[wordpress插件] Google Sheets Integration for Caldera Forms破火山口表单的Google表格集成

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-20 07:00 518 0 全屏看文



This plugin provides integration between Caldera Forms and Caldera表单

/sheets/" rel="nofollow">Google Sheets.

/ sheets /“ rel =” nofollow“> Google表格。

It adds new processor to Caldera Forms that enables sending of submitted forms to Google Sheets.

它将新的处理器添加到Caldera Forms中,从而可以将提交的表单发送到Google表格。

Important Note


Due to the changes in Google API policies, method for connecting plugin to Google Sheets was changed in version 1.7.

由于Google API政策的更改,在1.7版中更改了将插件连接到Google表格的方法。

From now on you have to use your own OAuth2 credentials, instead of shared ones as in the earler versions.


If your plugin was connected to Google Sheets in earlier versions, it will continue working using shared credentials.


However in order to guarantee seamless plugin operation in the future, it is recommended that you re-connect your plugin using the new method.


Connecting to Google Sheets


Generate OAuth2 credentials


    • Open the Google API Library

    • 打开 Google API库

        • Connect to your Google account (enter credentials)
        • 连接到您的Google帐户(输入凭据)

      • Click Select a project, then NEW PROJECT, enter a name for the project – e.g.

      • 点击选择项目,然后点击 NEW PROJECT ,输入项目名称-例如

        “CalderaFormsGoogleSheets” – and click Create.

      • “ CalderaFormsGoogleSheets” –并点击创建

      • Make sure that created project is selected.
      • 确保已选择创建的项目。

      • Search for “sheets” and click on Google Sheets API.

      • 搜索“表格”,然后点击 Google表格API

        Click ENABLE.

      • 点击启用

      • Open the Google API Console Credentials page
      • 打开 Google API控制台凭据页面

      • On the OAuth consent screen:

      • OAuth同意屏幕上:

          • For Application Name enter “Google Sheets Integration for Caldera Forms”
          • 对于应用程序名称,输入“ Caldera表单的Google表格集成”

          • For Scopes for Google APIs click Add Scope, select ../auth/spreadsheets scope and click ADD

          • 对于 Google API的作用域,单击添加作用域,选择 ../ auth / spreadsheets 作用域,然后单击 ADD


          • >

          • For Authorised domains enter domain name of your site
          • 对于授权域,输入您站点的域名

          • Click Save
          • 点击保存

        • On the Credentials screen, select Create credentials, then OAuth client ID

        • 凭据屏幕上,选择创建凭据,然后选择 OAuth客户端ID

            • For Application type select Other
            • 对于应用程序类型,选择其他

            • For Name enter “Google Sheets Integration for Caldera Forms”
            • 对于名称,输入“ Caldera表单的Google表格集成”

            • Click Create
            • 点击创建

          • On the page that appears, your OAuth2 “client ID” and “client secret” are displayed.

          • 在出现的页面上,显示您的OAuth2“客户端ID”和“客户端密码”。

            Leave this page open, so that you can copy/paste values from it to the plugin configuration.


            Alternatively, copy the values to some clipboard.


          Add credentials to the plugin


            • Open a new page and go to plugin Settings screen (or to Admin Panel > Caldera Forms > Google Sheets screen)
            • 打开一个新页面,然后转到插件“设置” 屏幕(或进入管理面板> Caldera Forms> Google表格屏幕)

            • For Google OAuth2 Client ID paste “client ID” from Google OAuth2 Credentials page
            • 对于 Google OAuth2客户端ID ,请从Google OAuth2凭据页面粘贴“客户端ID”

            • For Google OAuth2 Secret paste “client secret” from Google OAuth2 Credentials page
            • 对于 Google OAuth2机密,请从Google OAuth2凭据页面粘贴“客户端机密”

            • Click Get Code button – you will be redirected to Google Sheets authorization page

