[wordpress插件] Bukza询问

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-13 14:20 3886 0 全屏看文



Bukza is the most flexible plugin for receiving, managing and handling online bookings.


It’s designed to be used for any reservable business like tours, rentals, events, inventory, entertainment, sport etc.


Booking widget for your website


Insert reservation form into your website in 7 minutes.


Our widget is responsive and looks good on any screen size and it doesn’t slow down the loading of your page.



rel =“ nofollow”>网站

Mobile Apps for Manager


Keep a calendar of bookings, manage customer reservations, create yours and accept visitors by QR-code of the order.


Bukza iOS

Bukza iOS

rel="nofollow">Bukza Android

rel =“ nofollow”> Bukza Android



    • Select the skin you want.

    • 选择所需的皮肤。

      Stylize the widget using CSS for your design.


      The widget will become part of your website.

    • 该小部件将成为您网站的一部分。

    • The widget is responsive and adapts to any screen size: from iPhone 4 to iMac 27″.
    • 该小部件反应灵敏,并适应任何屏幕尺寸:从iPhone 4到iMac 27”。

    • Choose one of 10 languages or specify your own text for any widget element.
    • 选择10种语言之一或为任何小部件元素指定您自己的文本。

    • The customer will see prices in one of the 158 currencies.

    • 客户将看到158种货币之一的价格。

      You can specify custom conversion rate.

    • 您可以指定自定义转化率。

    • Group your resources.

    • 对资源进行分组。

      Combine groups into groups.


      Create a catalog inside the widget with nesting hierarchy.

    • 在具有嵌套层次结构的小部件内创建目录。

    • Upload images for resources, fields and groups.
    • 上传资源,字段和组的图像。

    • The client can add more than one reservation in one order.
    • 客户可以在一个订单中添加多个预订。

    • Accept free orders without deposit.
    • 接受免费订单,无需支付押金。

    • Accept card payments with confirmation of the order in fully automatic mode (on the Business subscription plan).

    • 以全自动模式(在业务订购计划中)接受订单确认的卡付款。

      Or, describe the process of payment on the reservation form and process payments yourself.

    • 或者,在预订表上描述付款过程,然后自己进行付款。

    • Enable automatic cancellation of unprocessed reservations.
    • 启用自动取消未处理的预订。

    • Highlight prices and promotions using different colors on the calendar.
    • 在日历上使用不同的颜色突出显示价格和促销活动。

    • The client sees the number of available shares for different periods.

    • 客户可以看到不同时期的可用股票数量。

      Provide your service transparently.

    • 透明地提供您的服务。

    Request information


      • Ask only the necessary contacts: e-mail, phone, name, surname.
      • 仅询问必要的联系人:电子邮件,电话,姓名,姓氏。

      • Add your fields to the booking form.

      • 将您的字段添加到预订表中。

        We support different types: checkbox, number, text, options, dropdown.

      • 我们支持不同的类型:复选框,数字,文本,选项,下拉菜单。

      • Specify the price for numeric fields and checkboxes.

      • 指定数字字段和复选框的价格。

        Sell related services and goods in this way.

      • 以此方式出售相关服务和商品。

      • Limit the number of items for numeric fields and checkboxes.

      • 限制数字字段和复选框的项目数。

        They will disappear from the form, when customers will spend them at a particular interval.

      • 当客户在特定的时间间隔内消费它们时,它们将从表单中消失。

      • Specify your own terms of services and privacy policy.

      • 指定您自己的服务条款和隐私政策。

        The client will confirm them before booking.

      • 客户将在预订前确认他们。

      Time settings


        • Set up work schedules and rates flexibly, like events in the Google calendar.

        • 灵活设置工作时间表和费率,例如Google日历中的事件。

          Add discounts and repeat them weekly, yearly, as you like.

        • 添加折扣,并根据需要每周一次,每年重复一次。

        • Set prices and the number of shares, depending on the time left before the event.
        • 根据事件发生前的剩余时间设置价格和股份数量。

        • Block the time between reservations to prepare the resource: cleaning, refueling and other.
        • 在两次预订之间预留时间来准备资源:清洁,加油及其他。

        • Provide your services by the hour, by the day and by the minute.

        • 按小时,按天和按分钟提供服务。

          Or fix the time slots.


          The client will select the period on the calendar.


          Or the time will be already filled if you sell tickets for the event.

        • 或者,如果您出售活动门票,时间将已经满。

        • Specify your sets of parameters: prices, number of shares, discounts, fields.

        • 指定一组参数:价格,股数,折扣,字段。

          Then put them at timeline, like on a Google calendar.

        • 然后将它们放在时间轴上,就像在Google日历上一样。

        Price settings


          • Accept deposits as you want: a fixed amount, a percentage of the cost or complete price.
          • 根据需要接受存款:固定金额,成本或完整价格的百分比。

          • You can rent the whole resource at an exclusive rate.

          • 您可以按独占价格租用全部资源。

            The client will take all the shares immediately.


            Such reservations will be possible only when all shares are free.

          • 只有在所有股票都免费的情况下,这种保留才有可能。

          • Give discounts and take surcharges to the price for different reservation parameters: duration, number of shares, field values.

          • 为不同的预订参数提供折扣并向价格收取附加费:持续时间,股票数量,字段值。

            Such discounts are set by formulas of mathematics.

