[wordpress插件] Calendarista Basic Edition – WordPress appointment booking systemCalendarista Basic Edition – WordPress预约系统

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-15 20:20 1126 0 全屏看文



Some of the features in this basic edition


    1. Bookings with a single start date.
    2. 具有单个开始日期的预订。

    3. Bookings with both a start date and start time.
    4. 具有开始日期和开始时间的预订。

    5. Payments through Paypal.
    6. 通过Paypal付款。

    7. Collect payment offline.
    8. 离线收集付款。

    9. Enable online payments.
    10. 启用在线支付。

    11. Enable online payments and offline mode.
    12. 启用在线支付和离线模式。

    13. Enable or disable payments (perfect for free bookings).
    14. 启用或禁用付款(免费预订完善)。

    15. Autogenerate timeslots.
    16. 自动生成时隙。

    17. Duplicate a service.
    18. 复制服务。

    19. List of custom date formats to choose from.
    20. 自定义日期格式列表,供您选择。

    21. AM/PM or 24h time format.
    22. AM / PM或24小时制。

    23. Set tax.
    24. 设置税金。

    25. Enable single booking or multiple bookings of the same date or same date/time.
    26. 启用同一日期或相同日期/时间的单笔预订或多笔预订。

    27. Require login or registration before booking or use plugin to collect name and email from customer.
    28. 在预订前需要登录或注册,或使用插件收集客户的姓名和电子邮件。

    29. Customize any piece of string displayed to customer directly from the plugins back-end.
    30. 直接从插件后端自定义显示给客户的任何字符串。

    31. Turn over days to set prep time needed before and after the next booking.
    32. 周转天数以设置下一次预订之前和之后所需的准备时间。

    33. Restrict from booking too soon or too late in the future with min/max notice.
    34. 使用最小/最大通知限制将来过早或太晚预订。

    35. Multiple services can be grouped in a dropdown list.
    36. 可以将多个服务分组到一个下拉列表中。

    37. A single service can have one or more availabilities.

    38. 单个服务可以具有一个或多个可用性。

      Multiple availables will be listed in a dropdown list.

    39. 多个可用项将在下拉列表中列出。

    40. Each availability can include an image.
    41. 每个可用性都可以包含一张图片。

    42. Calendar legend, set custom colors for available days, unavailable days and selected days.
    43. 日历图例,为可用日期,不可用日期和选定日期设置自定义颜色。

    44. Style by choosing from a predefined color list to allow a more natural integration with your website.

    45. 通过从预定义的颜色列表中选择样式,以与您的网站更自然地集成。

      Transparent, Red and Green available in this edition.

    46. 此版本提供透明,红色和绿色。

    47. Auto repeat daily, weekly, montly, yearly etc.
    48. 每天,每周,每月,每年等自动重复。

    49. Emails send out by plugin include: New booking received, Booking received successfully, Booking confirmation, Booking cancelled, Booking reminder, Booking payment received, Discount coupon awarded, Payment required and Booking has changed.
    50. 通过插件发送的电子邮件包括:已收到新预订,已成功收到预订,预订确认,预订已取消,预订提醒,已收到预订付款,已授予折扣优惠券,需要付款且预订已更改。

    51. View sales, request payment or confirm payment.
    52. 查看销售额,请求付款或确认付款。

    53. View, confirm, cancel appointments in your back-end calendar.
    54. 查看,确认和取消后端日历中的约会。

    I need more features, do you have a premium version?


    Honestly, we are glad you asked because we do have a premium version with many more features.


