[wordpress插件] CashEnvoy Woocommerce Payment GatewayCashEnvoy Woocommerce付款网关

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-17 14:50 657 0 全屏看文



This is a CashEnvoy Payment Gateway for Woocommerce.


CashEnvoy is a Nigerian online payment gateway which offers an Innovative, Dependable, Easy-to-use, Affordable and Secure payment solution


CashEnvoy allows site owners to receive payments for goods and services purchased on their website.


Before you can start accepting payment on your website, login to your CashEnvoy Account to retrieve your Merchant ID

在您开始在您的网站上接受付款之前,请登录您的 CashEnvoy帐户以检索您的商家ID



If you do not have a CashEnvoy Business Account Sign up here](https://cashenvoy.com) with no setup Fee.


CashEnvoy Woocommerce Payment Gateway allows you to accept payment on your Woocommerce store using Nigeria issued Visa Card, Mastercard, Verve Cards and e-tranzact.

CashEnvoy Woocommerce付款网关使您可以使用尼日利亚发行的Visa卡,Mastercard,Verve卡和e-tranzact在Woocommerce商店接受付款。

With CashEnvoy Woocommerce Payment Gateway plugin, you will be able to accept the following payment methods in your shop:

使用CashEnvoy Woocommerce付款网关插件,您将可以在商店中接受以下付款方式:

    • MasterCards
    • 万事达卡

    • Visa Card
    • 签证卡

    • Verve Cards
    • Verve卡

    • eTranzact
    • eTranzact



    This plugin is suitable for only merchants in Nigeria.


    Plugin Features


      • Accept payment via Visa Cards, Mastercards, Verve Cards and eTranzact.
      • 通过Visa卡,万事达卡,Verve卡和eTranzact

      • 接受付款

      • Seamless integration into the WooCommerce checkout page.
      • 无缝集成到WooCommerce结帐页面。

      • Add Naira currency symbol.

      • 添加奈拉货币符号。

        To select it go to go to WooCommerce > Settings from the left hand menu, then click General from the top tab.

        要选择它,请从左侧菜单转到 WooCommerce>设置,然后从顶部标签点击常规

        From Currency select Naira, then click on Save Changes for your changes to be effected.

      • 货币中选择Naira,然后单击保存更改以使更改生效。

      Suggestions / Feature Request


      If you have suggestions or a new feature request, feel free to contact us via support@cashenvoy.com

      如果您有建议或新功能要求,请随时通过 support@cashenvoy.com 与我们联系。

      You can also reach us on Twitter!





Automatic Installation


    • Login to your WordPress Admin area
    • 登录到WordPress管理区域

    • Go to “Plugins > Add New” from the left hand menu
    • 从左侧菜单转到“插件>添加新内容”

    • In the search box type “CashEnvoy Woocommerce Payment Gateway”
    • 在搜索框中,键入“ CashEnvoy Woocommerce付款网关”

    • From the search result you will see “CashEnvoy Woocommerce Payment Gateway” click on “Install Now” to install the plugin
    • 从搜索结果中,您将看到“ CashEnvoy Woocommerce付款网关”,单击“立即安装”以安装插件

    • A popup window will ask you to confirm your wish to install the Plugin.
    • 将弹出一个窗口,要求您确认是否要安装插件。



    If this is the first time you’ve installed a WordPress Plugin, you may need to enter the FTP login credential information.


    If you’ve installed a Plugin before, it will still have the login information.


    This information is available through your web server host.


      • Click “Proceed” to continue the installation.

      • 单击“继续”继续安装。

        The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.

      • 出现的安装屏幕将列出安装成功或在安装过程中记录任何问题。

      • If successful, click “Activate Plugin” to activate it, or “Return to Plugin Installer” for further actions.
      • 如果成功,请单击“激活插件”以将其激活,或单击“返回到插件安装程序”以进行进一步的操作。

      Manual Installation


        1. Download the plugin zip file
        2. 下载插件zip文件

        3. Login to your WordPress Admin.

        4. 登录到WordPress管理员。

          Click on “Plugins > Add New” from the left hand menu.

        5. 从左侧菜单中单击“插件>添加新”。

        6. Click on the “Upload” option, then click “Choose File” to select the zip file from your computer.

        7. 单击“上传”选项,然后单击“选择文件”以从计算机中选择zip文件。

          Once selected, press “OK” and press the “Install Now” button.

        8. 选择后,按“确定”,然后按“立即安装”按钮。

        9. Activate the plugin.
        10. 激活插件。

        11. Open the settings page for WooCommerce and click the “Payment Gateways,” tab.
        12. 打开WooCommerce的设置页面,然后点击“付款网关”标签。

        13. Click on the sub tab for “CashEnvoy Payment Gateway”.
        14. 单击“ CashEnvoy付款网关”的子选项卡。

        15. Configure your “CashEnvoy Payment Gateway” settings.

        16. 配置“ CashEnvoy付款网关”设置。

          See below for details.

        17. 有关详情,请参见下文。

        Configure the plugin


        To configure the plugin, go to WooCommerce > Settings from the left hand menu, then click “Payment Gateways” from the top tab.

        要配置插件,请从左侧菜单转到 WooCommerce>设置,然后从顶部选项卡中单击“付款网关”。

        You should see “CashEnvoy Payment Gateway” as an option at the top of the screen.

        您应该在屏幕顶部看到“ CashEnvoy付款网关”

        Click on it to configure the payment gateway.


        You can select the radio button next to the CashEnvoy Payment Gateway from the list of payment gateways available to make it the default gateway.


          • Enable/Disable – check the box to enable CashEnvoy Payment Gateway.
          • 启用/禁用 –选中该框以启用CashEnvoy付款网关。

          • Mode – check the box when you have been told to switch to live mode, do well to contact support@cashenvoy.com before you do so.

          • 模式 –在系统提示您切换到实时模式时,请选中该框,在此之前,最好联系 support@cashenvoy.com



          • CheckOut Caption – allows you to determine what your customers will see this payment option as on the checkout page.
          • 结帐标题 –可让您确定客户将在结帐页面上看到此付款选项的方式。

          • Username – This will serve as your customer identification (Your Email or any Unique Identifier will be okay).
          • 用户名 –这将用作您的客户标识(您的电子邮件或任何唯一标识符都可以)。

          • Description – controls the message that appears under the payment fields on the checkout page.

          • 说明 –控制结帐页面上“付款”字段下方显示的消息。

            Here you can list the types of cards you accept.

          • 您可以在此处列出您接受的卡的类型。

          • CashEnvoy Merchant ID – enter your CashEnvoy Merchant ID, this is gotten from your account page on CashEnvoy website<

          • CashEnvoy商家ID –输入您的CashEnvoy商家ID,该ID是从 CashEnvoy网站上的帐户页面获取的。


          • / a>。

          • Click on Save Changes for the changes you made to be effected.
          • 点击保存更改以进行更改。





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