[wordpress插件] Business Reviews业务评论

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-14 09:10 519 0 全屏看文



The Business Reviews WordPress Plugin is a multi-faceted reputation and


href="https://www.quicklyreviewus.com" rel="nofollow">review management platform for Business Owners, Webmasters and Internet Marketers to analyze, aggregate, acquire, manage and display business reviews.

href =“ https://www.quicklyreviewus.com” rel =“ nofollow”>评论管理平台,供企业主,网站管理员和互联网营销人员使用,以分析,汇总,获取,管理和显示商业评论。

We all know that business reviews are one of the primary ranking factors in search algorithms.


The more positive reviews your company has the higher you can expect to rank in organic search, on Google Maps and within the search results of the major consumer platforms like Facebook and Yelp.

您的公司获得的正面评价越多,您期望在自然搜索,Google Maps以及Facebook和Yelp等主要消费者平台的搜索结果中获得的排名就越高。

Free Plugin Functionality


After activation there will be a new Admin Menu labelled Review Scan. With the free plugin you can run an unlimited number of reports showing extremely important information about your company’s reviews and public sentiment.


Information in these reports include:


a) Reputation Issues – This section of the report shows issues with your company’s reputation, marketing and public sentiment.

a)信誉问题 –报告的此部分显示了贵公司的声誉,营销和公众情感方面的问题。

Issues covered in this section include review coverage, recent activity, stagnant sentiment, missing profiles, un-rated profiles, unclaimed profiles and more.


b) Review and Reputation Rating – This is a grade on a 1 – 100 scale that takes into account all the factors from the Reputation Issues report.

b)审查和声誉评级 –这是一个1-100的等级,其中考虑了声誉问题报告中的所有因素。

c) Reputation Overview – This section shows you your aggregate rating (5 star based) across all the major review sites.

c)信誉概述 –本部分向您显示所有主要评论网站的综合评分(基于5星)。

d) Ratings Distribution by Sentiment – This report shows you, through a pie chart, the 3 individual sentiments, positive, neutral and negative, across all the major review sites.

d)按情感划分的评分 –此报告通过饼状图显示了所有主要评论网站上的3种正面,中性和负面情绪。

e) Ratings Distribution by Number of Stars – This report shows you the number of individual star ratings you have 1 – 5.

e)按星级划分的星级分布 –此报告显示您拥有1-5的单个星级的数量。

f) Total Number of Reviews – This section of the report shows you the total number of reviews you have across all the major review sites.

f)评论总数 –报告的此部分显示了您在所有主要评论站点中拥有的评论总数。

g) Review Breakdown Per Site – This report shows you how many reviews you have on each individual site.

g)每个网站的评论明细 –此报告显示您在每个站点上有多少评论。

Premium Plugin Functionality


Please Note: For the month of April WordPress user get a 51% discount on Premium Plugin Functionality.



Review Page – You will get your own Branded Review Page.

评论页面 –您将获得自己的品牌评论页面。

Every aspect of this page is completely customizable.


You can embed your Review Page with a short code into any page or post on your website.


When a customer visits this page they will choose to leave a positive or negative review.


The positive selection goes to their selected platform.


You decide which platforms to include, i.e. Google, Yelp, Facebook, even your own website’s review system.


Negative review selections go to a form they fill out which is submitted to you, giving you the opportunity to correct the issue befor they leave a negative review on a public website.


We integrate with over 200 review sites.


Review Campaigns – Within the plugin platform dashboard you can run campaigns inviting your current customers to visit your to review page.

查看广告系列 –在插件平台的信息中心内,您可以运行广告系列,邀请当前客户访问您的评论页面。

These campaigns include email, SMS (text message) and even printed business cards.


You can have a huge influx of new, positive reviews in no time catapulting your business to the top of the search rankings.


Review Aggregation and Display – With this feature you can embed your reviews from multiple different websites like Google, Facebook and Yelp into any page with a simple shortcode.

评论汇总和显示 –使用此功能,您可以将来自Google,Facebook和Yelp等多个不同网站的评论嵌入到任何带有简单短代码的页面中。

Your embedded reviews will automatically update any time there is a new one left on any of the aggregated platform sites.


Review Monitoring & Management – You can monitor your reviews across the web right from the backend dashboard of your WordPress Website.

审阅监控和管理 –您可以直接从WordPress网站的后端信息中心在网上监视您的评论。

In an instant you can see all your reviews, respond to both negative and positive with the click of a button and also share all your positive reviews on your social media profiles.


In additional to all this you will also be notified via email any time a new review is left on all the major monitored review platforms.


As you can see, when it comes to reviews and business reputation management, this plugin does it all.






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