    Please checkout Calendarista Premium Edition

    请结帐 Calendarista高级版

    Full list of features found in Calendarista Premium Edition

    Calendarista Premium Edition 中找到的功能的完整列表

      1. Bookings with a single start date.
      2. 具有单个开始日期的预订。

      3. Bookings with both a start date and start time (optionally enable selecting multiple time slots).
      4. 同时具有开始日期和开始时间的预订(可以选择启用多个时隙)。

      5. Bookings with both a start date and start time with padding.
      6. 具有开始日期和开始时间(带有填充)的预订。

      7. Bookings with a start date and time range.
      8. 具有开始日期和时间范围的预订。

      9. Bookings a date range.
      10. 预订日期范围。

      11. Booking a date and time range.
      12. 预订日期和时间范围。

      13. Booking a date range with partial day charge (Half day booking).
      14. 预订包含部分天数费用的日期范围(半天预订)。

      15. Bookings a round trip.
      16. 预订往返机票。

      17. Bookings a round trip (with time).
      18. 预定往返行程(带时间)。

      19. Booking one or more packages.
      20. 预订一个或多个包裹。

      21. Payments through Paypal, Stripe, Twocheckout and WooCommerce.
      22. 通过Paypal,Stripe,Twocheckout和WooCommerce付款。

      23. Collect payment offline.
      24. 离线收集付款。

      25. Enable online payments.
      26. 启用在线支付。

      27. Enable online payments and offline mode.
      28. 启用在线支付和离线模式。

      29. Enable or disable payments (perfect for free bookings).
      30. 启用或禁用付款(免费预订完善)。

      31. Autogenerate timeslots.
      32. 自动生成时隙。

      33. Duplicate a service.
      34. 复制服务。

      35. List of custom date formats to choose from.
      36. 自定义日期格式列表,供您选择。

      37. AM/PM or 24h time format.
      38. AM / PM或24小时制。

      39. Set tax.
      40. 设置税金。

      41. Enable single booking or multiple bookings of the same date or same date/time.
      42. 启用同一日期或相同日期/时间的单笔预订或多笔预订。

      43. Customize any piece of string displayed to customer directly from the plugins back-end.
      44. 直接从插件后端自定义显示给客户的任何字符串。

      45. Translation ready, either manually through PoEdit or via WPML and Polylang.
      46. 可以通过PoEdit或WPML和Polylang手动翻译。

      47. Customize the data capture fields in a way that suits your business via Custom form fields.
      48. 通过“自定义”表单字段自定义适合您业务的数据捕获字段。

      49. Unlimited Categorized extras to add elements that carry extra cost and can be in limited quantity.
      50. 无限制的附加项目,以添加成本较高且数量有限的元素。

      51. Define departure and destination dropdown fields with predefined locations and cost.
      52. 使用预定义的位置和费用定义出发和目的地下拉字段。

      53. Calculate price by travel distance.
      54. 按旅行距离计算价格。

      55. Charge only an upfront deposit(percentage or fixed fee).

      56. 仅收取预付款(百分比或固定费用)。

        Pay reminder upon arrival..

      57. 抵达时支付提醒。.

      58. Booking can have an obligatory minimum and maximum days selection.
      59. 可以强制选择最小和最大天数。

      60. Restrict from booking too soon or too late in the future with min/max notice.
      61. 使用最小/最大通知限制将来过早或太晚预订。

      62. Turn over days to set prep time needed before and after the next booking.
      63. 周转天数以设置下一次预订之前和之后所需的准备时间。

      64. Choose your check-in and check-out days of the week.
      65. 选择一周中的入住和退房日期。

      66. Multiple services can be grouped in a dropdown list.
      67. 可以将多个服务分组到一个下拉列表中。

      68. A single service can have one or more availabilities.

      69. 单个服务可以具有一个或多个可用性。

        Multiple availables will be listed in a dropdown list.

