[wordpress插件] ChatKaizenChatKaizen

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-22 06:10 509 0 全屏看文



This is the great ChatKaizen WordPress plugin.

这是很棒的 ChatKaizen WordPress插件

It allows you to insert a small chat widget at the bottom-right corner of all the pages you want in your WordPress blog.


Therewith, your web visitors can contact you in real time!


You (the subscriber) and your partners (here known as operators) await your web visitors' inquiries from anywhere using as many Android

您(订户)和您的合作伙伴(此处称为运营商)将使用尽可能多的Android,随时随地 等待您的网络访问者查询

devices as you want.


Those Android devices need the ChatKaizen Android App installed.

这些Android设备需要安装 ChatKaizen Android应用

Please, read on for details.




    • Multiple operators: in order to better attend your web visitors, you are able to associate multiple operators to your ChatKaizen account.
    • 多个操作员:为了更好地吸引您的网络访问者,您可以将多个操作员关联到您的ChatKaizen帐户。

    • Personal service: whenever a visitor of your web starts a conversation, all operators are notified in their Android devices, but after the first operator answers, the conversation gets bound only to him/her.<

    • 个人服务:每当您的网站访问者开始对话时,所有操作员都会在其Android设备中收到通知,但在第一个操作员回答后,该对话仅绑定到他/她。


      / li>

    • Offline drop-in: if, for any reason, there are no online operators available at a certain time to attend your web visitors, the chat widget drops-in into an email delivery form (offline

    • 离线访问:如果由于某种原因在某个时间没有在线运营商可以吸引您的Web访问者,则聊天小部件会插入到电子邮件传递表单中(离线

      messages will be sent to the subscriber registerd account via email).

    • 邮件将通过电子邮件发送到订户注册帐户。

    • Centralized configuration: you manage all your account configuration, e.g.

    • 集中式配置:您可以管理所有帐户配置,例如

      addingemoving operators, from your ChatKaizen site’s account dashboard.

    • 从您的 ChatKaizen网站的帐户信息中心中添加/删除运算符。

    • Visitor notifications: if the current operator suffers a network disconnection, the web visitor gets notified and inmediatly given the option to send an email to complete the current process.
    • 访问者通知:如果当前操作员遇到网络断开的情况,Web访问者将收到通知,并立即获得发送电子邮件以完成当前过程的选项。

    • Operator notifications: a sound and a vibration is produced in the operator’s device whenever a new message enters, just like other messaging apps, like WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.
    • 操作员通知:每次输入新消息时,操作员的设备都会发出声音和振动,就像WhatsApp,Facebook等其他消息传递应用一样。

    • Independent conversations: as you know, your web visitors are anonymous by default;

    • 独立对话:您知道,默认情况下,您的网络访问者是匿名的;

      ChatKaizen assigns a new random ID for each new conversation, keeping them separate.

    • ChatKaizen为每个新会话分配一个新的随机ID,并将它们分开。

    • Conversation history: your Android device stores all past conversations.
    • 对话历史记录:您的Android设备存储了所有过去的对话。

    • Customization: you can customize the messages and language for your chat widget.
    • 自定义:您可以为聊天小部件自定义消息和语言。

    • Instant messaging: ChatKaizen uses the XMPP protocol internally (like Jabber), to deliver messages to all parties without significant delay.
    • 即时消息传递:ChatKaizen在内部使用XMPP协议(如Jabber),将消息传递给所有各方而没有明显的延迟。

    How it works


    ChatKaizen consists of two components:


      1. a chat widget (which this plugin provides) and
      2. 聊天小部件(此插件提供)和

      3. an Android application.

      4. 一个 Android应用程序

      Once you install the widget on your web site (i.e. using this WP plugin) and the Android application on your Android device, they get seamlessly connected and your web visitors are able to contact you in real time.


      You need a ChatKaizen account created in the ChatKaizen site.

      您需要在 ChatKaizen网站中创建的ChatKaizen帐户

      There you can get the Android application, manage your account and get detailed instructions.


      Go now to the ChatKaizen site and sign up for your FREE account (currently

      立即转到 ChatKaizen网站,并注册您的免费帐户(当前

      , only Gmail accounts are supported).


      NOTE: Only the subscriber (e.g. you or the person who first signed on the ChatKaizen site) needs a ChatKaizen account.


      All other operators need nothing but the application be sent to them and installed in their Android devices (e.g. via email, bluetooth, or any method of your convinience).



    1. Upload the chatkaizen_plugin/ directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory;
    2. chatkaizen_plugin / 目录上传到您的 / wp-content / plugins / 目录;

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress admin’s interface;
    4. 通过WordPress管理员界面中的“插件”菜单激活插件;

    5. Check that the plugin shows in your blog pages: the chat widget will display a notice Bad Configuration.

    6. 检查该插件是否显示在您的博客页面中:聊天小部件将显示通知 Bad Configuration

      This is right, go to step 4;

    7. 没错,请转到步骤4;

    8. Go to the ChatKaizen site and login to your account;
    9. 转到 ChatKaizen网站并登录到您的帐户;

    10. Follow the instructions in your account’s dashboard (e.g. configure your website’s domain, etc.);
    11. 按照帐户信息中心中的说明进行操作(例如,配置网站的域等);

    12. Copy your subscriber KEY, go back to your WordPress admin’s interface and insert that KEY in the ChatKaizen plugin settings page.
    13. 复制您的订户KEY,返回到WordPress管理员界面,然后将该KEY插入ChatKaizen插件设置页面。

    14. Customize any other settings you like in the ChatKaizen plugin settings page;
    15. 在ChatKaizen插件设置页面中自定义您喜欢的任何其他设置;

    16. Get all the operators logged in with the ChatKaizen Android application (currently, only Gmail accounts are supported for the operators; just create them if you need to).
    17. 获取使用ChatKaizen Android应用程序登录的所有运营商(当前,仅支持Gmail帐户;运营商仅在需要时创建它们)。

    18. Done! Await your web visitor’s inquiries!
    19. 完成!!等待您的网络访问者查询!

    At any time, you can manage your account settings, e.g.


    addingemoving operators, from your ChatKaizen account dashboard.

    在您的 ChatKaizen帐户信息中心中添加/删除运算符。





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