[wordpress插件] Buddha Wisdom Plugin佛陀智慧插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-12 13:10 897 0 全屏看文



Buddha Wisdom is a plugin that allows you to show a daily wisdom from Buddha in a widget or with a shortcode.

Buddha Wisdom是一个插件,可让您在小部件中或使用简码显示佛陀的日常智慧。

Read more about the Buddha Wisdom plugin at Buddhawisdom.se

Buddhawisdom.se 上了解有关Buddha Wisdom插件的更多信息。

Buddha Wisdom is here to solve all your daily quotation problems with a nifty little plugin that is compatible with WordPress websites.

Buddha Wisdom在这里通过与WordPress网站兼容的漂亮小插件解决您所有的日常报价问题。

Simply install this Buddha plugin by following the installation instructions on the given tab, and you will have daily snippets from Buddha displayed on your website to inspire you all.


Whether you're a Buddhist yourself and you'd like to give your page the presence it deserves, or else just a fan who wants to input some wisdom on your readers – Buddha Wisdom plugin can meet your needs.

您自己是佛教徒,还是想为页面提供应有的地位,或者只是一个想在读者中输入一些智慧的粉丝– Buddha Wisdom插件可以满足您的需求。



If you run into any problems, please check the FAQ page first before getting in touch as we’ve highlighted the most common problems and given solutions.


However, if you can’t find the answer you were looking for, please do get in touch to report any errors.


We’re always trying to improve this plugin to ensure that it’s the best Buddha plugin on the WordPress market.


Likewise, if you have any other constructive feedback then please also send us this too.


As a quick overview of how Buddha Wisdom plugin came about, it all began way back in 1990 when Rigmor Hansson began the Buddha Wisdom Association.

快速了解佛陀智慧插件的产生方式,始于1990年,当时瑞格莫·汉森(Rigmor Hansson)成立了佛陀智慧协会。

The group gained traction and has since developed so that it contains many members.


As the internet era was ushered in at the start of the new millennia, the Buddha Wisdom Association began looking into how to get online to expand their reach.


Creating WordPress websites was one of the options that the group explored, with Buddha Wisdom plugin built shortly after to accommodate their needs.

创建WordPress网站是该小组探索的选择之一,随后便建立了Buddha Wisdom插件来满足他们的需求。

If you want even more details about Buddha Wisdom plugin, please head over to our dedicated website where you can learn more about the software’s history.

如果您需要有关Buddha Wisdom插件的更多详细信息,请访问我们的专用网站,您可以在其中了解有关该软件历史的更多信息。

If you enjoy using Buddha Wisdom plugin, please share it far and wide with your audiences, family and friends so that it gains as much exposure to the world as possible.

如果您喜欢使用Buddha Wisdom插件,请与您的听众,家人和朋友广泛分享它,以使它尽可能多地暴露于世界。

From all of the team here, we hope you enjoy using Buddha Wisdom plugin!

我们在这里的所有团队中,希望您喜欢使用Buddha Wisdom插件!



To help you find a quick solution to your problems, we have decided to include a few questions that we’ve been frequently asked during our time building Buddha Wisdom plugin.

为帮助您快速解决问题,我们决定添加一些在构建Buddha Wisdom插件时经常被问到的问题。

Whilst we believe this to be a decent support section, if you can’t find a suitable answer then please get in touch so we can help you directly.


What’s Buddha Wisdom plugin all about?


This Buddha plugin was created by a group of developers who wanted to have daily quotations from Buddha displayed on WordPress-powered websites.


It is a simple yet efficient plugin which automatically fetches the quotes and displays them using an appealing theme with an easy to read font.


How Do I Install Buddha Wisdom Plugin?


If you’ve ever installed a WordPress plugin before then you’ll have Buddha Wisdom plugin running in no time – just follow the same path!

如果您以前曾安装过WordPress插件,那么您将立即运行Buddha Wisdom插件-只需遵循相同的方法即可!

If this is your first installation, fear not as it’s thankfully a very simple procedure.


Just download the file, extract the plugin and upload using the instructions on the installation page.


It should take no longer than a few minutes to complete and will instantly brighten up your page to readers.


What Do I Need to Install Buddha Wisdom Plugin?


First of all, being a WordPress plugin you need to use this tool as the main driver for your website.


If for any reason you don’t, we highly recommend doing so due to the advantages that WordPress has over its rivals.


If you already have WordPress installed, you need to be running version 3.0.1 or higher to be able to use Buddha Wisdom plugin.

如果您已经安装了WordPress,则需要运行3.0.1或更高版本才能使用Buddha Wisdom插件。

As version 3.0.1 was released more than 6 years ago, we expect most of you to have upgraded to a newer edition so you should have no problems.


If for any reason you’re clinging onto the past with an earlier version, we highly recommend that you upgrade to give both you and your website a whole host of advantages.


If future versions of WordPress (higher than 4.6.1) don’t seem to like Buddha Wisdom plugin for any reason, please get in touch with us using the support page so we can look into this.

如果出于任何原因,将来的WordPress版本(高于4.6.1)似乎都不喜欢Buddha Wisdom插件,请使用支持页面与我们联系,以便我们进行调查。




    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / plugin-name 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

    5. Use the Settings->Plugin Name screen to configure the plugin
    6. 使用“设置”->“插件名称”屏幕来配置插件

    7. (Make your instructions match the desired user flow for activating and installing your plugin. Include any steps that might be needed for explanatory purposes)
    8. (使您的说明与激活和安装插件所需的用户流程相匹配。包括说明性目的可能需要的所有步骤)





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