      70. 多个可用项将在下拉列表中列出。

      71. Each availability can include an image.
      72. 每个可用性都可以包含一张图片。

      73. An availability can contain an area displayed on a map in the front-end.
      74. 可用性可以包含在前端地图上显示的区域。

      75. Calendar legend, set custom colors for available days, unavailable days and selected days.
      76. 日历图例,为可用日期,不可用日期和选定日期设置自定义颜色。

      77. Style by choosing from a predefined color list to allow a more natural integration with your website.
      78. 通过从预定义的颜色列表中选择样式来实现与网站的更自然的融合。

      79. Auto repeat daily, weekly, montly, yearly etc.
      80. 每天,每周,每月,每年等自动重复。

      81. Emails send out by plugin include: New booking received, Booking received successfully, Booking confirmation, Booking cancelled, Booking reminder, Booking payment received, Discount coupon awarded, Payment required and Booking has changed.
      82. 通过插件发送的电子邮件包括:已收到新预订,已成功收到预订,预订确认,预订已取消,预订提醒,已收到预订付款,已授予折扣优惠券,需要付款且预订已更改。

      83. Booking cancel link sent via email.
      84. 通过电子邮件发送的预订取消链接。

      85. An availability can contain an area on map displayed in the front-end.
      86. 可用性可以包含在前端显示的地图上的区域。

      87. Set up Email reminders.
      88. 设置电子邮件提醒。

      89. Easily add staff members to existing availabilities.
      90. 轻松地将员工添加到现有职位。

      91. View sales, request payment or confirm payment.
      92. 查看销售额,请求付款或确认付款。

      93. View appointments in your back-end calendar.
      94. 在后端日历中查看约会。

      95. Edit appointments, cancel appointment or confirm appointment.
      96. 编辑约会,取消约会或确认约会。

      97. Set up holidays and take time off, where you can make any date or time slot unavailable for booking.
      98. 设置假期并请假,在此您可以使任何日期或时间段无法预订。

      99. Import and export iCAL feeds, making your business always up to date and avoid overbooking.
      100. 导入和导出iCAL提要,使您的业务始终保持最新状态,并避免预订过多。

      101. Departure and destination input fields with google maps autocomplete support.
      102. 具有Google地图自动完成功能的出发地和目的地输入字段。

      103. Booking with both departure and destination input fields.
      104. 使用出发和目的地输入字段进行预订。

      105. Booking with single departure input field only.
      106. 仅具有单一出发点输入字段的预订。

      107. Booking with both departure and destination dropdown fields.
      108. 同时预订出发地和目的地下拉字段。

      109. Booking with single departure dropdown field.
      110. 单次起飞下拉列表中的预订。

      111. Set waypoints between departure and destination.
      112. 设置出发地和目的地之间的航路点。

      113. Enable direction on a live google map within your site (no redirect).
      114. 在您网站上的实时Google地图上启用导航(无重定向)。

      115. Enable options such as avoid highway, avoid tolls and show traffic.
      116. 启用诸如避开高速公路,避免通行费和显示交通等选项。

      117. Select departure and destination directly on google map using right click context menu.
      118. 使用右键单击上下文菜单直接在Google地图上选择出发地和目的地。

      119. Export to CSV.
      120. 导出为CSV。



      Getting started


      Everything takes place in the “Services” page.


      This is your workshop for making your date and time available and ready for consumption through the web.


      But let’s do this in steps.


      We will be ignoring self-explanatory settings and focus on the basics that we need to get you up and running fast.


      NOTE: While this is the basic edition of Calendarista, it is actually a complete booking solution in it’s own right.


      A premium verison of the plugin is also available.


      What is an availability?


      In Calendarista, an availability is the date and time you are available to provide a certain service.


      An availability can be a single date or time you are available or one that repeats daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and so forth.


      However, in order to setup your availability, first you will need to define a service.




      Services can be created from the “Services” page.


      The page is subdivided in tabs to allow the various settings that affect a service.


      Service tab


      Provide a name that describes your service.


      Please try to keep this short and descriptive as it may come handy when you have defined several services.


      This will enable you to quickly distinguish one from the other at a glance.


      Additionally, it is possible to list services in a dropdown list in the front-end.


      In that case, this same name will be used so remember to keep it short and descriptive.


