[wordpress插件] Active Directory Authentication IntegrationActive Directory身份验证集成

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-28 07:20 673 0 全屏看文






This plugin allows WordPress to authenticate, authorize, create and update against an Active Directory domain.

此插件允许WordPress对Active Directory域进行身份验证,授权,创建和更新。

This plugin is based heavily on the Active Directory Integration plugin, but has been modified to work with Multi Site

此插件很大程度上基于 Active Directory集成插件,但已进行了修改以与多站点一起使用

and even Multi Network installations of WordPress.


Some of the features included in this plugin are:


    • authenticate against more than one AD Server (for balanced load)
    • 针对多个AD服务器进行身份验证(以平衡负载)

    • authorize users by Active Directory group memberships
    • 通过Active Directory组成员身份授权用户

    • auto create and update users that can authenticate against AD

    • 自动创建和更新可以针对AD进行身份验证的用户

      mapping of AD groups to WordPress roles

    • AD组到WordPress角色的映射

    • use TLS (or LDAPS) for secure communication to AD Servers (recommended)
    • 使用TLS(或LDAPS)与AD服务器进行安全通信(推荐)

    • use non standard port for communication to AD Servers
    • 使用非标准端口与AD服务器通信

    • protection against brute force attacks
    • 保护免受暴力攻击

    • user and/or admin e-mail notification on failed login attempts
    • 有关登录失败尝试的用户和/或管理员电子邮件通知

    • determine WP display name from AD attributes (sAMAccountName, displayName, description, SN, CN, givenName or mail)
    • 根据AD属性(sAMAccountName,displayName,描述,SN,CN,givenName或邮件)确定WP显示名称

    • enable/disable password changes for local (non AD) WP users
    • 为本地(非AD)WP用户启用/禁用密码更改

    • WordPress 3.0/3.1 compatibility, including Multi Site and Multi Network
    • WordPress 3.0 / 3.1兼容性,包括多站点和多网络

    This plugin is based on glatze's Active Directory Integration plugin, which is based upon

    此插件基于 glatze的Active Directory集成插件,该插件基于

    ="https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/active-directory-authentication/">Jonathan Marc Bearak's Active Directory Authentication plugin and

    =“ https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/active-directory-authentication/”> Jonathan Marc Bearak的Active Directory身份验证插件和

    rel="nofollow">Scott Barnett's adLDAP, a very useful PHP class.

    rel =“ nofollow”>斯科特·巴奈特的adLDAP ,一个非常有用的PHP类。

    Aside from the changes to make this plugin work more effectively with WordPress Multi Site, this version of the plugin also encrypts the password used to connect to the AD server when it is stored in the database.

    除了进行更改以使该插件与WordPress Multi Site一起更有效地使用外,此版本的插件还对存储在数据库中的用于连接到AD服务器的密码进行加密。

    This plugin was developed by Curtiss Grymala for the Curtiss Grymala 开发,用于

    /" rel="nofollow">University of Mary Washington.

    /“ rel =” nofollow“>玛丽华盛顿大学。

    It is licensed under the GPL2, which basically means you can take it, break it and change it any way you want, as long as the original credit and license information remains somewhere in the package.


    Important Notice


    Since I don’t currently have access to multiple AD servers, this plugin has only been tested on a single installation of WordPress with a single AD server.


    Therefore, it is entirely possible that there are major bugs.


    At this time, I am seeking people to test the plugin, so please report any issues you encounter.




      • This plugin requires WordPress.


        It might work with versions older than 3.0, but it has not been tested with those.


      • This plugin also requires PHP5.


        Some attempt has been made to make it compatible with PHP4, but it has not been tested in that environment.


      • This plugin requires LDAP support to be compiled into PHP.


        If the ldap_connect() function is not available, this plugin will output an error message and will not do anything.

        如果 ldap_connect()函数不可用,则此插件将输出错误消息,并且不会执行任何操作。

      To Do


        • Add ability to validate against multiple AD servers (check one, then the other – rather than just load-balancing as the plugin currently does)
        • 增加了针对多个AD服务器进行验证的能力(先检查一个,然后再检查另一个-而不是像插件当前所做的那样只是负载均衡)

        • DONE as of 0.4a – Update admin interface to utilize native meta box interface rather than custom layout
        • 从0.4a开始完成-更新管理界面以利用本机meta box界面而不是自定义布局

        • DONE as of 0.3a – Separate the profile information from the role equivalent groups in the “auto update user” setting
        • 从0.3a开始完成–在“自动更新用户”设置中将个人资料信息与角色等效组分开


    1. Download the latest ZIP file of this plugin
    2. 下载此插件的最新ZIP文件

    3. Unzip the file and upload the active-directory-authentication-integration directory to the wp-content/plugins/ folder on your Web server
    4. 解压缩文件,并将active-directory-authentication-integration目录上载到Web服务器上的wp-content / plugins /文件夹中

    5. Network Activate the plugin and adjust the settings
    6. 网络激活插件并调整设置

    7. If you have John James Jacoby's WP Multi Network plugin, John James Jacoby的WP Multi Network插件,请

      //wordpress.org/extend/pluginsetworks-for-wordpress/">David Dean's Networks for WordPress or

      //wordpress.org/extend/pluginsetworks-for-wordpress/">David Dean的WordPress网络

      Ron and Andrea Rennick's Networks+ installed and activated, you will then have the option to activate this plugin on all networks.

      Ron和Andrea Rennick的Networks + 已安装并激活,然后您可以选择在所有网络上激活此插件。

      Do so.

    8. 这样做。

    9. Adjust the settings
    10. 调整设置








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