[wordpress插件] ByREV Gallery Pagination for WordPressWordPress的ByREV Gallery分页

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-15 01:30 547 0 全屏看文



This plugin offers the possibility of displaying a photo gallery on multiple pages / pagination gallery + Ajax, CDN, Caching, SEO

此插件可以在多个页面上显示图片库/分页库+ Ajax,CDN,缓存,SEO

For custom configuration, change [gallery] from WordPress Post with [gallery pagination=”N”] , where N is number of images per page.

对于自定义配置,请从WordPress Post中将 [图库] 更改为 [图库分页=“ N”] ,其中N是每页的图像数。



Example: [gallery link=”file” columns=”5″ pagination=”10″] –> will show only 10 images per page in 5 columns , respectively 2 rows.

例如: [图库链接=“文件”的列=“ 5”的页码=“ 10”] –>在5页中每页仅显示10张图像,分别显示2行。

Images are directly linked (link=”file”)

图片直接链接(link =“文件”)

ByREV Gallery Pagination Features:

ByREV Gallery分页功能:

    • CDN (Content Delivery Network) Support – Ability to use multiple Mirror CDN servers for displaying images.
    • CDN(内容交付网络)支持–能够使用多个Mirror CDN服务器显示图像。

    • Caching Support for Gallery – Save resources & speed-up your website.

    • 对库的缓存支持–节省资源并加快网站访问速度。

      Support for disk, mysql ar auto.

      支持磁盘,mysql ar auto。

      For now just disk option is available.

      目前,只有 disk 选项可用。

      The plugin uses a specially developed script for erase cache (only manual), to avoid execution time limits in php.

    • 该插件使用专门开发的脚本来擦除缓存(仅用于手动操作),以避免php中的执行时间限制。

    • Pagination via URL Query = Ability to set the pagination with pagination=N query in url – Example: http://yourblog.url/post/?pagination=4&page-album=1.

    • 通过URL查询进行分页=能够通过url中的 pagination = N 查询设置分页–示例:http://yourblog.url/post/?pagination = 4&page-album = 1。

      Note: This option will override the options from the post via [gallery], from Wp Menu config and __DEFAULT_IMAGE_IN_PAGE constant defined in plugin files.

    • 注意:此选项将通过[gallery],Wp Menu配置和插件文件中定义的__DEFAULT_IMAGE_IN_PAGE常量覆盖发布中的选项。

    • AJAX Gallery Loading.

    • AJAX图库加载。

      Made compatibility with: FancyBox – José Pardilla, Light Box – Hiroaki Miyashita, Simple Lightbox – Archetyped, Slimbox – Kevin Sylvestre, Slimbox plugin – Peppe Argento, Slimbox2 – Greg Yingling

    • 与以下产品兼容:FancyBox –何塞·帕迪利亚,灯箱– Hiroaki Miyashita,简单Lightbox –原型,Slimbox – Kevin Sylvestre,Slimbox插件– Peppe Argento,Slimbox2 – Greg Yingling

    • “Quick Cache” plugin support – for the navigation pages to be cached
    • “快速缓存”插件支持–用于缓存导航页面

    • Fill the gaps (to complete gallery) in last row – If the number of images in gallery will not fill last row to the end, the gaps is filled with empty images.
    • 填补最后一行中的空白(完成画廊)–如果画廊中的图像数量不能填满最后一行,则空白中将填充空白图像。

    • Gallery title SEO / No Duplicate Title!

    • 画廊标题SEO /没有重复的标题!

      (custom database query may not be compatible) – For best compatibility use : wp_title, the_title, the_permalink

    • (自定义数据库查询可能不兼容)–为了获得最佳兼容性,请使用:wp_title,the_title,the_permalink

    • Compatible with Simple Lightbox , Lightbox Gallery , FancyBox for WordPress , Slim Box and many others.<

    • 简单灯箱灯箱图库用于WordPress的FancyBox Slim Box 以及许多其他功能兼容。<


      / li>

    • For a quick execution, configuration can be applied directly from the plugin file.
    • 要快速执行,可以直接从插件文件中应用配置。

    • Paging menu item can be Top, Bottom or Both positions.
    • 分页菜单项可以位于顶部,底部或两个位置。

    • Ability to use a different css files
    • 能够使用其他CSS文件

    • The ability to customize the CSS code with another class
    • 使用另一个类自定义CSS代码的能力

    • Extended Pagination Style or Simple Next/Preview Pagination
    • 扩展的分页样式或简单的下一个/预览分页

    • Plug-n-Play – once activated, the plugin will make the necessary changes.

    • 即插即用-激活后,插件将进行必要的更改。

      No other changes are required in template.

    • 模板中不需要其他更改。

    • 100% compatible with default wordpress gallery ( tested up to 3.1.3 )
    • 100%与默认的wordpress画廊兼容(已测试3.1.3)



      • Function byrev_gallery_shortcode is derived from function original wordpress gallery_shortcode located \wp-includes\media.php , WordPress Media Library.
      • 函数 byrev_gallery_shortcode 是从位于WordPress媒体库\ wp-includes \ media.php中的原始wordpress gallery_shortcode 衍生的。

      • All code from gallery_shortcode with certain exceptions (clearly marked with “byrev insert N {” ) belongs to the wordpress developers and community.

      • 来自 gallery_shortcode 的所有代码,除某些例外情况(明确标记为“ byrev insert N {”)外,均属于wordpress开发人员和社区。

      • Code marked with “byrev insert N {” belong to the author of this plugin , Emilian Robert Vicol.
      • 标记为“ byrev insert N {”的代码属于此插件的作者Emilian Robert Vicol。

      • New canonical tag is not changed, is auto configured by wordpress.
      • 新的规范标签未更改,由wordpress自动配置。

      • Version 1.7.* is not fully tested, if any problems pls.

      • 版本1.7。*如果没有任何问题,则未经过全面测试。

        leave a message !

      • 留言!


    • Download ByREV Gallery Pagination for WordPress Plugin and Install !
    • 下载用于WordPress的ByREV Gallery分页插件并安装!

    • Activate ByREV Gallery Pagination for WordPress from wp plugins menu: /wp-admin/plugins.php
    • 从wp插件菜单中

    • 为WordPress激活 ByREV Gallery分页:/wp-admin/plugins.php

    • Use WordPress menu Settings -> Gallery Pagination for custom config.

    • 使用WordPress菜单 Settings-> Gallery Pagination 进行自定义配置。

      (No other changes are required for default)

    • (默认情况下不需要其他更改)

    For more information, please see plugin home page




    and FAQ PAGE






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