[wordpress插件] Chat Metrics – Managed live chat plugin for wordpress聊天指标–托管的WordPress实时聊天插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-22 08:00 590 0 全屏看文



Chat Metrics is the Market Leader and World’s Best Managed Live Chat Service for Lead Generation and Website Conversion.

Chat Metrics是潜在客户生成和网站转换的市场领导者和全球最佳托管实时聊天服务

We give you the best people, industry leading processes and the technology to boot.



Having a Managed Live Chat option on your website ensures that any concerns the customers have are answered in real time and are converted to sales qualified leads instantly.


This approach is equivalent to having a salesperson on your website encouraging people to buy your product – 24/7.

这种方法等同于在您的网站上让销售人员鼓励人们购买您的产品– 24/7

With your competitors only a click away, our team helps convert your website traffic into sales qualified leads at the browsing stage – saving your time and money.


Our support champs are strategically placed around the globe and this gives your company the advantage of being represented by native English speakers – to ensure clear, culturally fluent communication and make the most of your business leads.


We have no lock-in contracts. Our service is provided month on month.


We have to earn the right to your custom every month giving you peace of mind on guaranteed value.


So what is a sales qualified lead?


Sales qualified leads are prospective customers of your business that has been researched, filtered and vetted first by the marketing department and then deemed by your sales department for the next stage of the sales process.


With Chat Metrics on your website, your sales/service team can focus on what they do best and we’ll convert your traffic into leads.


Chat Metrics cuts the cost and space of employing additional staff.

Chat Metrics减少了雇用更多员工的成本和空间。

Our service is interactive and reliable to build your customer relationships unlike the normal time-consuming emails and boring IVR phone calls.


Chat Metrics is easy to set up on your WordPress website.


Chat Metrics believes the flexibility of the client is important so, we don’t have any lock-in contracts.

Chat Metrics认为,客户的灵活性很重要,因此,我们没有任何锁定合同。

You can switch between packages depending on your website’s optimal traffic.


Advantages of Managed Live Chat


    1. 24/7 Coverage – Customers are busy and need a solution quickly.

      24/7覆盖率 –客户很忙,需要快速解决方案。

      Chat Metrics provides 24/7 customer interaction for your website visitors to convert your website traffic into sales qualified leads for you to convert into paying clients.

      Chat Metrics为您的网站访问者提供24/7客户互动,将您的网站访问量转换为符合销售条件的销售线索,从而使您转换为付费客户。

      We don’t let your customers bounce off your pages, we offer them live help on your website and make sure you secure the sale promptly.


    2. Increase conversions – Sales through service makes customers happy.

      增加转化次数 –通过服务进行的销售使客户满意。

      Our managed live chat agents are equipped with custom conversation approaches and data driven user targeting.


      This means we’re best fitted out to manage live cIII.


      Reduced Costs – Managed Live chat is an excellent way to reduce operating costs related to support, sales and marketing.


      Other support channels, like phone support, often come associated with expensive ongoing maintenance costs.


    3. Reduced Costs – Managed Live chat is an excellent way to reduce operating costs related to support, sales and marketing.

      降低的费用 –托管实时聊天是一种减少与支持,销售和市场营销相关的运营成本的绝佳方法。

      Other support channels, like phone support, often come associated with expensive ongoing maintenance costs.


    4. Increased Customer Loyalty – A happy customer is much more likely to come back and buy.

      增加的客户忠诚度 –满意的客户更有可能回来购买。

      Happy and satisfied customers are much more likely to sing your brand’s praises and will have a stronger brand loyalty.


    5. Competitive advantage – with Chat Metrics live support agents on your website, we are just a click away from your customers.

      竞争优势 –通过您网站上的Chat Metrics实时支持代理,我们距您的客户仅几步之遥。

      This gives a competitive advantage and builds a good relationship among the customers.


    6. Refocus Priorities – Having Chat Metrics as your business partner allows you to focus on tasks that matters.

      重新调整重点 –将“聊天指标”作为您的业务合作伙伴可以使您专注于重要的任务。

      It paves way for a relaxing work environment, and a thriving business.


    7. Dedicated Account Manager – Chat Metrics take a great deal of pride in offering dedicated account manager as a single point of contact that you can reach out to.hat for your business.

      专用客户经理 – Chat Metrics非常自豪地为您提供专用的客户经理作为您可以联系到您的公司的单个联系人。

    Why use Chat Metrics?


    Live chats are becoming an integral part of online websites, whether you sell products and lend support services.


    Customers tend to make more purchases when they are promptly advised on your products or services via chats on your website.


    Chat Metrics agents will do that just for you, working round the clock, converting your visitors to sales qualified leads.

    Chat Metrics代理商将为您全天候工作,将您的访客转化为销售合格的潜在客户。

    Chat Metrics uses goal-oriented approach to generate more sales qualified leads on your website.

    Chat Metrics使用面向目标的方法在您的网站上产生更多符合销售条件的销售线索。

    Our expert team uses personalized tailored messages by understanding the demands of your customers.


    With over 1000+ integrations you can automate your lead generation.


    How much does this cost?


    There are two options that are available.


    The first one is Pay as you go (PAYG), you pay zero dollars until you get a lead (most useful for small businesses).


    You can choose if you want to pay for the lead or not, no monthly commitments.


    The next one is a monthly subscription that can be personalized to meet your specific needs (based on the 14 day pilot period).


    We don’t have any lock-in contracts, so you can change the plan anytime you see fit for your business.


    Interested in learning how Chat Metrics can improve ROI for your business, try our Pilot for your business now.<



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    How does it work?


    Chat Metrics is easy to set up and our live chat agents begin to work once you have given the permission and approval to your website.

    Chat Metrics易于设置,并且一旦您获得网站的许可和批准,我们的实时聊天代理就会开始工作。

    Below are the steps to follow once you have signed up for our service.


      1. We’ll introduce you to your dedicated success manager who will be there with you every step of the way.


      2. Our research team prepares a comprehensive FAQ document.


        We send you the FAQs for approval and deploy the approved FAQs.


      3. We prepare your dashboard and complete any automation required, train our team and commence our service for you.


      4. Initiate entry to our continuous improvement program.


      We work with you to optimize your Return on Marketing Investment by striving to increase the number of highly qualified leads we generate via your website traffic.


      How to install Chat Metrics plugin in your WordPress website<

      如何在WordPress网站上安装聊天指标插件 <


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      “Leads from Chat Metrics generate an additional 22% of revenue every month” – Karen Austin, Business Owner at Skin & Laser

      “聊天指标带来的收益每月额外产生22%的收入” –皮肤与激光业务负责人Karen Austin

      “Live Chat staff helped Industrial Ideas deliver value to their clients 24/7 and grow their business online” – Peter Zafiris, Business Owner at Industrial Ideas

      “实时聊天人员帮助Industrial Ideas 24/7全天候为客户提供价值并在线发展业务” – Industrial Ideas企业所有者Peter Zafiris




      Would you like to know more about Chat Metrics services, visit Chat Metrics website.


      Our live chat support agents are online 24/7 or write us an email at 247@chatmetrics.com

      我们的实时聊天支持代理全天候24/7在线,或在 247@chatmetrics.com 上给我们发送电子邮件。


    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/chatmetrics directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / chatmetrics 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

    5. Use the Menu->Live Chat screen to configure the plugin
    6. 使用“菜单”->“实时聊天”屏幕来配置插件





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