[wordpress插件] Contact Form 7 Google Analytics Intelligence联系表格7 Google Analytics(分析)智能

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-20 17:30 700 0 全屏看文



Contact Form 7 Google Analytics Goal Tracking Plugin

联系表格7 Google Analytics(分析)目标跟踪插件

Google Analytics goal tracking for Contact Form 7 made easy.

联系表7的Google Analytics(分析)目标跟踪变得简单。

Core Features


    • Create and manage Google Analytics goals directly in WordPress
    • 直接在WordPress中创建和管理Google Analytics(分析)目标

    • Set a default goal that triggers on all Contact Form 7 submissions
    • 设置默认目标,该目标将触发所有Contact Form 7提交

    • Customize goals per form
    • 按表格自定义目标

    • Customize goal values per form
    • 按表格自定义目标值

    • No coding required
    • 无需编码

    • No advanced Google Analytics skills needed
    • 不需要高级Google Analytics(分析)技能

    • No Google Tag Manager setup needed
    • 无需设置Google跟踪代码管理器

    • 5 minute installation
    • 5分钟安装


    Enhanced Google Analytics

    增强的Google Analytics(分析)

    The plugin integrates with the Intelligence API to automate Google Analytics goal management in WordPress.

    该插件与Intelligence API集成在一起,可在WordPress中自动执行Google Analytics(分析)目标管理。

    Intelligence is a framework for enhancing Google Analytics.

    智能是增强Google Analytics(分析)的框架。

    To learn more about Intelligence for WordPress visit intelligencewp.com

    要了解有关WordPress智能的更多信息,请访问 intelligencewp.com

    Install Files Within WordPress


      1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
      2. 访问“插件>添加新内容”

      3. Search for ‘Contact Form 7 Intelligence’
      4. 搜索“联系表7情报”

      5. Activate Contact Form 7 Google Analytics Intelligence from your Plugins page.
      6. 从“插件”页面激活联系表7 Google Analytics(分析)智能。

      7. Go to “plugin setup” below.
      8. 转到下面的“插件设置”。

      Install Files Manually


        1. Download the Contact Form 7 Google Analytics Intelligence plugin and the 联系表格7 Google Analytics Intelligence插件

          /plugins/intelligence">Intelligence plugin

        2. / plugins / intelligence“>智能插件

        3. Add cf7-intelligence and intelligence folders to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
        4. cf7-intelligence intelligence 文件夹添加到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

        5. Activate the Contact Form 7 Google Analytics Intelligence plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
        6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活Contact Form 7 Google Analytics Intelligence插件

        7. Go to “plugin setup” below.
        8. 转到下面的“插件设置”。

        Plugin Setup


          1. You should see a notice at the top of the Plugins page.

          2. 您应该在“插件”页面顶部看到一个通知。

            Click “Setup plugin” to launch the setup wizard.


            You can also launch the wizard from the Contact Form 7 settings, ‘Contact > Intelligence’.

          3. 您还可以从Contact Form 7的“联系人>情报”设置中启动向导。

          4. Go through the setup wizard and set up the plugin for your site.
          5. 通过设置向导并为您的网站设置插件。

          6. You’re done!
          7. 您完成了!

          Popular options


          Track and manage Intelligence goals and events in existing Google Analytics tracking ID:

          在现有的Google Analytics(分析)跟踪ID中跟踪和管理智能目标和事件:

            1. Go to “Intelligence > Settings”
            2. 转到“智能>设置”

            3. Under “Tracking settings” fieldset, open the “Base Google Analytics profile” fieldset
            4. 在“跟踪设置”字段集下,打开“基础Google Analytics(分析)配置文件”字段集

            5. If base profile is not set, click “Set profile” link to set your existing tracking ID
            6. 如果未设置基本配置文件,请点击“设置配置文件”链接以设置您现有的跟踪ID

            7. Check “Track Intelligence events & goals in base profile”
            8. 选中“在基本配置文件中跟踪情报事件和目标”

            9. Check “Sync Intelligence goals configuration to base profile”
            10. 选中“将智能目标配置同步到基本配置文件”

            11. Click “Save settings” button at bottom of page
            12. 点击页面底部的“保存设置”按钮

            Embed Google Analytics tracking code if site does not already embed tracking code through some other method.

            如果网站尚未通过其他方法嵌入跟踪代码,则嵌入Google Analytics(分析)跟踪代码。

              1. Go to “Intelligence > Settings”
              2. 转到“智能>设置”

              3. Under “Tracking settings” fieldset, open the “Advanced” fieldset.
              4. 在“跟踪设置”字段集下,打开“高级”字段集。

              5. For “Include Google Analytics tracking code” select the “Analytics” option
              6. 对于“包括Google Analytics(分析)跟踪代码”,请选择“ Analytics(分析)”选项

              7. Click “Save settings” button at bottom of page
              8. 点击页面底部的“保存设置”按钮

              Screen Shots


                1. Select a goal and goal value to track on different form submissions
                2. 选择一个目标和目标值以跟踪不同的表单提交

                3. Easily add goals to your in Google Analytics
                4. 轻松地在Google Analytics(分析)中添加目标

                5. Manage Google Analytics goals without leaving WordPress
                6. 在不离开WordPress的情况下管理Google Analytics(分析)目标

                7. Automatically trigger goals on form submission
                8. 自动触发表单提交目标

                9. Set a default goal to make sure no form submissions are missed
                10. 设置默认目标,以确保不丢失任何表单提交





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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