      Select a mode for your service.


      This will dictate the way Calendarista behaves in the front-end.


      Remember you are simply selecting the behavior.


      You will be able to set the actual date(s) and how these repeat later when setting the availability.


        • Single day

        • 单日

          In the front-end, the booking calendar will allow selecting only a day.


          In this basic edition, only a single day selection is eneabled.


          This mode does not support time slots.


        • Single day and time

        • 单个日期和时间

          In the front-end, the booking calendar will allow selecting a date and a single timeslots.


        Availability Tab


        This is where you can setup the calendar, including the days and time slots you are available and the cost if applicable among other options.


        Multiple availabilities can be created.


        In this case, each availability will be listed in a list in the front-end.


        We will skip self-explanatory and optional settings so that we can focus on the main settings you will need.


        Note that most of the availability settings depend on the service mode selected.


          1. Provide a name for the availability.

          2. 提供可用性名称。

            Make sure the name is short and descriptive.


            This will help you identify an availability quickly.


            The same name will also be used in the front-end in case you have created multiple availabilities.


          3. Set the date and time your availability starts.
          4. 设置开始可用性的日期和时间。

          5. Seats can be set depending on the service mode.

          6. 可以根据服务模式设置座位。

            Not all modes support seats.


            Additionally, if the service supports timeslots, then you will be able to set seats per timeslot and the setting will be available separately when creating timeslots.

          7. 此外,如果服务支持时隙,那么您将能够为每个时隙设置席位,并且在创建时隙时可以单独使用该设置。

          8. An image URL can be provided optionally.

          9. 可以选择提供图像URL。

            If you do provide one, it will display in the front-end when the availability is selected.


            This can be useful in cases where you want to display the picture of the person that owns the availability.


            To set the images width and height refer the “Styles” section.

          10. 要设置图像的宽度和高度,请参阅“样式”部分。

          11. Check “repeat”, this will allow you to add days to your availability.

          12. 选中“重复”,这将使您的可用时间增加几天。

            If you do not check repeat, you will end up with a single day in your availability, which is the date you setup in step 2.


            Checking “Repeat” will produce a dialog box where you can setup the repetition pattern.


            >Note that we will not go through the options in the “Repeat” dialog as these are all quite >simple to guess what they do.

          13. >请注意,我们将不通过“重复”对话框中的选项,因为它们都很容易猜测它们的作用。

          This covers the necessary settings required to create an availability.


          Now click the “Create New” button.




          You have just created your first service.


          In case the service mode is one that includes timeslots, then you are not quite done yet.


          Head on to the “Timeslots” tab.


          We will discuss this in the next section.


          Timeslots tab


          If the service mode is one that supports time, then the time slots tab will display.


          This is where you generate time slots, set cost per time slot.


          But first ensure you have already created an availability otherwise you won’t be allowed to setup time slots.


          NOTE: In the basic edition, you can only autogenerate slots by weekday but this is quite sufficient for most usecases.


          From the timeslots tab, select an availability.


          The timeslots you will be creating will be for the selected availability only.


          For instance, if you are running a dental clinic and have several dentists, then you will likely setup one availability per dentist.


          The timeslots generated will be the working hours of that particular dentist.


          A dental clinic is only an example, and you are not confined to any specific type of business as the use case for Calendarista aims to be for the general use case, thus covering several scenarios.


          Next choose “Create timeslot”.


          If you select this option, you will be able to create time slots manually per specific day by date or week day.


            1. Weekday

            2. 平日

              The default selection of “All week days” will generate slots using the “Start interval”, “Time length” and “End time” values to generate slots that will be included in all weekdays.


              If slots exist in any particular weekday, these will be wiped out and replaced by fresh values generated.

            3. 如果在任何特定的工作日都存在广告位,则这些广告位将被清除并替换为生成的新值。

            4. Cost

            5. 费用

              If your service supports payments, you will be able to set the cost for each time slot.


