[wordpress插件] CBX Petition for WordPressWordPress的CBX请愿书

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-19 08:20 864 0 全屏看文



A plugin to create, manage petition and collect signatures for petition.


Plugin is created with extensive settings and hooks/filters as necessary.


Frontend and backend views are loaded as templates which can be override from theme.


See more details and usages guide check here


For any help/support please contact us


If you think any necessary feature is missing contact with us, we will add in new release.


Best way to check the feature is install the free core version in any dev site and explore


Core Plugin Features


Petition Backend/Petition Properties


    • Create Petition from admin panel
    • 从管理面板创建请愿书

    • Custom category adn tag taxonomy with petition
    • 带有请愿书的自定义类别和标签分类

    • Petition Title and Description using wordpress core
    • 使用wordpress核心的标题和描述

    • Petition Meta fields

    • 请求元字段

      — Signature Target (Required)


      — Expire Date


      — Petition Photos (Drag and drop photo upload to custom uploads dir, no wordpress media manager used)


      — Petition Banner (Drag and drop photo/banner upload to custom uploads dir, no wordpress media manager used)


      — Youtube Video url, title, mini description

      — Youtube视频网址,标题,迷你描述

      — Petition Letter/Letter Text Field


      — Petition Recipients (Name, Designation, Email)

    • —请愿收件人(姓名,职务,电子邮件)

    Petition Frontend


      • Petition Title, Description Using WordPress Theme Core feature
      • 使用WordPress主题核心功能的标题,描述

      • Extra information using Hooks(Configurable from Settings):

      • 使用挂钩的其他信息(可通过设置配置):

        — Petition Video, Video Title, Video Text


        — Petition Photos


        — Petition Banner


        — Letter Text


        — Letter Recipients


        — Petition Sign Form


        — Petition Listing


        — Petition Statistics(Total Target, Sign Collected, Ratio/Bars)


        — Most of these features are available via shortcodes

      • —这些功能大多数都可以通过简码获得

      Petition Display Shortcodes


        1. Petition signature form [cbxpetition_signform]
        2. 请愿书签名形式[cbxpetition_signform]

        3. Petition video [cbxpetition_video]
        4. 请愿视频[cbxpetition_video]

        5. Petition photos [cbxpetition_photos]
        6. 请愿照片[cbxpetition_photos]

        7. Petition letter [cbxpetition_letter]
        8. 请愿信[cbxpetition_letter]

        9. Petition signature listing [cbxpetition_signatures]
        10. 请愿书签名列表[cbxpetition_signatures]

        11. Petition banner [cbxpetition_banner]
        12. 请愿旗帜[cbxpetition_banner]

        13. Petition statistics [cbxpetition_stat]
        14. 请愿统计[cbxpetition_stat]

        15. Petition Details [cbxpetition] (New in V1.0.1) to display full petition inside any page or post
        16. 请愿书详细信息[cbxpetition](V1.0.1中的新增功能)以在任何页面或帖子中显示完整请愿书

        17. Petition Summary [cbxpetition_summary] (New in V1.0.1) to display petition summary inside any page or post
        18. 请愿书摘要[cbxpetition_summary](V1.0.1中的新增功能)以在任何页面或帖子中显示请愿书摘要

        19. Any shortcode should have but missing?

        20. 任何简码应该有但缺少吗?

          let us know

        21. 让我们知道

        Classic Widgets


          1. Petition Summary Widget [New in V1.0.2]
          2. 权限摘要小部件[V1.0.2中的新增功能]

          3. Petition Sign Form Widget [New in V1.0.2]
          4. 请愿单表单窗口小部件[V1.0.2中的新增功能]

          Petition Backend Settings


            • Basic Setting
            • 基本设置

            • Enable Auto Integration
            • 启用自动集成

            • Auto Integration Before Content
            • 内容前自动集成

            • Auto Integration After Content
            • 内容后自动集成

            • Default Sign Status(Unverified, Pending, Approved, Unapproved), possible to extend
            • 默认标志状态(未验证,待处理,已批准,未批准),可以扩展

            • Guest Email Activation(Guest signature approval can be verified via email)
            • 来宾电子邮件激活(可以通过电子邮件验证来宾签名批准)

            • Frontend Signature listing limit
            • 前端签名列表限制

            • Petition Photo(s) Configuration:

            • 信物照片配置:

              — Petition Photo Limit


              — Petition Photo Max File Size(MB)


              — Petition Photo Extensions


              — Petition Photo Thumbnail max width


              — Petition Photo Thumbnail max height


              — Petition Photo(s) max width


              — Petition Photo(s) max height

            • —请愿照片的最大高度

            • Petition Banner Configuration:

            • 请愿横幅配置:

