[wordpress插件] Stripe Payments by Buy Now Plus – Best WordPress Stripe Credit Card Payments Plugin立即购买加条纹付款–最佳WordPress条纹信用卡付款插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-14 13:50 684 0 全屏看文



Buy Now Plus


Buy Now Plus is perfect for people who want to process credit cards but don


't want to go through the hassle of getting a dedicated IP address or installing an SSL certificate.


Buy Now Plus is great for selling and protecting digital goods, running promotions or accepting payments for products and services.

Buy Now Plus非常适合销售和保护数字商品,进行促销或接受产品和服务的付款。

You can get more information about Buy Now Plus here.


Buy Now Plus Benefits & Features


    1. Securely charge credit cards from your WordPress website without having to purchase or install an SSL certificate
    2. 从WordPress网站安全地收取信用卡费用,而无需购买或安装SSL证书

    3. Easy to setup an infinite number of payment forms using simple WordPress shortcodes
    4. 使用简单的WordPress短代码轻松设置无限数量的付款表单

    5. Fully PCI compliant
    6. 完全兼容PCI

    Upgrade to MemberPress


    Buy Now Plus will let you charge credit cards very easily and reliably … But if you want to do this and more (without the additional per-transaction fee) you'll want to check out our commercial Membership plugin


    "http://www.memberpress.com" title="MemberPress" rel="nofollow">MemberPress.

    “ http://www.memberpress.com” title =“ MemberPress” rel =“ nofollow”> MemberPress 。

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    Upgrading to MemberPress will enable you to:

    升级到 MemberPress 将使您能够:

      1. Build Rock-Solid Membership Sites
      2. 建立坚如磐石的会员网站

      3. Charge Credit Cards securely from your website using Stripe, PayPal & Authorize.net
      4. 使用Stripe,PayPal和Authorize.net从您的网站安全地充电信用卡

      5. Sell & protect access to your content and digital downloads
      6. 出售并保护对您的内容和数字下载的访问

      7. Create and manage payment subscriptions
      8. 创建和管理付款订阅

      How Buy Now Plus Works


      We’ve built a secure, robust, cloud-based payment system (buynowplus.com) that our WordPress plugin uses to process payments with Stripe.


      This is great news for you because you won’t ever have to worry about security or PCI compliance on your webserver.


      Buy Now Plus is ultra-simple to get setup … it doesn’t require your site to be hosted with a dedicated IP address or to have an SSL certificate installed.


      After your user fills out and Submits the Buy Now form they will be redirected to our secure servers to checkout.


      Once the checkout is complete (or the user cancels), the user will be redirected back to your site to a customizable thank you page.




      We’re committed to making this the easiest to use payment solution for WordPress available so we’ve set it up so you’ll only be charged for using this service when you make money.


      Using our secure servers with Stripe costs 4.9% + 30¢ per successful transaction.

      将我们的安全服务器与Stripe配合使用,每次成功交易的费用为4.9%+ 30¢。

      For example, if you successfully charge someone $20 then after fees you’ll collect $18.72 — which Stripe will automatically deposit directly into your bank account.


      The fee above already includes Stripe's fee (2.9% + 30¢) — we just add an additional 2.0% for the use of our secure servers — which makes a grand total of 4.9% + 30¢ per successful transaction.

      以上费用已经包括Stripe的费用(2.9%+ 30美分)-我们仅增加了2.0%的安全服务器使用费用-每笔成功交易总计为4.9%+ 30美分。



      Why is there a small fee (in addition to Stripe’s fees) when using Buy Now Plus in the first place?

      为什么初次使用Buy Now Plus时需要支付一笔小额费用(除了Stripe的费用)?

      Unlike other stripe payment plugins for WordPress, Buy Now Plus does not require you to install an SSL Certificate on your site.


      This is because we use our secure servers to process payments through Stripe.


      Our servers cost money to maintain & secure … hence, we must charge a small fee for this service.


      So before using this plugin you just have to do the math.


      For some users the small per transaction fee will be a cost savings (particularly for those who’s web host charge for SSL) and for others, the convenience / ease of use of Buy Now Plus will be worth the small fee.

      对于某些用户而言,一笔小额交易费用将节省成本(尤其是对于那些使用SSL的网络托管服务的用户),而对于其他用户而言,Buy Now Plus的便捷性/易用性将是一笔不小的费用。

      How can I run test transactions through this system?


      When you create a payment form with Buy Now Plus you can easily specify whether transactions created with it should be test or live transactions (using the livemode attribute).

      使用Buy Now Plus创建付款表单时,您可以轻松地指定使用它创建的交易是测试交易还是实时交易(使用livemode属性)。

      There are no fees (from Stripe or our servers) for running test transactions.


      We recommend setting up forms initially in test mode to get the payment flow working properly before charging real transactions.


      Once you’re satisfied that the payment flow works for you then it’s easy to set the form to live by changing the value of the livemode attribute from “false” to “true”.

      一旦您对付款流程感到满意,便可以通过将livemode属性的值从“ false”更改为“ true”来将表单设置为有效。


All you’ll need to do to get this setup is


    1. Register for a free account on buynowplus.com
    2. 在buynowplus.com上注册一个免费帐户

    3. Connect your Stripe account
    4. 连接您的Stripe帐户

    5. Find your API key on the settings page and get ready to copy and paste
    6. 在设置页面上找到您的API密钥,并准备好进行复制和粘贴

    7. Download & Install the Buy Now Plus WordPress plugin
    8. 下载并安装Buy Now Plus WordPress插件

    9. Enter the API key from your buynowplus.com settings into the Buy Now Plus settings page in the WordPress admin
    10. 将您的buynowplus.com设置中的API密钥输入WordPress管理员中的Buy Now Plus设置页面中

    11. Use the “Buy Now” button in the WordPress editor to place a shortcode on any page of your site
    12. 使用WordPress编辑器中的“立即购买”按钮在您网站的任何页面上放置简码

    That’s it!


    And you can use this on an unlimited number of sites after you have your API key.






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