[wordpress插件] Google Map for Contact Form 7Google Map for Contact Form 7

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-20 15:40 622 0 全屏看文



This plugin enables the insertion of google maps into contact form 7 as an input field, functionality available with this plugin include

此插件可将google maps插入联系人表格7中作为输入字段,此插件提供的功能包括

* the zoom and default location to be configured in the form edit page itself, thus different forms can have different default map zoom levels and pin location


* the front end form displays the configured map and registers the location change of the pin which can be included in the email notification.


* play nice with the Post My CF7 Form plugin


* a search field is available to lookup addresses


* an optional set of address fields can be enabled from the cf7 tag to display reverse-geocode text address


* if a user changes manually the first line of the (optional) address field, the reverse-geocode is frozen.


This allows for address corrections.


* google map is disabled for Airplane Mode plugin activation to allow you to develop without an Internet connection



* the plugin makes use of JQuery Google Maps (gmap3) plugin.

*该插件使用了 JQuery Google Maps(gmap3)插件

Checkout our other CF7 plugin extensions


    • CF7 Polylang Module – this plugin allows you to create forms in different languages for a multi-language website.

      CF7多语言模块 –此插件可让您为多语言网站创建不同语言的表单。

      The plugin requires the Polylang plugin to be installed in order to manage translations.

      该插件需要安装 Polylang 插件才能管理翻译。

    • CF7 Multi-slide Module – this plugin allows you to build a multi-step form using a slider.

      CF7多幻灯片模块 –此插件可让您使用滑块构建多步骤表单。

      Each slide has cf7 form which are linked together and submitted as a single form.


    • Post My CF7 Form – this plugin allows you to save you cf7 form submissions to

      发布我的CF7表单 –此插件可让您将cf7表单提交保存到

      a custom post, map your fields to meta fields or taxonomy.


      It also allows you to pre-fill fields before your form is displayed.


    • CF7 Google Map – allows google maps to be inserted into a Contact Form 7. Unlike other plugins,

      CF7 Google Map –允许将Google Maps插入联系表单7。与其他插件不同,

      this one allows map settings to be done at the form level, enabling diverse maps to be configured for each forms.


    Final slide-form data



    1. Unpack cf7-google-map.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. cf7-google-map.zip 解压到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Get a Google Map API key and insert

    6. 获取 Google Map API密钥并插入

      it in the plugin Settings->CF7 Google Map page.

      它在插件设置-> CF7 Google Map页面中。

      Make sure you enable the required APIs (see faq #).

    7. 确保启用所需的API(请参阅常见问题编号)。

    8. Create a new form in the CF7 editor.

    9. 在CF7编辑器中创建一个新表单。

      Select the [Google Map] tag, and configure your map.

    10. 选择[Google Map]标签,然后配置您的地图。

    11. The plugin creates 2 email tags for submitted location, the lat-lng-`.

    12. 该插件为提交的位置创建2个电子邮件标签,分别是 lat- lng-`。

      This allows you to include multiple maps in a single form if needed.

    13. 这样,您可以根据需要以一种形式包含多个地图。





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