – Getting Started

    CheetahO –入门

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