[wordpress插件] Event Calendar – Responsive Calendar活动日历–响应日历

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-15 18:50 603 0 全屏看文



Event Calendar is a flexible calendar plugin that allows you to connect to your database and show up your event days on a view.


Calendar can render a Day, Week, Month and Resource calendar view.


The also provides an interface for manipulating and formatting dates and times.


Each event box has a link to the original event you defined in your calendar.




      • Plugin for create a calendar with events.
      • 用于创建带有事件的日历的插件。

      • Intuitive event labels.
      • 直观的事件标签。

      • Easy to customize.
      • 易于定制。

      • Use as a date picker or a full fledged calendar.
      • 用作日期选择器或完整的日历。

      • 10 free themes with the option of select data ranges, mark events and others (4 versions of the event calendar type, 2 versions of the simple type, 2 versions of the flexible type and 2 versions of the timeline type)

      • 10个免费主题,其中包括选择数据范围,标记事件和其他选项(事件日历类型的4个版本,简单类型的2个版本,弹性类型的2个版本和时间轴类型的2个版本)



      • You can easily list your events on wherever you want on your page via shortcodes.
      • 您可以通过简码轻松地在页面上的任何位置列出您的事件。

      • Each event box has a link to the original event you defined in your calendar.
      • 每个事件框都有一个指向您在日历中定义的原始事件的链接。

      • Allows you to set the most appropriate navigation arrows, which will suit the best for your web site.
      • 允许您设置最合适的导航箭头,最适合您的网站。

      • The ability to display multiple events for a single day.
      • 一天显示多个事件的能力。

      • Plugin lets you change the color and set it to the colors of your site.
      • 插件可让您更改颜色并将其设置为网站的颜色。

      • You can change the start and end date of the event.
      • 您可以更改事件的开始和结束日期。

      • You can change the start and end time of events.
      • 您可以更改事件的开始和结束时间。

      • You can customize the calendar color, font size and font family.
      • 您可以自定义日历颜色,字体大小和字体系列。

      • The ability to change the color of the arrow and background color.
      • 更改箭头颜色和背景颜色的能力。

      • Each species has a unique customizable settings.
      • 每个物种都有独特的可自定义设置。

      • Add an unlimited number of events in one calendar.

      • 在一个日历中添加无限数量的事件。

        As you have already created a number of events, you can add via the shortcodes on your page as you need.

      • 由于您已经创建了许多事件,因此可以根据需要通过页面上的短代码进行添加。

      • Each calendar can be inserted in a page, post or widget shortcode.
      • 每个日历都可以插入页面,帖子或小部件短代码中。

      • You can add photos to the events (all types)
      • 您可以将照片添加到事件(所有类型)

      • Total Calendar, Timeline, Crazy, Schedule and Full Year types each event has its own color.
      • 总日历,时间轴,疯狂,日程和全年类型,每个事件都有其自己的颜色。

      • Recurring events
      • 重复发生的事件

      • Possibility to preview the theme in calendar before putting it on the page.
      • 可以在日历上预览主题,然后再将其放在页面上。

      Premium version adds


        • 3 beautiful customizable themes
        • 3个漂亮的可自定义主题

        • Crazy Calendar Theme
        • 疯狂的日历主题

        • Schedule Theme
        • 计划主题

        • Full Year Calendar Theme
        • 全年日历主题

        • Recurring events – Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
        • 重复发生的事件 –每天,每周,每月,每年

        • WeekDay Start – Can select that day, which must be the first in the week.
        • 工作日开始 –可以选择该天,该日期必须是一周中的第一天。

        • Weekday – Ability to select the style of calendar week.
        • 工作日 –可以选择日历周的样式。

        • Todays numbers Color – Can choose the date color, that will be displayed.
        • 今天的数字颜色 –可以选择将显示的日期颜色。

        • Icon – Possibility select the right and the left icons, which are, for change the months by sequence.
        • 图标 –可以选择右侧和左侧的图标,以按顺序更改月份。

        • Color – The plugin allows to change the color and enter it in the colors of your site.
        • 颜色 –该插件可以更改颜色并将其输入您网站的颜色。

        • Font – The plugin allows to change the color of the date, font size and font family.
        • 字体 –该插件可以更改日期,字体大小和字体系列的颜色。

        • This opens up new useful functions and new possibilities.
        • 这打开了新的有用功能和新可能性。

        In addition to the features mentioned above, there are many other functions inside the plugin.