            6. Seats

            7. 座位

              The seats behavior determines if you want to allow a single individual booking per slot or the same slot can be booked multiple times.


              > NOTE: In the basic edition, you cannot set the number of seats available per slot nor take time timeoff.

            8. >注意:在基本版中,您无法设置每个插槽的可用座位数,也无法设置时间间隙。

            Now click create.


            Your availability in the front-end calendar will show the time slots created.


            NOTE: If for seats you selected “One seat per slot”, in this case when a slot on any particular date is booked, it wont be available for a second booking.


            Styles tab


            The booking form displayed in the front-end can be styled.


            We offer basic styling and advanced styling.




            Basic styling will allow you to change the color of the main menu and the navigation button.


            NOTE: In the basic edition, Transparent, Red and GreenYellow are the only available predefined choices.


              1. Select a Theme

              2. 选择主题

                This setting allows you to choose from one of 3 predefined color schemes available.


                The color scheme will apply to the wizard containing the booking form.

              3. 配色方案将应用于包含预订表格的向导。

              4. Font-Family and Font-size

              5. 字体家族和字体大小

                This applies to fonts used in the wizard

              6. 这适用于向导中使用的字体

              7. Thumbnail width and height

              8. 缩略图的宽度和高度

                This applies to the images you set on the availability.


                The image displays in the wizard when the availability is active.

              9. 可用性处于活动状态时,该图像显示在向导中。



              You can also control the presentation of the summary data found within the wizard.


              This will allow you to change the entire HTML structure of the content but keep in mind that some basic knowledge of HTML is required.


              Importantly, try to pay particular attention to the existing tokens and the braces around the tokens.


              Some tokens are enclosed within 2 curly braces and others within 3.


              We provide this level of customization to power users who know their way around templating engines.


              For a list of tokens, expand the tokens and control statement sections.


              The templating engine in use will try to alert you of mistakes made, however this may not happen always.


              In case things don’t look right, reset the template and start over.


              A reset button will appear after saving your first customization.


              Text tab


              The plugin will display textual content in the front-end based on various conditions.


              NOTE: In the basic edition, translations can be done manually using a separate third party plugin such as PoEdit.


              If you just want to quickly edit text displayed in the front-end, this can be done by going in the Service Text tab.


              Here you can customize content quickly and effectively, so that the text reflects content specific to your business.


              This is service specific.


              So, if you have several services you will need to repeat this again for each service.


              A tool that will come in handy in this case is the “Duplicate” option found in the “Services” page.


              Short codes tab


              A service can be inserted into a page or post to allow booking by copying the generated short code and pasting it into your page or post.


              To find the short-code of your service, go into the short codes tab found in the “Services” page and select a service in the left page.


              Then copy the short code generated in the right pane.


              If you select multiple services, this will add a service switcher dropdown list in your booking form allowing your customer to switch services on the fly.




              The settings page is where you can control various configurations of the plugin.


              The general tab


              This is where you may change the general behavior of the plugin such as approval, notifications, date/time formats and so forth.


              The emails tab


              The plugin sends out several notifications to customers regarding the status of their booking.


              General properties such a sender name and email, the admins email address, the logo of your company to include in the emails and color settings can be managed on this screen.


              If you wish even more control, i.e. if you want to include custom content within the emails, select the template and add your modifications.


              Importantly, try to pay particular attention to the existing tokens and the braces around the tokens.


              Some tokens are enclosed within 2 curly braces and others within 3.


              Note that the templating engine in use will try to alert you of mistakes made, however this may not always happen.


              So, make sure you test the emails to catch any mistakes you may have made.


              In case things don’t look right, reset the template and start over.


              A reset button will appear after saving your first customization.


              The payments tab


              Here you can add or edit payment methods supported by the plugin.


              NOTE: In the basic edition we support PayPal only and is not limited in anyway, for more options checkout our premium version.




