[wordpress插件] BuddyPress Profile ShortcodesBuddyPress档案简码

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-13 04:00 516 0 全屏看文



This plugin will allow shortcodes to be used to pull profile data.


This plugin will require BuddyPress in order for it to work properly and to pull the information necessary.


In this version you can get a user’s display name, gravatar, email, or any information from a specified field.


You can also have this work well with


>BuddyPress Profile Custom Area or BuddyPress Profile GeoLocation

> BuddyPress配置文件自定义区域BuddyPress配置文件地理位置


Feel free to check for any other premium plugins, including BuddyPress plugins, that we may have available for purchase at Extend.BT4.ME.


The following shortcodes are available:




    • Shows the display name.
    • 显示显示名称。

    • Can have a parameter of user_id= to get it for a specific user.
    • 可以使用user_id =参数来获取特定用户的信息。



      • Same as above except for the email.
      • 与上述相同,除了电子邮件。

      • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
      • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。



        • Same as above except for the buddypress username
        • 与上述相同,除了buddypress用户名

        • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
        • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

        [bp_profile_field field=”fieldname” tab=”section”]

        [bp_profile_field field =” fieldname” tab =“ section”]

          • Will get the fieldname from the specified tab.
          • 将从指定标签中获取字段名称。

          • If the tab parameter is not used then it will get it from the primary / base tab.
          • 如果未使用tab参数,则将从主/基础标签中获取它。

          • the user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
          • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

          • The “fieldname” would be the title and the “section” would be the tab / section.
          • “ fieldname”将是标题,“ section”将是选项卡/部分。

          • The parameter “empty” will allow you to set what will show if the field is empty.

          • 参数“空”将允许您设置如果该字段为空将显示的内容。

            Will return “Empty Text” by default.

          • 默认情况下将返回“空文本”。

          • Will support the BuddyPress Profile Custom Area

          • 将支持BuddyPress配置文件自定义区域

            plugin's fields and run the shortcodes in them.

          • 插件的字段,然后在其中运行简码。



            • Will get the gravatar and display it.
            • 将获得该图像并将其显示。

            • Can use the “dimension” parameter to change the dimensions of the gravatar.
            • 可以使用“ dimension”参数来更改图像的尺寸。

            • You can use a height or width parameter to define the height or width of it as an alternative.
            • 您可以使用height或width参数来定义其高度或宽度。

            • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
            • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。



              • Will get the gravatar url.
              • 将获取标称网址。

              • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
              • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

              • If you use show = no as a parameter it works similar to bp_profile_gravatar.
              • 如果使用show = no作为参数,则其工作原理类似于bp_profile_gravatar。



                • Will get the url for where the user’s profile is.
                • 将获取用户个人资料所在的网址。

                • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                • IF you use show = no then it will show as a link.
                • 如果您使用show = no,那么它将显示为链接。

                • You can use before = or after = parameters to define text to show before or after the link or before or after the text to add customizability.
                • 您可以使用before =或after =参数来定义要在链接之前或之后显示的文本,或在文本之前或之后添加可定制性的文本。

                • This will accept the parameter “profile_page” to have the url for any page for the profile specified.

                • 这将接受参数“ profile_page”,以获取指定配置文件的任何页面的网址。



                  “settings” will go to the settings page.

                • “设置”将转到设置页面。



                  • Will get the url for editing the user’s buddypress profile.
                  • 将获得用于编辑用户的buddypress个人资料的网址。

                  • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                  • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                  • You can use before = or after = parameters to define text to show before or after the link or before or after the text to add customizability.
                  • 您可以使用before =或after =参数来定义要在链接之前或之后显示的文本,或在文本之前或之后添加可定制性的文本。


You can download and install BuddyPress Profile Shortcodes and install it automatically through the repository.


It will work right out of the box for all of the specified features.


To enhance your BuddyPress profiles further you can also purchase BuddyPress Profile Custom Area at Extend.BT4.ME

nofollow“> BuddyPress配置文件自定义区域,位于 Extend.BT4.ME







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