              — Petition Banner Max File Size(MB)


              — Petition Banner Extensions


              — Petition Banner max width


              — Petition Banner max height

            • —请愿横幅最大高度

            • Global Email Template
            • 全局电子邮件模板

            • Header Image
            • 标题图片

            • Footer Text
            • 页脚文字

            • Base colors and other email template colors
            • 基本颜色和其他电子邮件模板颜色

            • Admin Email Alert
            • 管理员电子邮件警报

            • New Sign Admin Email Alert
            • 新登录管理员电子邮件警报

            • Email enable/disable
            • 启用/禁用电子邮件

            • Email Subject, Template Heading, Template, Template Syntax for dynamic parsing
            • 用于动态解析的电子邮件主题,模板标题,模板,模板语法

            • User Email Alert
            • 用户电子邮件警报

            • New Sign User Email Alert
            • 新登录用户电子邮件警报

            • Sign Approve Email Alert
            • 签署批准电子邮件警报

            • Email enable/disable
            • 启用/禁用电子邮件

            • Email Subject, Template Heading, Template, Template Syntax for dynamic parsing
            • 用于动态解析的电子邮件主题,模板标题,模板,模板语法

            • Tools
            • 工具

            • On Uninstall delete plugin data
            • 在卸载时删除插件数据

            Petition Signature


              • Backend Signature listing
              • 后端签名列表

              • Edit Signature, approve/unapprove signature
              • 编辑签名,批准/取消批准签名

              • Delete Signature
              • 删除签名

              • Search Signature
              • 搜索签名

              • User or guest both can sign
              • 用户或访客都可以签名

              • Guest signature needs First Name, Last Name and Email
              • 来宾签名需要名字,姓氏和电子邮件

              • Signature submit needs privacy confirmation in frontend
              • 签名提交需要在前端进行隐私确认

              Our Core plugin is free and will always be free.


              To extends the petition features we have Pro addon called CBX Petition Pro Addon

              为了扩展请愿功能,我们提供了名为 CBX Petition Pro插件

              Using the pro addon we have added some cool features like frontend petition submit and user dashboard with some more controls everywhere.


              CBX Petition Pro Addon Features

              CBX Petition Pro插件功能

              Pro Addon Backend Setting


                • Who Can Create Petition – Role Selection(s)
                • 谁可以创建请愿书-角色选择

                • Who Can Publish Petition – Role Selection(s)
                • 谁可以发布请愿书-角色选择

                • Who Can Delete Own petition – Role Selection(s)
                • 谁可以删除自己的请愿书-角色选择

                • Maximum Petition Limit
                • 最大请愿限制

                • Petition Per Page
                • 每页访问量

                • User Front Dashboard Page – Page select dropdown
                • 用户前面板页面–页面选择下拉列表

                • Admin Email Alert for Petition Approval

                • 申请批准的管理员电子邮件警报

                  — Enable/Disable and Email Template

                • —启用/禁用和电子邮件模板

                • User Email Alert for Petition Approval

                • 申请批准的用户电子邮件警报

                  — Enable/Disable and Email Template

                • —启用/禁用和电子邮件模板

                Pro Addon Frontend and Other Features


                  • Frontend Dashboard shorcode [cbxpetition_dashboard]
                  • 前端仪表板代码[cbxpetition_dashboard]

                  • Frontend Petition listing
                  • 前端请愿清单

                  • Frontend Petition Create with same backend features(Title, Description, Photos, Banner, Video, Letter, Recipients)
                  • 前端请愿书创建具有相同的后端功能(标题,描述,照片,横幅,视频,信函,收件人)

                  • Frontend Petition Delete
                  • 前端请愿书删除

                  • Frontend Petition Edit
                  • 前端请愿书编辑

                  • Frontend Per Petition Signature Listing
                  • 每个请求的前端签名列表

                  • Role based control and access
                  • 基于角色的控制和访问

                  • Template/Theme override features like core for pro addon
                  • 模板/主题覆盖了专业插件的核心等功能

                  Get the pro addon



    1. [WordPress has clear documentation about how to install a plugin].(https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins)
    2. [WordPress有关于如何安装插件的清晰文档]。(https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins)

    3. After install activate the plugin “CBX Petition” through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 安装后,通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件“ CBX Petition”

    5. You’ll now see a menu called “CBX Petition” in left menu, start from there, check the setting and documentation
    6. 您现在将在左侧菜单中看到一个名为“ CBX Petition”的菜单,从此处开始,检查设置和文档

    7. Use shortcode or widget or other custom features as you need.
    8. 根据需要使用简码或小部件或其他自定义功能。

    9. Try our pro and free addons for more extra features
    10. 尝试使用我们的专业版和免费插件获得更多额外功能





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