              First ensure that you have selected a currency that is PayPal supported, next proceed.


              1. Check the enable field.


              2. Provide your email associated to your PayPal account.


              3. Set the title field.


              This value is used for the Payment operator selection in the front-end.


              4. If you are still in the planning stages, check “Sandbox”.


              This will allow you to test before going live.


              5. Next save.


              Error log tab


              Any errors encountered during the normal operations of the plugin will be logged here.


              This can be useful if something isn’t working, such as emails failing, payments rejected by a payment operator etc. The error log is cleared periodically or can also be cleared manually after viewing.


              Assets tab


              Third party CSS and JavaScript files registered by the plugin can be disabled here.


              This is useful in case there are third party plugins or themes causing a conflict because they too include the same libraries.


              Generally, we do not recommend you disable any assets because sometimes the versions may differ and this will cause Calendarista to function incorrectly.


              Some of the options worth a mention:


              1. A setting noteworthy mentioning is “Debug mode”.


              This option when will include the full uncompiled versions of the client-side libraries.


              This may help sometimes when debugging issues.


              2. The calendar used in the front-end can also be themed here.


              Simply select one from the various available themes in the “Calendar themes” field.


              Currently we include a single theme to keep the plugin size compact.


              3. Set the URL to a Font file using the Font-Family URL field.


              The font-family name itself needs to be set in the services page, styles tab.




              The sales page is where you can view bookings that sold.


              These are bookings made from services that have payment enabled and a valid cost amount.


              Free bookings are excluded from this list.


              In addition to sales being listed, you can also view details of the booking and request payment for “unpaid” ones.


              This will send an invoice to the user to solicit payment or you can confirm payment in case you are collecting payment offline.


              In addition, you can also view the appointment.




              From the appointments page, all appointments made will be displayed in a calendar view.


              Additionally, selecting an appointment on any particular date, you will be able to view and cancel or delete the appointment.




              Editing text is possible from the plugins services page.


              After selecting a service, head on to the Text tab and edit any piece of string that is to be seen in the front-end.


              However, while it allows you a quick way to modify text, this may not always be convenient especially if you plan to support multiple languages.


              But do keep in mind, if you plan to create translation files, then in this case you will need to reset text strings in the “Text” tab mentioned above.


              Calendarista stores its language files in the plugins “languages” folder, i.e. wp-content\plugins\calendarista\languages.

              Calendarista将其语言文件存储在“语言”插件文件夹中,即wp-content \ plugins \ calendarista \ languages。

              After creating your .mo and .po files, usually done through a third-party application such as poEdit, ensure that the file is named based on the domain “calendarista” followed by a dash, and then the locale.

              在创建.mo和.po文件后(通常通过第三方应用程序(例如poEdit)完成此操作),请确保该文件是根据域“ calendarista”,后接破折号和区域设置来命名的。



              The locale is the language code and/or country.


              For example, the locale for German is ‘de_DE’, and the locale for Danish is ‘da_DK’.

              例如,德语的语言环境为“ de_DE”,丹麦语的语言环境为“ da_DK”。

              So, for instance, if we were to translate to Danish, the .mo and .po files should be named “calendarista-da_DK.mo” and “calendarista-da_DK.po”.

              因此,例如,如果我们要翻译成丹麦语,则.mo和.po文件应分别命名为“ calendarista-da_DK.mo”和“ calendarista-da_DK.po”。

              As we issue updates, you are responsible for maintaining your language files updated.


              This makes saving your language files within the plugins languages folder quite a chore, hence we recommend you to instead store your new language files at the following location: /wp-content/languages/calendarista/

              这使得将语言文件保存在plugins文件夹中非常麻烦,因此我们建议您将新的语言文件存储在以下位置:/ wp-content / languages / calendarista /

              This has the advantage of you not having to worry about when updates are available as the language resource is stored outside the plugin directory.






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