          • 此类折扣由数学公式设置。



            • We support card payments with pre-authorization using Stripe/Paypal.
            • 我们支持使用Stripe / Paypal进行预授权的卡付款。

            • You can insert your custom payment form into the iframe that is shown after order is completed.
            • 您可以将自定义付款表格插入订单完成后显示的iframe中。



              • Create your templates for emails to customers: reminders, confirmations, order cancellation, review.
              • 创建用于发送给客户的电子邮件的模板:提醒,确认,取消订单,查看。

              • Design custom templates of emails with inline reservation fields.

              • 设计带有内联保留字段的电子邮件的自定义模板。

                Upload your images.


                Change the HTML markup of the email.

              • 更改电子邮件的HTML标记。

              • Send messages to customers from your organization’s email address (at a Business subscription plan).
              • 从您组织的电子邮件地址(按照业务订阅计划)向客户发送消息。

              • Customers receive a QR-code of the order and show it when they visit you.

              • 客户会收到订单的QR码,并在访问您时显示。

                The administrator scans it with our mobile application and immediately sees all the details of the order.

              • 管理员使用我们的移动应用程序对其进行扫描,然后立即查看订单的所有详细信息。



                • Gift cards (you can sold them online at Bussiness subscription plan)
                • 礼品卡(您可以在Bussiness订阅计划中在线出售它们)

                • Promotions
                • 促销

                • Vouchers
                • 优惠券

                • Discount cards
                • 打折卡

                Manager’s interface


                  • Search, sort and filter orders by status and date.
                  • 按状态和日期搜索,排序和过滤订单。

                  • Look at the calendar number of bookings and visitors for each day.
                  • 查看每天的预订和访客日历数量。

                  • Add to the tables the columns you need: fields, contacts, amount to pay, discounts, etc.
                  • 在表格中添加所需的列:字段,联系人,应付金额,折扣等。

                  • Save all your tables and open them in one click.
                  • 保存所有表格并一键打开它们。

                  • Export all your reservation data to Excel.
                  • 将所有预订数据导出到Excel。

                  • Enter new reservations and manage existing ones.

                  • 输入新的预订并管理现有的预订。

                    You can change any data in orders.

                  • 您可以更改订单中的任何数据。

                  • Manually change the booking invoice to give an individual discount.
                  • 手动更改预订发票以给予个人折扣。

                  • The system will highlight the items in the order that are not relevant anymore: unavailable, renamed or changed the cost.
                  • 系统将按顺序突出显示不再相关的项目:不可用,重命名或更改成本。

                  • Open the list of visitors and check in customers in one click.
                  • 打开访问者列表并一键签入客户。

                  • You have a box of all outgoing emails, and you can send default emails manually.
                  • 您有一个包含所有待发电子邮件的框,可以手动发送默认电子邮件。

                  • If you have a database of bookings, you can import it into our system in the predefined format.
                  • 如果您有预订数据库,则可以按照预定义的格式将其导入我们的系统。

                  • Synchronize with Google Calendar in both directions (at the Business subscription plan).
                  • 双向同步Google日历(根据业务订阅计划)。

                  Documentation |

                  文档 |



                  Application area


                  We have ready templates for all types of businesses including:


                  * ATV rentals.


                  * Bicycle and bikes rentals.


                  * Car rentals.


                  * Children’s goods rentals.


                  * Dishes rentals.


                  * Photo goods rentals.


                  * Ski rentals.


                  * Snowboards rentals.


                  * Tools rentals.


                  * Bisiness hall reservation.

                  *预约Bisiness Hall。

                  * Office reservations.


                  * Coworking/Skype rooms reservations.

                  * Coworking / Skype房间预订。

                  * House/flat rooms reservations.


                  * Limousine reservations.


                  * Office reservations.


                  * Yacht reservations.


                  * Photographer reservation.


                  * Computer club/VR reservation.

                  *预订电脑俱乐部/ VR。

                  * Aquapark/Lunapark/Amusement/Fun parks reservation.


                  * Baloon flight reservation.

                  * Baloon航班预订。

                  * Bicycle tours booking.


                  * Boat trip booking.


                  * Car service booking.


                  * Children fiest booking.


                  * Excursion/Tours reservation.


                  * Exhibition booking.


                  * Training/Couch booking.


                  * Bath and sauna booking.


                  * Bowling reservation.


                  * Cafe/Bar reservation.


                  * Escape room reservation.


                  * Paintball/Airsoft/Lasertag reservation.


                  * Pool reservation.


                  * Ice rink reservation.


                  * Football pitch reservation.


                  * Karting reservation.


                  * Tennis court reservation.





    1. Download the Bukza Plugin.
    2. 下载Bukza插件。

    3. Upload bukza directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    4. bukza 目录上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录。

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    7. Open Bukza page at admin menu.
    8. 在管理菜单中打开Bukza页面。

    9. Sign in with your existing Bukza account or register new one.
    10. 使用您现有的Bukza帐户登录或注册一个新帐户。

    11. Create resource and widget in Bukza page.

    12. 在Bukza页面中创建资源和小部件。

    13. Open widget settings and navigate to ‘Code’ tab.

    14. 打开窗口小部件设置,然后导航到“代码”标签。

      Here you can copy shortcode for your widget.

    15. 在这里,您可以为小部件复制简码。

    16. Insert bukza shortcode at the desired page.
    17. 在所需的页面上插入bukza简码。





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