[wordpress插件] CartoPress印刷机

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-17 11:10 523 0 全屏看文



CartoPress links your WordPress site directly to CartoDB, an open-source and API-driven web-mapping platform.


Geocode your posts, pages, and media and CartoPress will sync to your CartoDB account, allowing you to take advantage of CartoDB’s visual editor and CartoCSS styling options.


One of a kind: While there are multitudes of other plugins providing mapping support, most are exclusively Google Maps-based instead of based on open-source solutions such as

其中一种: 尽管有许多其他插件提供地图支持,但大多数插件仅基于Google Maps,而不是基于开源解决方案,例如



few are focused on geo-referencing your WordPress content;


and CartoPress is the first to specifically target CartoDB.


Your data, your maps, no hassle: CartoPress was built to provide the ability to turn your WordPress-based site into a geo-CMS using the CartoDB platform,

您的数据,地图,没有麻烦: :CartoPress的构建旨在提供使用CartoDB平台将基于WordPress的站点转换为geo-CMS的功能,

allowing you to design dynamic interactive maps and geo-spatial appliations from your existing WordPress data.


While CartoPress allows you to add robust geolocation to your WordPress posts, pages and media, CartoDB brings infinite possibilites of mapping and visualization.


CartoPress makes use of CartoDB’s powerful APIs to act as a bridge, enabling you to easily import your WordPress data directly into your CartoDB account.


Add or update points on your map simply by adding or updating a post!




    • Georeferece your posts, pages and media attachments using the built-in CartoPress geocoder
    • 使用内置的CartoPress地理编码器来推荐您的帖子,页面和媒体附件

    • Automatically sync Post Title, Summary Description, Permalink, Post Date, and all Geo Data to your CartoDB dataset
    • 自动将发布标题,摘要说明,永久链接,发布日期和所有地理数据同​​步到您的CartoDB数据集中

    • Intuitive interface allows you to easily configure settings to sync Post Content, Featured Image, Taxonomies, Author, and Custom Fields to your CartoDB dataset
    • 直观的界面使您可以轻松配置设置,以将帖子内容,特色图像,分类法,作者和自定义字段同步到CartoDB数据集

    • Streamlined processes will automatically insert new posts, pages and media to your maps
    • 简化的流程将自动在地图上插入新的帖子,页面和媒体

    • Provides the ability to manually input and edit and delete geodata, optionally choose to not sync data on a case-by-case basis
    • 提供了手动输入,编辑和删除地理数据的能力,可以选择不根据具体情况同步数据

    • Add a custom summary description to your post to display in your map’s infowindow
    • 在您的信息中添加自定义摘要说明,以显示在地图的信息窗口中



      • Use CartoDB’s intuitive visual editor to quickly and easily spatialize your WordPress data with wizards to make simple, clustered, choropleth and categorized maps, density and heat maps, time-based torque maps and more
      • 使用CartoDB直观的可视化编辑器,通过向导快速轻松地将WordPress数据空间化,以制作简单的,群集的,整体的和分类的地图,密度和热度图,基于时间的扭矩图等

      • Customize your map’s styling using CartoCSS, an end-user-friendly styling language based on CSS;

      • 使用CartoCSS(一种基于CSS的最终用户友好的样式语言)来自定义地图样式;

        choose from a variety of built-in basemaps or use your own custom basemap

      • 从各种内置底图中选择,或使用自己的自定义底图

      • Create custom views based on your data using built-in SQL support
      • 使用内置的SQL支持根据您的数据创建自定义视图

      • Enhance your map by adding additional layers from the CartoDB dataset library or your own source
      • 通过添加CartoDB数据集库或您自己的来源中的其他图层来增强地图

      • Easily publish maps simply by sharing a link, embedding directly on your site, or build a custom geo-spatial application from your WordPress data using the cartodb.js API and Leaflet
      • 只需共享链接,直接嵌入到您的网站中,或使用cartodb.js API和Leaflet从WordPress数据构建自定义地理空间应用程序,即可轻松发布地图

      • Use CartoDB to export your data into various geo datatypes including SHP, KML, GeoJSON, CSV and SVG
      • 使用CartoDB将数据导出为各种地理数据类型,包括SHP,KML,GeoJSON,CSV和SVG

      • CartoDB is an open-source platform and offers a free account providing a wide range of abilities for individual users, while upgraded accounts offer enterprise-ready solutions
      • CartoDB是一个开源平台,它提供了一个免费帐户,为个人用户提供了广泛的功能,而升级后的帐户则提供了企业就绪的解决方案


    1. Installation is as simple as any other WordPress plugin.

    2. 安装与其他任何WordPress插件一样简单。

      Just upload the zip file to the plugins directory in your WordPress site and ACTIVATE!


      Note: The latest stable release can be found in the WordPress plugin directory.


      For development versions, please see the Github repo.

    3. 有关开发版本,请参见Github 存储库

    4. Create a CartoDB account if you don’t already have one.
    5. 如果您还没有CartoDB帐户,请创建一个。

    6. Go to Settings > CartoPress and input your CartoDB API Key (available at yoursubdomain.cartodb.com/your_apps) and Username (your subdomain).
    7. 转到设置> CartoPress ,然后输入您的CartoDB API密钥(可在yoursubdomain.cartodb.com/your_apps上获得)和用户名(您的子域)。

    8. Create a unique name for your dataset in CartoDB and click the ‘Connect to CartoDB’ button.

    9. 在CartoDB中为您的数据集创建一个唯一的名称,然后单击“连接到CartoDB” 按钮。

      Your dataset will then be automatically created in your CartoDB account.


      Be sure to ‘Save’ changes on the settings page

    10. 确保在设置页面上“保存” 更改

    11. Configure your options: Check the boxes for which post types you would like to geocode — Posts, Pages, and/or Media.

    12. 配置您的选项:选中您要对其进行地理编码的帖子类型的框-帖子,页面和/或媒体。

      Check any additional data sync options for syncing Post Content, Categories, Tags, Featured Image, Author, Post Format or Custom Fields

    13. 检查用于同步发布内容,类别,标签,特色图像,作者,发布格式或自定义字段的所有其他数据同步选项





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