        You get the advantage of an intuitive user interface, that makes the plugin operation easy, easy to understand the calendar options, as well as many hooks and filters to control the output.


        Main features of Event.


          • Event Title – You can give a name for event.
          • 事件标题 –您可以为事件命名。

          • Calendar Name – Choose that version of themes, in which you want to see the Events.
          • 日历名称 –选择您要在其中查看事件的主题版本。

          • Start Date – You Can select the start of the event (To display events in the calendar if you have a browser Safari, firefox or Internet explorer should write yyyy-mm-dd).

          • 开始日期 –您可以选择事件的开始(如果您使用的是Safari浏览器,firefox或Internet Explorer,则要在日历中显示事件,请输入yyyy-mm-dd)。



          • End Date – You Can select the finish date of the event (To display events if you have a browser Safari, firefox or Internet explorer should write yyyy-mm-dd).
          • 结束日期 –您可以选择事件的结束日期(要显示事件,如果您使用的是Safari浏览器,firefox或Internet Explorer,则应输入yyyy-mm-dd)。

          • Event URL – You can set external URL, which should be included in the event.
          • 事件URL –您可以设置外部URL,该URL应包含在事件中。

          • Open in new tab – Choose, by clicking on the link should open in new tab or not.
          • 在新标签页中打开-通过选择链接,可以选择是否在新标签页中打开。

          • Start Time (Required field) – Can select the event start time (To display events in the calendar if you have a browser Safari, Firefox or Internet explorer should write hh:mm).

          • 开始时间(必填字段) –可以选择事件开始时间(如果您使用的是Safari浏览器,Firefox或Internet Explorer浏览器,则要在日历中显示事件,请输入hh:mm)。



          • End Time (Required field) – Can select the event end time (To display events if you have a browser Safari, Firefox or Internet explorer should write hh:mm).
          • 结束时间(必填字段) –可以选择事件的结束时间(要显示事件,如果您使用的是Safari浏览器,Firefox或Internet Explorer,则应输入hh:mm)。

          • Event color – Select that color, which you want to see for your event, which shows in the calendar (Event Color option is only for Event Calendar Type.).
          • 事件颜色 –选择要在日历中显示的事件颜色(事件颜色选项仅适用于事件日历类型。)。

          • Description – You can give a description for event.
          • 说明 –您可以提供事件的说明。

          • Event Image/Video – You can give a Image and Video(YouTube and Vimeo) for event.

          • 事件图像/视频 –您可以为事件提供图像和视频(YouTube和Vimeo)。

            Event Image and Video option is available for all types.

          • 事件图像和视频选项适用于所有类型。

          Insert plugin to the WordPress page, post, widget – Every calendar could be inserted into a page, post or widget with shortcode.

          将插件插入WordPress页面,帖子,小部件 –可以将每个日历插入带有短码的页面,帖子或小部件中。

          Plugin works in Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer – Use your calendar with all the popular browsers.

          插件可在Chrome,Safari,Opera,Firefox,Internet Explorer中运行 –在所有流行的浏览器中使用日历。

          Navigation Arrow – Plugin allows you to get the most suitable navigation arrows that fit best for your website.

          导航箭头 –使用插件,您可以获得最适合您的网站的最合适的导航箭头。

          The Plugin is Truly Wonderful – You can create a very nice and beautiful calendar for your website.

          插件确实很棒 –您可以为您的网站创建一个非常漂亮的日历。

          The plugin is easily editable and functionality perfectly.


          Link – There is a special place for adding a Link to each event.

          链接 –在一个特殊的位置,可以为每个事件添加链接。

          Choose to open the Link in the new tab or not.


          Technical Support





Here’s how you install and activate the Event Calendars plugin:


Download the plugin.


Upload the .zip file in your WordPress plugin directory.


Activate the plugin from the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.


After activating Event Calendar, choose the type of version you wish to use.


For users of MAC






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