            • 点击获取代码按钮–您将被重定向到Google表格授权页面

                • Connect to your Google account (enter credentials)
                • 连接到您的Google帐户(输入凭据)

              • You will see This app isn’t verified screen – this is OK, because you are authenticating your own site

              • 您将看到此应用未经验证屏幕-可以,因为您正在验证自己的网站

                  • Click Advanced and then click Go to Google Sheets Integration for Caldera Forms (unsafe)
                  • 单击高级,然后单击转到Caldera表单的Google表格集成(不安全)

                • In the Grant Google Sheets Integration for Caldera Forms permission screen click Allow
                • 授予Google表格集成Caldera Forms权限屏幕中,点击允许

                • In the Confirm your choices screen click Allow
                • 确认选择屏幕中,点击允许

                • Copy generated “access code” to the clipboard
                • 将生成的“访问代码”复制到剪贴板

                • Paste “access code” into the Google Access Code in plugin Settings screen
                • 将“访问代码”粘贴到插件“ 设置”屏幕中的 Google访问代码

                • Click Save
                • 点击保存

                Using The Plugin


                In Google Sheets


                  • Create a new Sheet and name it
                  • 创建一个新工作表并命名为

                  • Rename the tab on which you want to capture the data
                  • 重命名要在其上捕获数据的选项卡

                  If you wish to record all of your Caldera Form fields, proceed to the next step and enable “Automatically generate header” option in processor settings.

                  如果您希望记录所有的Caldera Form字段,请继续执行下一步,并在处理器设置中启用“自动生成标头”选项。

                  If you wish to record only selected fields (or for some reason automatic header generation doesn’t work for you) manually enter column names in the first row as follows:


                    • Enter “id” in the the first column name
                    • 在第一列名称中输入“ id”

                    • Enter “date” in the the second column name
                    • 在第二列名称中输入“日期”

                    • Enter slug names of your Caldera Form fields as the following column names
                    • 输入您的破火山口表单字段的子弹名称作为以下列名称

                    In Caldera Forms


                      • Add Google Sheets processor to your form
                      • 将Google表格处理器添加到您的表单中

                      • Configure Google Sheets sheet and tab name
                      • 配置Google表格的工作表和标签名

                      • If you didn’t manually create spreadsheet header in the previous step, check “Automatically generate header” checkbox
                      • 如果在上一步中没有手动创建电子表格标题,请选中“自动生成标题”复选框

                      • Click ‘Save Form’ to save processor settings
                      • 点击“保存表格”以保存处理器设置

                      • Test your form submit and verify that the data shows up in your Google Sheet
                      • 测试您的表单提交并验证数据是否显示在Google表格中

                      Automatic Header Generation


                      When “automatic header generation” is enabled, the plugin verifies spreadsheet header on each new form submission and adds new fields to it if needed.


                      Note that it never deletes fields from the header – as this would also delete some submission data – though you can do it manually.


                      You may also manually reorder columns as you wish.


                      It should be noted that header verification takes some time and may slow down form submission for large forms.


                      Therefore consider using it only for your “test submissions” – after initial form creation and/or modification – and turning it off afterwards.


                      Important Notes


                        • Your slug names should be in english only (use only the following ASCII characters – [A-Za-z0-9])
                        • 您的子弹名称只能是英文(仅使用以下ASCII字符– [A-Za-z0-9])

                        • Your slug names should be lowercase only (no capital letters)
                        • 您的子弹名称只能是小写(不能使用大写字母)

                        • If your slug names have underscores, replace them with dashes in Google Sheet column names (e.g. for ‘name_english’ slug use ‘name-english’ column name)
                        • 如果您的子句名称带有下划线,请在Google表格的列名称中用破折号代替(例如,对于“ name_english”子句使用“ name-english”列名)



                        The plugin is heavily based on CF7 Google Sheets Connector

                        该插件很大程度上基于 CF7 Google表格连接器


    1. Upload ‘cf-google-sheets’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    2. 将“ cf-google-sheets”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件。





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